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new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - Printable Version

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new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - JERSEYBOY - 03-17-2018

Heyo, guys! I wanted to open this dude up for threads with your awesome characters! He's a uhhh tuxedo kitty, he comes from the New Jersey-New York area and he's basically an Italian piece of trash!! He's rowdy and rude and a dumbass thot so I'm,,, sorry in advance. You can learn more about him in his tags/studies!
Also, you guys can suggest stuff that isn't on here! These are just general things to give you guys ideas if needed ajsjdkek

— smoking/drinking with y/c; or perhaps y/c tries to discourage him and he ignores them
— singing/guitar/music buddies; maybe y/c comes across him playing music or vice versa
— one-night stands Wink)
— him flirting with your character/flirtationships; so either his attempts are successful or not, it can go either way lmao
— being a bad influence/taking a younger character "under his wing"; he’s actually a good mentor or big brother figure? that is, if you want to learn how to be a troublemaker like him
— crushes on him (ripperoni)
— arguments; he’s v v argumentative
— frenemies
— enemies; not really an “arch-nemesis” kind of deal but more like he wants to Scream whenever he sees y/c and they get into arguments/fights

— fighting/scuffles (as long as there’s no serious injury)
— friends/close friends (it'll depend on their chemistry and interactions but it's still open!

— litters/adopting anyone
— kill/maim/capture
— long-term relationships

* i'd prefer threads with prompts so that they don't die out! :^)
** i always forget about private threads so, if i owe you one/need to reply to one, please tell me here! it might take me a while to respond to private threads, so apologies in advance!!

Re: new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - tinsel - 03-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 8pt;"]
tracking because i already hit up the other one /fingerguns/   

Re: new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - JERSEYBOY - 04-02-2018


Re: new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - melantha - 04-05-2018

/ winks in Italian
you up for a thread with this moody teen

Re: new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - Lokisaurus - 04-07-2018

singing buddies with ryder?

Re: new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - BASTILLEPAW - 04-08-2018

[camps in here for eventual foodie club]

Re: new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - JERSEYBOY - 04-09-2018

Late but?? Yes pls to all??

Who would y'all prefer to make?

Re: new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - cobblepot - 04-09-2018

would it work if uhhhhh jers or cherry showed up at the other's clan's border for whatever reason for an intro thread for the two of them

Re: new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - JERSEYBOY - 04-15-2018

Late but yes of course!! Who would you prefer to visit? Because I can do it unless you wanted to lmao

Re: new kid in town — plot with trashyboy - cobblepot - 04-16-2018

oof if u want that works but i'd be down to have cherry show up ! i don't have much to post on anyway sksksk