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Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - Printable Version

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Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - Casphian - 03-26-2021

Lanky legs padded along, carrying a grumbling body that belonged to Mercury. The king cheetah sulked as he padded along, still rather upset about the encounter he had not the long ago with another cheetah. It wasn't his fault that the other had been so gullible like honestly you shouldn't be so trusting when it comes to strangers. The male huffed once again before the scent of a border infiltrated his nose, drawing his attention from his disgruntled thoughts and towards a place he could potentially scout out. Mercury drew closer to the border, curiosity peaking his interest. He hummed to himself as he debated on his next course of action.

The feline paced back and forth for a moment, before finally stepping onto the land that clearly belonged to a group, which group it was he wasn't sure. The cheetah wasn't from around here and honestly had only been planning on just passing through but this group seemed to catch his attention. He wasn't sure what his intention would be but at least he could see what they were about. Mercury stepped towards a shaded area but he ended up stepping wrong and a pain shot through his shoulder, sending the feline into a grumbling mess once again. He snorted softly at his shoulder, glaring at it the best he could. He probably looked like an idiot just standing there glaring at his body but honestly what else was he supposed to do, that other feline left him with a nuisance of an injury and now it was probably going to scar and leave his fur all messed up, okay it wouldn't be that messed up but to Mercury it was as if his world was crumbling before him, his coat was his prized possession.

Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - ARLO M. - 03-27-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
To say the least, he was a bit surprised to see that there was someone, just across the border, standing still and staring at his own body. Arlo's ears twitched gently as he soared overhead, his tail lashing in the air, before he descended. Arlo came to a stop near the king cheetah, his red eyes settled on him. There seemed to be a large amount of people coming recently, but luckily, none have gone yet.

Arlo sighed gently at this thought, before the draconic feline spoke towards Mercury. "You've stepped across The Golden Eye's border. State your name and business, if you would." Arlo blinked, before stiffening a bit. He really needed a nap, he considered, seeing the state of the other King Cheetah- it looked he had been in a fight recently. "Er.. are you alright?"


Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - Casphian - 03-27-2021

An ear flicked at the sound of someone landing not far from where the feline sat. Mercury shifted his head and attention towards Arlo, studying him for a moment as he debated on his answer to the questions that were asked. “I go by Mercury,” he hummed. “I’m but a weary traveler who has been searching for a home for a while now, I mean no harm I’m only curious if this place,” he mused to the draconic feline. When Arlo asked if he was alright Mercury assumed it had been in question to his shoulder, he debated on if he should use this injury to his advantage or wait it’s not as if it was major, to him it was more of a scratch to him. “Ah I’m fine, I’ve just got a bit of an annoyance, nothing that won’t clear soon,” he mused, deciding against his precious thought. “Bit of a squabble with another some ways back.”

Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - DAMION MAVERICK - 03-28-2021


the inner guard had been following on foot, feeling refreshed after completing the morning's salat. a king cheetah- he let his optics glide over the others' unsettled fur- by the name mercury posed interest of joining, or at least finding a home. damion frowned, slightly worried about how they'd treat his injuries with no fleshmender. "you have any idea how to fix that? look like it hurt." he lifted his chin to gesture at the others' shoulder.



Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - aesior - 03-28-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Quiet came the mute to follow the steps of those who walked before him, a new scent to the air bringing him to be curious. Stepping behind Damion, he looked the king cheetah over before his gaze crossed the wound on his shoulder. Ears flicking back slightly, he padded up to Mercury only to put his weight on his back legs and stand up with his paws tucked close to take a better look at the wound. He was no medic but he knew his way with some medicines. Laying one ear down, he tipped his head as he sniffed it from a distance away, nose wrinkling. It ought to be treated before an infection could start

Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - FRAGGLEROCK. - 03-29-2021

A king cheetah. That was quite the sight to stumble across while just taking a walk. Still, Fragglerock didn't feel the usual rush of terror he would from encountering a larger creature. Mainly because Arlo was already present, along with both Damion and Aesior. That was meant there was very little chance of him getting hurt – at least, not without some severe payback. That was enough to draw the young rabbit forward, eventually coming to a seat close to Aesior's side. The other's silent presence was a comfort, and he was also interested in how Aesior might treat Mercury's wounds. Tilting his head to one side, the mutated child questioned Aesior softly, "Do you think you'll be able to treat his wound alright?" He figured asking the other such a question wouldn't be such a big deal, since Aesior could respond with a simple nod, or shake of his head.

While waiting for some sort of response from Aesior, Frag then turned his blue gaze back towards Mercury himself. The other had just been wandering, huh? That sounded a lot like him just a few days ago, honestly... that was enough to make him smile, his feathered ears twitching. He then spoke up once more, this time addressing Mercury, "You've been searching for a home? Well... The Golden Eye is a good place to stay! I'm sure that you could join us, as long as you help out... right Arlo?" He turned back towards the leader, hoping he hadn't just led Mercury astray. Maybe Arlo wouldn't want him in the group, for... whatever reason. That certainly didn't seem like it would be the case, though, considering Arlo had let even him in. Much to the chagrin of some others, who didn't feel as though Fraggle was worth it, seeing as he was only a rabbit, and unable to hunt very well. Still, he was sure there were other ways he could help out.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - DAMION MAVERICK - 03-29-2021


a grimace slid onto his lips as fraggle approached, the child practically bounding with positive energy, enough to make the hellhound snort and turn away from him. aesior moved up slowly, stopping behind damion, then padded forwards to sniff at the king cheetah's shoulder. a warning growl slipping from his throat as the guard looked at the newcomer, hinting that blood would be spilt should he decide to attack the mute. fraggle just up and directly said mercury could join and the growl got louder as he stood, towering over the rabbit thing, drooping his muzzle down to murmur, "hush." venom dripped from his lips but he didn't do anything  about it,



Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - aesior - 03-29-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
turning his head as fraggle's scent came across his nose, the tabby tom would offer a soft smile to the young rabbit, his gaze turning back to mercury and arlo, ears flicking. looking down when fraggle asked if he would be able to treat mercury's wound, the tom would pause for a few moments, thinking about what he knew. could he? yeah, he could, he'd had to do enough first aid in the past. swallowing back a sneeze, he would nod, lowering his body back to the ground. the growl given by damion had his ears switching back, a sense of unease bursting into life before he tamped it down - the injury was nasty but it didn't seem to be life threatening nor did it show signs of really bad infection.

turning his gaze to arlo, he motioned to his own shoulder before smoothing his paw over the fur, asking in a wordless way if he could try to mend the shoulder before the other was accepted or not. turning his gaze back to mercury as damion told fraggle to hush, his tail would flick, resting near the rabbit. he could understand the curiosity and willingness to help where it could be given, he had been much the same when he was smaller, and sadly it had cost him his voice. they had yet to see an aggressive joiner, though he could understand damion's point of view on the matter, though if mercury chose to be violent with them, it would not end well. clearing his throat with a soft cough, he let his wind-ruffled fur fall flat as he looked mercury over closely. he could do well here, there were wide expanses of land that he could cross without concern, which would be good in the land of the carnivores who couldn't catch big meals.

Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - Casphian - 03-29-2021

Mercury’s gaze drifted to the newcomer that showed not to long after Arlo, a sort of hound it seemed. He would’ve responded to the hound had another feline not appeared and drew his attention away. He watched the other get closer, shuffling back a bit as he cautiously watched the other. At the growl that he received from hound he instinctively let out his own feline like growl. He lowered himself to the ground, ears flattening slightly against his skull. “I do not seek treatment for my shoulder, merely just a scratch please do not bother using your materials to fix it,” he finally spoke up. His gaze darted from each member until finally the last creature showed. He curiously peered over at the rabbit, confused as to how such a small creature had been allowed to stay with a group. He shook his head slightly and turned his attention back to the creature he considered his main threat, the hound. His tail flicked behind him as he curled slightly in on himself, trying to appear smaller and weaker in the eyes of the ones before him. He was outnumbered and he would use this to his advantage should anything go wrong.

Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - DAMION MAVERICK - 03-29-2021


a growl to respond to his caused the hellhound's tail swish in something like delight. the other, however, pussied out and flattened himself to the floor, ears down against the skull. smart move, cheetah-boy. damion mused. act weak in front of a powerful group then gain their trust, entry, then kill everyone in their sleep. that wasn't going to happen, not if damion could help it. he settled back down on his haunches, optics narrowing, not buying mercury's act one bit.