Beasts of Beyond
TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - Printable Version

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TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - ROXANNE R. - 04-20-2021

Re: TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - trojan g. - 04-20-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]Lute couldn't remember ever going to a meeting before. The last time he had been in the Typhoon it was such a short amount of time that he hadn't been able to go to one, so the idea of all the animals gathering around to watch someone speak of things that happened - hopefully the others knew of them too, considering they were simply around - seemed odd to him. In the ocean you simply learned about what things were happening as you heard about them, you didn't go to  a special place and hope that someone knew everything and told everyone stuff. It was more word of mouth and gossip.

Despite the oddity of the situation for the dragon snail, he would slowly make his way over, finding a comfy spot to sit down in, eyes squinting as he watched his cousin eat the toad, watched as she left the blood covering her face and paws before deciding that it was time for the meeting to officially start.

Re: TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - roan ; - 04-20-2021

Oh, Christ. In most cases, Roan respected his mama a great deal, and he loved her no matter what she did. After all, she had given him life, and he was grateful for that. But sometimes... she embarrassed him, quiet a bit. This just happened to be one of those times. Roxie's voice screeching out the call for a meeting was enough to make his ears flatten down temporarily, but his heart only sank further as he approached, and saw the state that she was in. While he hadn't seen the actual eating of the toad, his medical training made it pretty easy to see the subtle side effects of it already. The wandering gaze, the enlarged pupils... why in the hell had she thought that eating a toad was a good idea? With a heavy sigh, the soothsayer sat down within the meeting place, pressing one paw against his forehead briefly in frustration. When he looked back up at his mama, he called out to her softly, "After this meeting, come see me in the temple." He offered no more explanation beyond that, figuring it would be a fool's errand. He wanted to make sure that everything got out of her system without her hurting herself – of course, they'd need to get through the actual meeting part of things, first.

At the same time as Roan and Lutum came wandering in, Michael and Lumia followed, not all that far behind. Unlike Roan, Michael didn't have any sort of medical knowledge or real expertise on psychedelics – beyond what Trevor had gotten into, of course – so all he saw was the blood on Roxie's face from her latest meal. He sighed a bit at the sight of it, but sat down without a word all the same, his head tilting to one side. He wondered what would be announced at this particular meeting. At least nothing all too horrible had happened recently that needed to be urgently addressed. No attacks from the Coalition, as far as he knew, which was always a good thing. Maybe this would just be a lowkey meeting, with nothing but welcomes and promotions. No funny business.

Lumia was wondering similarly about things, although she also found her gaze wandering around the meeting place, searching for perhaps some sign of Diya. Surely the officer would come to see her wife holding a meeting, right? Maybe afterwards Mia could show the other her latest piece of blacksmithing work. Not that she was particularly proud of the little misshapen pot, but it was at least a start, right? Right.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - Keona. - 04-20-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The dealer steps into the sea dome with measured steps.  Hesitant.  Attempting to slip around the crowd, ears flicking to and fro.  Biting back a sigh as she caught the bare flutter of wings.  That crow again.  Tailing her around.

Keona found a seat close to the front, off towards the edges.  Barely avoided collision with the wall once or twice when she walked a little too far.  Paws too large and the distance no longer as long.  She furrowed her brow.  Light frustration creeping in.  Just thankful she had an... Idea of where she sat. 

Tried not to sigh again when a jaguaress scrambled up to join her.  Natyli had taken an interest in her continued status a wolf.  Murmuring light inquiries.  Checking on her, she supposed, even as she gave her a blank look.  Settling into strained silence as they waited for the meeting to begin.  Neither good at sitting still.

Re: TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - daniel - 04-20-2021

It was foolish to think that he would ever get used to the shit that happened here, or that a day would come that he was no longer surprised. Perhaps it was just because Danny truly could not keep up with and process everything that happened at once. Granted, even then, their fearless captain getting all wacked out on a toad was certainly up there, he wouldn't have expected that even with everything else that occurred in this strange crew. Toads didn't even look appetizing, or maybe he was biased and thought that because he was not a tiny, feral feline. His tastes were rather different when it came to wild prey, see, and unlike Keona he was well in-tune with the fact he was a wolf and not a cat.

He was busy staring at a little crab scuttling about, keeping his distance so that he didn't get pinched of course, when the screech also caused his ears to flatten briefly, though he also jumped out of his skin. Damn it, he was also never getting used to the level of volume that Roxanne used, y'know, most of the time. Danny rubbed one of his ears once they were no longer pressed against his skull, frowning for the few moments it took before he registered that another monthly meeting was in session. Business as usual, he guessed. And as usual, the wolf hung out in the back of the dome, laying his head on one of the pillows and watching the sea life. Although, and perhaps this was due in part to a feeling in his gut that was notable as being "other than the usual", Danny's brown eyes glanced at the captain for no other particular reason, no prior knowledge of psychedelics to let him know what was up, but a feeling of light dread all the same, like something was bad.

Re: TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - Alexandre - 04-20-2021


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne didn't have the training that Roan had to be able to tell exactly what was going on, but judging by the way Roxanne looked, Vayne definitely could tell something was up. She heard Roan tell her adoptive mother to see him after the meeting and, figuring that everything would be settled with Roan, the she-cat made her way to sit next to Danny.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - riftweaver - 04-22-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"
Riftweaver did not seem to be alone in his unease at the Captain's behavior. The hybrid Roux sat near the back, grimacing to himself as he watched his grandmother through what he could only assume were the same lenses she often viewed him from. Not that she was necessarily embarrassing, but she wasn't necessarily making him proud either. He decided to simply hang around, hoping that this meeting was actually worth attending.

Re: TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - ROXANNE R. - 04-30-2021


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
The meeting was relatively normal, though Roxanne seemed a bit out of it as she spoke. It wasn't a cause for a lot of alarm in of itself and the announcements continued on as normal. Vayne was just about to congratulate her crewmates on the titles and promotions they received when Roxanne just... up and fainted. Right off of her throne. Vayne immediately jumped to her paws, letting out an alarmed yell of "Roan!" - as if the medic wasn't going to be already on his way to investigate what happened.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]