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he who weeps - open; Coalition - Printable Version

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he who weeps - open; Coalition - rhosmari - 05-09-2021

It wasn't too often that the woman went wandering, taking her time to tread the lands. Some she wished to take and add to the Coalition one day. Just one day. She hardly knew of the lands and groups that were amassing in lower places, or rather high places. Much like the Coalition she had found herself within mountains though they were not like to boreal and cold ones that she knew. These mountains were warmer, and her nostrils picked up that a scent laid here. A smile fluttered over her muzzle and she tilted her head a bit. Who did live here she wondered? Her paws treaded an invisible lion. The blue speckled woman tilting her horned skull as she came to pause just along what she perceived as a border. Hmm, they had markings, clear as day. This was most definitely a new group. One she had yet to see and bring into the fold. While the Frostblown was a good ally to have she wished for more friends to call their own.

"Hello?" The lioness called out gently and quietly. Waiting there and her regal form slowly sitting down. Pastel pink eyes wandered as she lifted a paw and flexed her claws. Truthfully she was intrigued. The Kingpin  was always intrigued with the changing of situations.


Re: he who weeps - open; Coalition - ARLO M. - 05-09-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #9ADBD2; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #39888C;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Arlo has been weary. He had been weary of these bigger groups, ever since Fragglerock had been lifted from their- well. Not necessarily their home, but still, he had been taken. Injured. He had yet to deal punishment, but he decided that would come later, after he was feeling better. Arlo's patrols had doubled since the incident, since it was clear other groups were becoming aware of The Golden Eye. And that in itself could be dangerous.

His eyes scanned the border from high above, black wings beating gently to keep him afloat. Seeing the new figure, Arlo dove down. He spread his wings before he landed, beating them and slowly settling himself down. Initially, he could tell by her relaxed figure she wasn't here to attack- unless she was just that confident. A soft exhale came from him, breathing deeply before speaking. "You've made it to the Golden Eye's border. What is your business?" He stated. His voice was neither kind nor cold. The neutrality was key here, and he made it obvious it was up to Sojourn how it would play out.


Re: he who weeps - open; Coalition - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 05-09-2021

Re: he who weeps - open; Coalition - aesior - 05-10-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
The land was weary beneath his paws, his gaze sharp as he looked around. He had his own reasons to be out on patrol, and so it sent him out on the daily. Usually he'd be patrolling near camp so that any of the other members could find him if Fraggle needed him. Today, he needed to wander further to sate the warning bells in his head. It had been too silent since Fraggle's kidnapping. It hadn't happened on their land but his son had still gone missing. An irritated growl rumbled silently through the tom, back in his domestic body rather than his lion. The grim was too tired to maintain his favored form, finding it easier to wear the smaller one.

A voice called out, ears swiveling. Ah. He'd been headed towards the border out of habit, usually the place he'd loop back or start on some other path. Gods above, his paws hurt. Hearing Arlo's voice, the talonguard approached behind Cleopatra, gaze on the strangely colored woman upon the border, blinking quietly. If anything they were there to help this stranger, or to provide support to Arlo should it be requested. He merely dipped his head in greeting to Sojourn, gaze resting near her, staring off into space as he waited for her response.

Re: he who weeps - open; Coalition - DAMION MAVERICK - 05-10-2021



a different voice, not that of anyone he knew, travelled faint through the light breeze. it drew his attention and he approached sojourn with a tilt to his head, a small smile on his maw. "hello. welcome to the golden eye. how may we help?" arlo already mentioned that but he'd reinforce it, sitting down next to the vanguard and relaxing his shoulders comfortably.



Re: he who weeps - open; Coalition - rhosmari - 05-11-2021

The Golden Eye, the golden eye. Look at them all lined up in a row for her. It was interesting and the fact that they were all so punctual she did not miss at all. Truthfully she was extremely impressed and she allowed her gaze to carry her away from the group momentarily on a thought. There was pressure here and she had already been rejected once. By the Pitt. One in which she had thought would become friends with her own. She had wished it but willing it into existence was another matter. The Pitt seemed to have lost touch with the world, they were isolationists. That was a path she saw as destructive within the inside but no matter she hoped things would be different here. Slowly her pastel pink hues focused back on the one that had spoken, going to answer both of their questions. "Hello to all of you. My name is Sojourn Malus."

The lioness allowed a smile to settle on her splotched muzzle before she continued on. "I am the Kingpin or current leader of the Coalition and we are looking for friends. So I figured I would come to ask if yours would like to take an extending paw to friendship from us. If so I plan on the Coalition offering aid when you need it. Trading of course is a lovely option along with herbal remedies you do not have and fur pelts that we make ourselves and other fineries." The horned wildcat tilted her head up then in thought. "We should have our Summer Celebration coming up soon..."


Re: he who weeps - open; Coalition - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 05-11-2021

Re: he who weeps - open; Coalition - ARLO M. - 05-12-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #9ADBD2; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #39888C;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Arlo's ears twitched as many of his clanmates arrived. On the subject of Cleo, he couldn't care less. Whereas he was a little more.. tenative to call Fraggle his son just yet, she after all had all but attacked but the rabbit. His eyes tossed over his shoulder as she came to a stop, before looking back towards the stranger. He didn't say anything to Aesior and Damion, though he could have been a little less friendly. Arlo exhaled gently, relaxing as she introduced herself.

"My name is Arlo, the Vanguard of the Golden Eye. It's a pleasure to meet you." Arlo stated. His eyebrows lifted gently as Sojourn continued, and while Cleo introduced herself, he was busy mulling it over to himself. Friends with the Frostblown already.. but being friends with someone a little larger may be beneficial to them as well. It wasn't as if they couldn't break it off either- neither side owed either anything just yet. Arlo exhaled gently, before speaking. "What are your current allegiances? Enemies, friends.. whatever you'd like to call them." Arlo stated, wearing a not-so-real smile.


Re: he who weeps - open; Coalition - rhosmari - 05-12-2021

Her bright orbs shifted to look at the woman who spoke up. Cleopatra. A name she would remember well and a face too. She gave a small smile and took note of her rank, Talonguard. Interesting. But then her gaze was shifted as the other began to speak to her, one in which asked her questions and introduced himself. As Arlo. Vanguard. Right, right. There was an itch behind her ear. A twitching she was starting to get annoyed at. Maybe for this whole process to be over with and not because of them. She felt slight unease from being away from her hone for too long. But she could answer these questions. She knew the answers well. "We are currently in a friendship with the Frostblown. We have enemies with Palm Glades and the Typhoon. All others are considered on neutral least for now." Things always changed after all but her main focus was on the groups that had betrayed or wronged her own.


Re: he who weeps - open; Coalition - FRAGGLEROCK. - 05-13-2021

It seemed he was a bit late, wasn't he? Not that it was particularly important that the boy be around for an alliance discussion. He wasn't any kind of high position as of now, after all. He found such things intriguing, though, and didn't doubt that watching could be a valuable learning experience. So, he arrived a few minutes after the others, ultimately choosing to sit down next to Aesior. He offered the male a bright smile before turning to the subject at hand – and freezing. He had no idea why, but the sight of Sojourn alone was enough to make his chest tight, as if she was choking him without even thinking about it. Something in the back of his mind was shouting at him, urging him, no, no, this is a bad idea! She'll kill you all! They'll kill you all! He had no idea what the voice was, but he had a few guesses. The spirit that was always following him? Did it know Sojourn somehow?

Despite the blaring warnings in his head, Fragglerock found himself unable to step forward and speak up. He was just a boy, really, so why would any of them listen to him? Besides, he could just be overreacting... his mind could be playing tricks on him. So, instead of piping up about the alliance itself, Frag merely pressed into Aesior's side, trying his best to keep from shaking. He hoped that his fear wasn't too obvious, and he tried to cover it up by questioning Arlo, voice soft, "We're allies with the Frostblowm now too, right?" He remembered the vanguard mentioning as much at the last meeting. Still, the shared alliance did nothing to calm the lion cub's nerves, unfortunately.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?