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banana cube - visitors, open - Printable Version

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banana cube - visitors, open - ARLO M. - 04-06-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Perhaps it should have been forseen that this group would come in contact. Arlo had traveled by foot, due to those accompanying him. His body heat was naturally elevated, thanks to the draconic blood in his veins, but those near him may be cold. Arlo glanced over his shoulder- it had been at least a day's worth of travel. The mountains were not easy to traverse. He looked at his entourage with a level of worry. They had yet to come upon the border of the Frostbound, but they couldn't be far.

Arlo exhaled, cold white air curling from his muzzle. Then he caught their scent- finally. Arlo's ears twitched, raising a wing, signaling the members of The Golden Eye to halt behind him. Arlo didn't sit, as he normally would, bearing the snow that was underneath of their paws. No one wanted cold butt.

[member=18062]DAMION[/member] [member=18057]Lorelei Argentia[/member] [member=17246]aesior[/member]


Re: banana cube - visitors, open - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-06-2021


a day's walk didn't faze the hellhound one bit. he could've walked on forever, only stopping to feed and pray, sometimes even sleep. not that he needed much of it. he tossed arlo a grateful glance, happy that the vanguard allowed him to stop to speak every prayer before getting back up to follow them in a small trot. "so this is it. the frostblown." seemed dreary, bleak.
arlo didn't want to get his scaly butt wet but damion didn't really care. there wasn't any fur there anyways so he just plopped his ass down right there in the snow, pelt fluffing up as the first bit of cold hit.



Re: banana cube - visitors, open - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 04-06-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

it wasn't in the hybrid's best interests to greet strangers normally but she had been strolling along the borders, deep in thought, breath coming out in clouds to dissolve in the air. her wing feathers were tightly pressed against her body, trapping the head in as she smelt an unfamiliar scent. visitors? the fur on her neck fanned out, giving the others a vision that she was larger than she seemed as she  advanced slowly towards the dragon...thing and the hellhound. "this is frostblown territory. who are you and what are you doing here?"



Re: banana cube - visitors, open - aesior - 04-09-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Behind the duo traversed Aesior before ahead would he range, paws plucking and slipping into banks of snow and cold, tail close to the ground as he made the occasional foray throughout their trip, eyes on the heights around them. Little was the trust he held for frozen expanses, grown in a hotter region where the sun beat down upon him in the day and the moon froze him at night. He was accustomed to extremes, and even with the cold, his short coat was puffed out, head turning for scents of others apart from the party.

When the border came before them, he would rest on his paws, all of his senses telling him not to get comfortable. High peaks made him uneasy, memories of the wreckage he'd once lived in heavy upon his mind. Tail flicking as he stood apart from the other's a distance, to allow himself space to react to a threat. Gaze flicking to Jadeire before his ears stood up at her display. A canine, yes, but he did not fear her as he feared others. She was young still, a cub, there seemed yet to be parts of wooly fluff caught within denser hairs of her coat. Exhaling a breath as he looked to Damion and Arlo.

Re: banana cube - visitors, open - teef - 04-09-2021

briief would the others have to wait before the sage himself would trapeze the borders, lost within his own thoughts at the time as the akhlut padded along. a beast six feet tall at the should and a good fifteen feet long, his jaws splitting wide to yawn. abrupt the scents that crossed his maw, jaws snapping shut as he brought himself to the border where their visitors awaited.

gaze sliding over jadeire, an approving nod given her way as he turned his gaze to the collection of draconic feline, domestic feline and hellhound, hiding his amusement at the wariness of the gray tom. she had spoken the necessary questions, he would simply stand there as an enforcer to her words. drawing in their scent, his eyes would narrow the slightest - his merchants had told him of the presence of another group closer to their borders than any other group upon the island, and here they stood before him. when the merchants had passed by, they'd said something of a draconic creature being the head, though rumor had it that he'd been much larger. gaze flicking between damion and arlo before settling on arlo, "... greetings. what brings you to the edge of frostblown territory, travelers.", he would finally utter.

Re: banana cube - visitors, open - HORIZON CIPHER. - 04-10-2021

someway somehow, we've fallen out ,
caught in between my enemies !
//retro flash flood

Draconic feline weren't something you saw every day and this was certainly the first time Horizon had ever seen one (to his knowledge at least). The strange feline, flanked by a hellhound and another, regular feline had an unfamiliar scent, but considering the fact that there were three of them, Horizon had a feeling this was another group. The devil had nothing to add, however, as he came to stand next to Auberon.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: banana cube - visitors, open - ARLO M. - 04-10-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Arlo kept quiet, his mouth shut and red eyes watching as his clanmates came to a stop beside him. He frowned momentarily at Damion as he plopped down, twitching his ears before looking towards the approacher. He scanned her quickly and quietly, his body remaining still. His red eyes narrowed a bit at her tone, before speaking just the same way he had observed her. "We are the Golden Eye. We're looking for the Frostblown's leader."

But, just as he spoke, he realized he wouldn't have to wait long. His eyes shifted towards Auberon as he approached. Arlo hadn't met any merchandising travelers- perhaps they had been wary of the tales of the ravine. His eyes searched him as well, before gently tilting his head towards Jade. It was clear he had spoken his piece, and was waiting to either be told to leave or otherwise- one would clearly spell the fate of the two groups.


Re: banana cube - visitors, open - teef - 04-11-2021

Amused the huff that left the akhlut. Merchants were an odd bunch, following trails their predecessors had followed. Rumors and legends were the spoken common tongue from them, trade done in words few understood truly. Though his own group was based upon trade, he would hold private his thoughts and feelings on merchants.

"You're looking at him. My name is Auberon, Sage of the Frostblown. What can we help you with, The Golden Eye?", he could only presume that the name was of the group that they hopefully hailed from. Exhaling as he looked at Jadeire, tail flicking as he felt Horizon join them, fixing his gaze back on Arlo.

Re: banana cube - visitors, open - ARLO M. - 04-22-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
His head gently inclined as his gaze scanned the bigger male. Arlo was gently amused, but he said nothing, clearing his throat. His ears twitched gently, making sure that he wasn't hearing anything extra, before speaking clearly. "My name is Arlo Maximus, and I'm the Vanguard of the Golden Eye. It's a pleasure to meet you, Auberon, and I think we could be of great help to eachother." Arlo noted quietly.

He didn't want to sit just yet, however, the snow was still biting and nipping just as his paws at it stood. He grimaced for a moment. "Forgive me for asking this, but is there anywhere warmer we can speak? I'm not adjusted to the snow."


Re: banana cube - visitors, open - teef - 04-26-2021

"The pleasure is mine, Arlo Maximus", he would rumble before tipling his head deeper into their territory. The snows were still present, there were few months where it left this land. "Follow me, we can speak in my hut.", he would chuff in answer as he turned to lead the way back to their camp.

Business was best handled somewhere comfortable. He hid his disgruntled feelings about not having offered a place to converse earlier on. There was always something to improve upon. Swiping his tongue over his jaws, he would let his gaze flick to Horizon and Jadeire, "We would be willing to shelter you for the night as well. The mountains are dangerous when the sun is swallowed, even for those who know them by heart.", he would offer softly. It wasn't quite an offer, nor a threat. He wouldn't give them a guide to leave the territory when they eventually took their leave. Their potential allies needed to prove their own wits and strengths to him, to further confirm if he would accept an allied relationship with them. "Are those who accompany you, your advisors, Arlo? It may be best to summon my own if they are to be in conversation with us."