Beasts of Beyond
you're so used to saying sorry ❂ capture/kidnapping - Printable Version

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you're so used to saying sorry ❂ capture/kidnapping - teef - 04-06-2021

the weary days of traveling were weighing heavy on him. he'd heard a rumor some time back, a few actually, but his concern now was for a groupmate that his medic could not treat. oneheart was a good medic and he had faith in his valereader but the injury was too personal to ignore. his adopted sister, and sole mercenary of his group, margaret, had fallen victim to a vicious attack that broke at least one wing that the valereader had already set but her eye had been gouged out and the poor man had little experience with healing that sort of injury. he'd come to tanglewood in intentions of speaking to moth, but something in him was changing, warping. he was scared, scared out of his mind that he would lose his only sister and it was beginning to drive him mad, that accursed fear. perhaps it had something to do with the hunger and the amount of time it had taken him to get to the land of tanglewood, his scent masked as best as he could get.

he was an apex predator with a questionable diet, preferring to feast on other predatory species, and that hunger was burning a hole through him. he was starving - he couldn't sustain himself and the few meals he had managed to catch on his way here were small and pitiful, barely feeding the hunger in him. his instincts were in overdrive, stalking the borders of tanglewood and rogues within the area, in a desperate attempt to feed himself. he managed to sustain himself on a rogue, leaving a small pool of blood from his feast. stomach maintained for the time being, the meat-eater would resume his stalking of the border, searching out moth and hoping to stop her in private along the border. he couldn't just ask her what he needed, he needed her to accompany him. through the last few days, he had seen signs of the medic, and he'd picked up on that she was showing symptoms of sickness, something that drew his attention to her alone, his instincts telling him that she might be a liabilty.

he'd been starved for so long, that following the simple urges of his predatory instincts drove him to separate the fox from the group she stayed with. he wasn't in the mood to feed just yet, and he desperately needed her help, but he couldn't help the easy-to-follow nature of his. this was also his best chance of getting a hold of her, if he could separate her, and so, with this in mind, the akhlut would set up a simple lure - he would catch himself a rabbit and after injuring the creature, he would loose it near the border where he had caught her scent recently. even when sick and injured, she must want to fulfill her own hunger, right?

[member=17611]moth[/member] //

Re: you're so used to saying sorry ❂ private for now - trojan g. - 04-06-2021

Although Moth had been showing signs of an illness, she hadn't thought that it was that just yet. She hadn't been able to connect the dots of what had happened to her parents those years ago to what was happening to her right now. Of course, if it had happened sooner and she could remember what everything was right away she'd think to be more careful, think to make sure she stayed away from the border just in case. For now, the fox simply thought that she was simply overworking herself, and it just kept getting worse because she wasn't able to make herself stop. There was too much going on in Tanglewood for her to do so. Too many members of the group were getting injured or were joining on the border as such, and she needed to do research so that she could help Ares since the younger female was now back in the swamp seeking help for her outbursts. There was simply too much to do and it made it so Moth couldn't worry about her own health.

She should have thought to do so, but her mind always wondered to other things, especially when the smell of blood reached her nostrils. At first, Moth didn't recognize the smell of blood to be prey, she had simply smelled blood and quickly made her way over, ears pinned to her head the second she realized her stupidity. It wasn't a clanmate in need but it was a creature that would need her. She wasn't hungry - hadn't been for a while and had been eating less as of late - and so she moved forward, cooing at the small prey creature to get it to calm down before she looked at the wound to get to work. That's when she noticed it was a bite wound, and quickly ears pricked and she looked around, trying to find the culprit, and hoping it was a clanmate that had simply lost their prey for whatever reason.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: you're so used to saying sorry ❂ private for now - teef - 04-09-2021

silent would the beast wait within hiding, his gaze falling upon vixen body before him, his shoulders rolling as he settled to observe. faint the signs she showed, more exhaustion than signs of any cold or illness at this time, though wicked any virus that may claim the weakened immune system within a tired body. he had been a victim many times to the seasonal cold, and there was nothing worse than one's own body betraying them. another roll of shoulders as he held his breath, chasing down the desire to lurch out and startle her. licking blood from his jaws, he inhaled quietly before pushing his brutish form through the brush surrounding him, long rounded snout coming first as he sniffed the air.

he knew he was a bit of a shock to see, a strange mix between whale and wolf at a towering height. he wasn't fond of his height - it made a challenge in avoiding stepping on his groupmates should he not be paying attention to his footing. a rumble left him as he gazed down at her - shit she was still tiny compared to him. standing six feet at the shoulder, he was a giant and he knew it. suddenly feeling disgruntled, he made the quick decision to take a step back to give her room out of courtesy, dipping his head slightly, "apologies, i let it slip away", perhaps he could convince her to go with him? with how small she was ... the guilt was building up in his chest. he'd just take her by force if she didn't agree, he supposed.

Re: you're so used to saying sorry ❂ private for now - trojan g. - 04-10-2021

At first, the small island fox didn't know what to do, her experience with odd creatures that were found in the Tanglewood territory left her. She had expected if someone were to come out from the woodworks to announce that they had lost the prey they were trying to get that it would be another member of the swamp, not some giant stranger. Clearing her throat, the medic would take a step back, ears pinning to her head as she soon spoke, head aching as they came forth, unknown illness and addrenaline causing the female to struggle for words at first. "Feel free to take it back," She would speak, head shaking once before throat was cleared once more, "But then you'll either have to leave or join the group. You're trespassing in Tangelwood territory." She wouldn't mention the possibility of stealing from them, they were close enough to the border after all that it was possible for the rabbit to have been something that had simply ran over the scent line in the hopes of finding a place to hide.

Ears would prick as the rabbit quickly jumped up and tried to hop off, frown showing on Moth's face for a moment as it struggled and she would look back towards Auberon expectantly, waiting for him to put the creature out of it's suffering before speaking once more. "Was there anything else you were wanting to do here? You're hunting rather close to the border if that's all you were doing." Had he come to join? Come to fight someone? She didn't know and she had to prepare herself in the best way possible.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: you're so used to saying sorry ❂ private for now - teef - 04-11-2021

Apparent her unease with them, he wished he could soothe those concerns but with his true purpose in being here, he could not and nor did he think she would be welcoming of such an attempt. Watching her pins her ears back, lowering their head, trying to give her space as she stepped back. Ah, their bait was trying to escape. They would pause for a moment, "Thank you. I apologize for my trespassing, it crossed before my path and I chased after it without thought", came his response as he would reach out and capture the rabbit under his paw, ending the rabbit's life as swiftly as he could manage with a clean nip to it's artery.

A quick breath as he ended it's existence, its blood on his tongue as he drew back, "Ah, there was another reason that I'm here, Miss. I heard tale of a skilled medic in the area, and I have need of her services. Not so much myself, but my sister is badly hurt, and my friend doesn't know how to patch the worst of her wounds.", he would tell her the truth in that regard, Margaret was certainly injured and risked infection, and she still had young children.

Swallowing faintly as he looked to her, "I'm afraid I'm too big to know my way around medicine, and that I'm more of a warrior by nature. In fact as it is, I was hoping I might be able to offer this rabbit as a peace offering to her group or to her for the inconvenience.", he would murmur. Keep it easy, Aub, you've got this. Just be polite and then you'll learn more, he would think to himself with hopes of avoiding a kidnapping fluttering in his chest. He normally wasn't so sentimental - was it the vixens size that was getting to him? Oddly enough, there was a blank train of thought that her size reminded him of someone he had known once, a long time ago, though he doubted they bore any relation.

Re: you're so used to saying sorry ❂ private for now - trojan g. - 04-14-2021

It was odd, someone coming from another group to see if she would help out with something medicine related. It had never happened before so at first she was taken aback. What was she supposed to say? He had come all this way to see if she would help him, but he wasn't a member of Tanglewood and it seemed as though he wouldn't be joining the group, and it'd be odd to do so just to get some help with healing only to leave.

Words left her for a moment as she tried to think of what to say, head shaking for just a second before they finally came to her, a small nervous chuckle leaving her as she spoke. "I'm sorry but I can't go with you to help heal her. I'd be more than willing to teach you some quick things here if I'm able to, or you could bring her here to see what we can do if you're able..." She drifted off for a moment, standing up as she did so, "But I can't leave Tanglewood since I might be needed her and wouldn't know how long I'd be gone." She had family here to take care of, not to mention the members of the group that seemed to always be getting into trouble in one way or another.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: you're so used to saying sorry ❂ private for now - teef - 04-14-2021

Permission given by tikkit to powerplay! //

He was quiet and still, holding his breath, hopeful for a good resolution to such incident. He caught the nervous chuckle, ears twitching as he sensed the rejection to come. Ah shit, he was going to hate himself for this, wasn't he? Ears flicking back as she spoke, trying to hide the despair in his eyes. Inhaling as she spoke, he would move suddenly, jaws parting as he lunged.

Jaws closing as gently as he could fit them around the island fox's scruff, picking up her small weight, "Apologies, Miss Moth. I really need your help, it won't be long. I can have you back within a few days of now.", he would rumble around her fur. He didn't want to hurt her, and he knew how easy that might be. Turning with the vixen in his jaws, he would nudge the rabbit with a paw, looking guilty for the life lost but it had already been in pain. Turning with a faint thud of his tail against a nearby tree and a cut-off whimper of his own pain, body bruised from the flood that his group had just witnessed. Inhaling, he bunched his muscles and made a swift departure from the scene, hoping to have left a confusing scent trail.

Wait for tikki pls <33 ////

Re: you're so used to saying sorry ❂ capture/kidnapping - trojan g. - 04-14-2021

When he had spoken and reached forward, it caught Moth off guard. He had been nice up to this point despite his size so when she was suddenly picked up and carried off, she was in shock. When the shock finally ended, she found herself weak and tired and unable to break free from the grasp of the other, throat sore from the coughing and sinuses draining down into her stomach from the past few days, unable to call for help, it simply coming out in a small rasp as she was soon out of Tanglewood territory.

// rushed, but!
no one in Tanglewood to my knowledge knows about the Frostblown, so they won't know where Moth went, just that she was there with a stranger and is now gone. They could find small bits of her fur on the ground from her trying to break free to no avail, but there will be no blood. Those close to Moth would know she doesn't like to leave the territory.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: you're so used to saying sorry ❂ capture/kidnapping - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 04-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
Tanglewood had always had an issue with only having one medic and from what Vigenere experienced, so did the other groups. Except for maybe The Typhoon, but the savannah couldn't wish them ill will for being more fortunate with having medics. It was a blessing, and meant that they didn't have to worry too much in case their medic went missing. Tanglewood, on the other hand, had to worry. Although Vigenere had some basic training himself, that didn't mean he could save someone if they had a life-threatening injury.

That wasn't on Vigenere's mind as the savannah patrolled the territory, however, up until he discovered the Moth's scent went away from the border - or at least seemed to be. In addition, there was an unfamiliar scent that was mingled along with hers - a stranger who wasn't apart of any of the groups Vigenere knew. God damnit. The former leader quickly whipped around and headed back towards camp, his ears slightly pinned back. "Has anyone seen Moth?" He offered no reason, no explanation for his words. Just in case she wasn't missing; he didn't want to cause mass panic for no reason.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: you're so used to saying sorry ❂ capture/kidnapping - arrow - 04-19-2021

"Is she not lookin' for herbs or something?" Arrow looked up from a bone of some now unidentifiable creature beneath her paws, having been chewing on the little bit of meat left when Vigenere approached with his question. She didn't really have any recollection of Moth being much of a traveler, and if the Reaper wasn't within the confines of camp then she was usually on the territory somewhere, collecting the little plants that would be undoubtedly used later, given how often the Tanglers got injured or sick, apparently. The cheetah pushed herself to her paws, a frown forming on her face. "Coulda sworn she left, 'cause she ain't here." Moth was far too important to have something happen to. Sure, yeah, she was their main medic and lacking her experience in a dire situation could turn real ugly real fast, but that wasn't on the forefront of Arrow's mind. It was important, sure, but Moth was like, one of if not the longest standing friend she had. She would have been miserable should something happen to the poor woman. "We should probably look for her, right? Just to be sure."
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