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GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - Printable Version

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GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - KASPER NORTHWEST. - 04-06-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'VE HAD ENOUGH, THERE'S A VOICE IN MY HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Kasper followed his mother with his ears pricked and eyes wide, excitement flowing through his body as he moved along. He was on a beach! An actual beach! Where sharks and other sea creatures could be found. A real beach! His excitement hid his feeling of hunger, with the fact that he hadn't eaten well in a couple of days forgotten. His mother was exhausted, something he didn't entirely notice at first either.

"Kasper, dear." His mother called out to him in her tired voice as he ran ahead of her. Kasper looked back, blinking before he realized he had gotten ahead of her. He quickly trotted back to his mother's side, pressing up against her and purring. His mother let out a small, weary purr, leaning down and licking his head before she let out a sigh. "Can you stay here for me, Kas? I'm going to go look for some food for us, okay?" The she-cat looked back towards the forest before looking back down at her son.
"Yes, Momma!" Kasper chirped. "I'll stay here, I promise." His words earned a chuckle and another purr from his mother. She leaned down and licked his forehead again, whispering, "I love you." Before she got turned towards the forest and padded off. Kasper caught sight of the tears in her eyes, though he thought nothing of it at first. He watched his mother leave before he turned his gaze back to the ocean, fascinated by the waves.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-06-2021

Re: GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - WYVERNKIT - 04-07-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
The scent of two people on the border came quickly, and left one in it's wake. Wyvernkit's ears twitched, having found a rock on the beach to rest upon and sunbathe. It made her back feel just that much better, relaxing the tense muscles. But as she heard the soft sound of speech from the Survivor, Wyvernkit picked her head up. Her head turned, and slowly her body followed, the bandaged body of the child following after Survivor. Her ears twitched. The boy was unfamiliar, and it caused her speak quietly.

"Who are you?" Wyvernkit stated, her ears flattened and tail lowered. Something felt very not right here, and it made her weary of the situation.


Re: GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - sunsetkisses - 04-08-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
She had just gotten here, not even long enough to get settled in, and there was a sense of relief knowing she was not alone in this strange land, the new kid. Sunset saw Kasper's mother before she saw the boy, catching her leaving from a distance. Her brow furrowed in confusion, looking the opposite direction to find Kasper, the Survivor and Wyvernkit, all gathered together with the sound of crashing waves as pleasant white noise. Much like the kit, she felt something was terribly wrong, a sinking feeling somewhere in her gut that she couldn't shake off and made her uncomfortable. She wasn't really in any place to confront Kasper unlike the other two, but felt that perhaps offering a friendly hand to someone else new would help him out more, they could figure out their way together.

What to say, what to say...The Survivor and Wyvern had already handled the important parts, like the greeting and asking who he was, and she had no introduction etiquette just yet. "You look like you could be my brother from another mother, dude." Sunset giggled, referencing the basic orange and white coloration they both shared, although he was a darker orange than herself, and she didn't have those cool stripes.

Re: GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - rhosmari - 04-10-2021

The young two faced kit trailed after the group quietly. Because where there was a group there was most certainly something going on. As was the norm in Palm Glades. Though he was weary of strangers he knew that some were nice. Still he was cautious and he was muted as he came upon the scene. His sister was here and he tilted his head before he realized that Sunset was here. Oh. He paused as he looked at her before he looked down at his paws. A small frown was on his muzzle as he tried to decipher how he felt, feeling the weight of his crown on his head. No. Best to just see what all of this was about. So he sat down there where he was. No need to give any input as they had all done that already. Asking who the other kid was. Odd that he was here all by himself. Well, there was something he could ask and he decided to pipe up after a moment. "Um....where is the other cat? Do you both need something from Palm Glades?" He could smell something, a different scent. The smell of milk. There had been someone else he was sure of it.

Re: GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - KASPER NORTHWEST. - 04-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'VE HAD ENOUGH, THERE'S A VOICE IN MY HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Kasper wasn't aware of others approaching him until the last moment, with The Stranger being among the first to greet him. He smiled at them, giving a nod. "Yes! It's very pretty." He agreed, before looking over at Wyvernkit as she came over, asking him who he was. Kasper was fascinated by her ears being folded inwards, as opposed to his that curled backwards, for a brief moment. "My name's Kasper!" He chirped. "Kasper Northwest." Momma always said to say his last name when greeting others.

The next to come over was an orange-and-white feline, commenting on how similar they looked. She was right, other than the stripes, but that was still pretty funny to the kitten. He laughed, preparing to respond to her, when Goldenkit asked his question. Looking at the other kit, Kasper tilted his head. "Do you mean my Momma?" He asked. "She said she will be back soon. She said she was just going to go find something for us to eat. We haven't been able to find food very well." His last words came out saddened, though he seemed to be hopeful about his mother returning to come get him.

Unfortunately it was not the case.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-11-2021

Re: GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - WINTERHYMNS P. - 04-13-2021

His tail flicked behind him as he approached the scene noticing that both of his children were present would a smile slip onto his maw, his whiskers twitching lightly as he stood beside Goldenkit noticing how he had briefly glanced down did he gently nudge him before turning his attention over to Kasper. Kasper Northwest. Why... What a lovely name. He supposed that he should introduce himself and make his presence known considering that he seemed to be the only adult present currently "Hello there," Winnie would say with a purr slipping from his maw, he took a seat curling his tail around his forepaws.

Hearing about the boy mention his mother and how she would react with something to eat for them, he couldn't help but feel his heart drop in his chest. He saw no traces of her in the area, Winterhymns already made a few assumptions as to why she was not present but he chose not to bring it up. No, he would continue to introduce himself and offer the boy a place to stay. "I am Winterhymns Pendragon,  I'm the legate of Palm Glades. If you wish, Kasper, you may stay here until your mother returns. I'm sure that it will get dark soon and it gets rather chilly during the night."

Re: GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - KASPER NORTHWEST. - 04-14-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'VE HAD ENOUGH, THERE'S A VOICE IN MY HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
A snack? Oh, snacks, Kasper hadn't even considered those before. He didn't think his mother did either, or if she did, she never worded it as a 'snack' - but Kasper knew what a snack was. Once again, the kitten opened his mouth to respond, only to be interrupted as Winterhymns came over. An actual adult, if sizes were anything to judge by. Kasper frowned at Winterhymn's and The Stranger's offer, shuffling his paws in the sand. "I want to go with you guys," He replied. "But Momma said she wants me to stay right here." The night being chilly did scare him a bit, though. Would his momma be back before then? If not, would she get mad if he took shelter?

Momma would want me to be safe. Kasper decided, though didn't voice his decision out loud just yet.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU GOT // joining - trojan g. - 04-14-2021

"I'm sure she'd want you to be warm and in a dry place for when she gets back." The child would speak as he limped his way over, wounds never quite healing from when he had his little "accident" two months prior. "I'm sure Mapa could leave her a note in the sand telling her where we went for when she comes back-" If she comes back. "That way she can find you really easily, and then she can have the food she catches since you'd have already eaten." He tried to play it off, tried to make it seem as though the child's mother would come back, but already at five months old Mazekit knew of parents leaving and not returning.

He had been told that Magnum would come back, that he was just out searching for something, but he grew more and more weary of the stories as each day passed, as his father failed to return. He didn't know why parents left their children, but he could only hope that the one remaining one Mazekit had wouldn't leave him or his siblings behind to fend for themselves as this child's mother had. "My name's Mazekit, but don't get used to it since I'll be a paw soon." He would try to joke, smile breaking out on his face as he chose to sit beside Goldenkit. "This is my Mapa, and he's the leader, since legate can be a big fancy word sometimes. We'll take good care of you until your mom comes back I promise." He'd make sure of it, he'd give the child his own bed if it meant he was safe and sound.