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THE ASCENDANTS OFFICIAL GUIDE [1.14] - Printable Version

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The Ascendants are a neutral group living in an abandoned Observatory. Founded on the principles of curiosity and exploration, their customs are deeply rooted in and inspired by the stars.

☆.。.:* TERRITORY .。.:*☆
The Ascendants live in a relatively sprawling territory dominated by plains and grasslands. Their camp comprises of an old Observatory and the Bunker outpost. A detailed map of the entire territory can be found HERE.

The main dome where the Ascendants reside. Often the term used to refer to the entire complex as a whole. The ceiling is a massive hatch that can be opened and closed using the Control Room. Except for during times of foul weather, the ceiling is almost always open to grant sky visibility.

THE BUNKER☆[/color]
Just outside of the Observatory, several paces away from the front entrance, stands the Bunker. This outpost was built by Bastilleprisoner to offer additional space for larger members and provide rooms with windows. It is only two stories, with the ground floor boasting a vaulted ceiling to accommodate the height of a small dragon at least. There are a few stalls on this ground floor as well, and a general recreational area at the far end, aside from the handful of rooms. The second floor is not nearly as tall, featuring normal bedrooms with windows.

The large, circular room within the Observatory, often referred to as the main camp. This area is a popular gathering ground for all members of the Ascendants, and it's also where they gather for meetings, weekly task handouts, and things of the like.

In the center of the Grand Circle is a massive telescope. A set of metal stairs leads to a platform that reaches the "eye" of the telescope, or the piece that allows you to see into the night sky. The platform is where the Astral Seraph will stand and host Clan meetings. Using the telescope is considered an honor, and permission is only granted by the Astral Seraph.

On the far east side of the Grand Circle is a massive set of stairs that leads underground. While the winding hallways is like a labyrinth, members have taken care to hastily put up signs leading to the staircase, should anyone be lost. Corridors are each assigned a Zodiac sign, in that order; on the floors of the basement, Hazel and Pele painted the Zodiacs, their names, and constellations throughout each hallway. This not only gives each corridor segment a name, but helps members navigate the winding halls. The halls are full of abandoned rooms, leaving a multitude of places newcomers can claim as their homes and renovate.

Just behind the Telescope, on the southern area of the Observatory, a small branching room behind double doors leads to a theatrical-like room with a star projector in the center. A film projector as well as a screen is on the far wall, perfect for presentations and movie nights. Plays and skits can be hosted for those who enjoy it in the large empty space at the front of the room.

A long, empty hallway that leads to a dead end. Perhaps at one point something was planned to be built at the end, but was scrapped. Regardless, the hall was put to use. The wall on the right is composed entirely of windows, and the left is an empty wall. Members have decided to put up various pictures, ranging from those they took of space, to those they drew and painted themselves. The picture room is a fantastic place to take a rest and admire the arts. It has a beautiful view of the stream branching off of Starpool, on its journey to Trickling Falls.

The room in which the Astral Seraph resides. With full access to all of the Observatory's controls and security cameras, they are tasked with watching over their members and making sure the Observatory is a safe place. The controls range from the mechanical front door to the ceiling hatch in the Grand Circle, to controlling the Telescope. The door is always locked.

A peaceful divot in the Grand Circle, blocked off by curtains. Shelves were hastily put in place for the Clerics to put their medicines, but no one ever thought to improve the shelves, leaving them slightly crooked. Bedding and towels are strewn about, offering places for the sick and injured to rest. A closet on the side is often locked, each Cleric and the head Cleric given a key to access it. It's home to the Ascendants' medicine supply, as well as other important medical items.

Near the center of the underground complex is a large, metal door, held closed by a sturdy lock. The Astral Seraph is the only one with the key to it. It is their duty to keep the generator up and running, as it is the only thing giving the observatory its power. Other members are forbidden from going inside, due to the potential danger and high voltage.

Spanning out for a grand majority of the territory are the gently rolling hills of the plains, where the grass ranges in height and sways gently in the breeze. Ranging from bright green grass to colorful flowers to golden, wild wheat, there's certainly no end to the colorful places to rest your eyes and mind.

On the southern border of the territory is a cluster of trees, made up of an odd combination of oak trees, beech trees, and birch trees. Occasionally a pine will be mixed into the bunch, but they're an uncommon sight. The Canopy is a very popular hunting spot, as it is home to a grand majority of the prey items such as deer, birds, rodents, boars, badgers, and more. Beware of bears and foxes!

Nearly smack-dab in the middle of the territory is a large, unusually clear lake. Fairly shallow, the deepest area about seven feet deep, the water is dotted with sandbanks and small grassy islands. This lake is perfect for swimming, and fishing on the sandbanks is popular. One of the grassy islands is popular for the ancient oak that's perched on it. Fireballs will sometimes hold climbing competitions on it, but it's forbidden without a superior present due to the danger of falling. Where the lake gets its source of water is unknown- but it's believed that it's fed by an underground spring and river. The water's surface reflects the night sky almost perfectly, hence its name.

Just north of the Observatory, as well as all around the territory itself, the plains ends in a rocky cliff- but several parts have collapsed to create rubble paths that grant easy access to the shore. Spanning for as far as the eye can see, the stretch of land connecting to the sea is a pebbly, gritty expanse. Without hardened feet or tolerance, it can be somewhat painful to tread on. Regardless, the lapping waves is a popular spot to cool off and celebrate with bonfires and cookouts. The empty shore offers a beautiful view of the night sky and sunsets.

To the east of the Canopy, an empty clearing is home to a broken down set of ruins, belonging to an ancient civilization. With broken statues erected all across the rubble-filled city, engravings on many of the buildings has lead the place to be called the City of Stars. It's also commonly referred to as, simply, the Ruins. Going inside the buildings is advised against, since no one knows when they might finally collapse. HPs will often hold secret meetings here.

South of the Starpool is a large field of wildflowers that grow in the early spring, ending midsummer. Coming here is the perfect place for new couples to hold dates or gather bouquets for each other in secret. Games of tag and hide-and-seek can be held between children in the expanse of flowers. It's also the perfect place for aspiring artists to be inspired.

Branching off of Starpool, a river winds through the plains, stretching past the Observatory and falling over the cliff and onto the pebble coast. The falls is small, a mere trickle compared to others. It's an easy place to get a cold, refreshing drink or to have a nice, cool soak. Sometimes the setting sun will bring a rainbow to life in the falling water.

☆.。.:* TRADITIONS .。.:*☆
One of the most important traditions of the Ascendants. Members wear necklaces that denote their ranks, titles, achievements, and other facts about themselves. Although one is not required to actually wear it every day, they must have it in their possession and abide by the customs. Each necklace has an individualize pendant crafted from meteorite shards in the Starpool, as well as their various beads. A detailed guide to the pendants tradition, beads, and a list of member pendants can be found HERE. [i]

Once every two months, during the brightness of the full moon, the Astral Seraph will grant access to the Telescope for all of the Ascendants to use. The telescope must manually be activated with electricity. Warnings are often spread not to stare too long at anything bright, as it could be potentially harming to the eyes. Taking pictures of the sights in the Telescope and hanging them in the picture room or one's home is popular.

On the longest night of the year, an all-night celebration is held to praise the stars and the hope that they give. Snacks, games, beverages, and things of the like will be set out for others to share and enjoy. Music will be played all night long, whether sung by members or played by stereo. Allies will be invited to join them for the celebration.

The summer solstice is celebrated with an all-day event involving games, competitions, food, and rewards out in the plains, ranging from fishing contests, hunting contests, climbing contests, spars, tag, kickball, and things of the like. Allies will be invited to join them.

An equinox is thought of as a day of relaxation and rest. Work will often slow to a halt as everyone sleeps in and rests their mind and soul. Movies will often be played all day in the Planetarium, and any of the members are welcome to join.

When a member passes away or disappears, their meteorite necklace, if salvageable or found, will be taken back to Starpool. Here, the Astral Seraph or the next highest HP will hang the necklace on a branch of the Great Oak that stands near the center of the lake. All attending members will sit at the bank of the lake or at the root of the tree, depending on their relations to the lost character. Memories and stories will often be shared. This ritual will generally take place at night. If it rains during the funeral, it's considered a bad omen, and may cause the ritual to be cut short.

Every month, a Ceremony is hosted to recognize rising Fireballs and Observers, allow those who wish to publicly change their name with such changes, assign mentors, and to distribute beads or pendants. Titles might also be given in these threads.

☆.。.:* RANKS .。.:*☆
The leader of the group. Highest in command and power, this member is in charge of promotions, demotions, meetings, political affairs, hosting group celebrations, as well as a multitude of other things.
Clarence Aston - Apricity

Second-in-command, also known as the deputy. This member is given quite a bit of discretion and flexibility in aiding the Astral Seraph, and is expected to head the Cosmic Generals. They are expected to take the lead in the absence of the Astral Seraph.

Normal members of the Ascendants. These members are the warrior equivalent, having completed their Fireball training and received their pendants. Tasked with normal duties, such as attending events and completing weekly tasks. May receive promotions if their jobs are executed superbly.

Young members training under Observers, in line for future duties. These members tend to range from approximately 6 to 12 months old, though it is possible to rise to Observer later or earlier than anticipated, depending of training progression.

Children of the Ascendants, typically ranging from 0 to 6 months. Taken care of by their mother, or shared by the whole group if they lack a family.

The Ascendants is considered a peaceful group in terms of alignment. They prefer to settle all disputes peacefully except in extreme situations. 

ALLIES — The Rosebloods.
NEUTRALS — Any not listed.
ENEMIES — The Typhoon, The Pitt.

Members are encouraged to sign up to work as ambassadors. These members take on a specific group to maintain relations with, planning events and making sure to arrange for answering gifts if the Ascendants are gifted by a neighbor. Because the Ascendants are widely peaceful, they also keep ambassadors for their neutrals. A detailed guide and list of the current ambassador positions can be found HERE.

☆.。.:* HISTORY .。.:*☆
One of the first four organized groups in this area, The Ascendants were founded by Starrynight. They have a relatively brief history thus far, primarily focused on the development of their traditions, customs, titles, and so forth. Although they have quickly settled and become a family unit, one might consider them still in their early stages of becoming a large scale group.

STARRYNIGHT — 3.15.18 to 5.23.18:
BASTILLEPRISONER — 5.23.18 to 9.29.18:
MOONMADE — 9.28.18 to 11.02.18 :
TITAN AND AGATHE — 11.02.18 to 11.13.18:
AGATHE — 11.13.18 to 12.03.18:
ATTICUS — 12.03.18 - 12.30.18:
CLARENCE - 12.30.18 - PRESENT:


The Ascendants have both Zodiac titles, Odyssey titles, and Quark titles. Zodiac titles recognize personality traits or significant factors of a character, while Odyssey titles can be earned through specific tasks, and Quark titles acknowledge progress in the Ascendants Characterization threads.

☆.。.:* ZODIAC TITLES .。.:*☆
Zodiac titles are assigned based on personality traits and characteristics. The titles earned can be used in-character to introduce your character. (For instance: "Exampleman, advisor of the Ascendants.") These titles can be assigned by Cosmic Generals and up, and are typically given out at meetings, though they can be given in Monthly Ceremonies as well. Those who earn these titles will denote them on their necklaces with colored beads that can be engraved to a person's liking. [color=#9c7fa5]☆

PROTECTORS - (Earns Title: "Protector of the Ascendants")
Skilled combatants, war-like, active training and battle participants. These members may be short-tempered and quicker to pick a fight with their fists rather than their words, but they might also just be highly skilled in battle. Alternatively, these members have shown to be great protectors and defendants of their family and of the Ascendants, either through physical combat, or other means. They do everything in their power to ensure the safety of others. This title earns a red bead.

PROMISED - (Earns Title: "Ascendants Promised")
Promising newcomers. These members stood out in their first one to two weeks in the Ascendants, hitting the ground running and getting involved from the start. Their characters grab attention and become integrated very quickly. This title earns an orange bead.

GUIDES - (Earns Title: "Guide of the Ascendants")
Socialites and greeters. These members are quick to greet all newcomers, show them around, and are friendly and welcoming from the get-go, often found socializing with others. They are not only rather social internally, but they like to visit allies and get involved with joint events. This title earns a yellow bead.

ADVISOR - (Earns Title: "Advisor of the Ascendants")
Clever analytics and strategists. These members are smart, but not just smart -- they are schemers who always have a plan, track details, and like to be prepared. In addition to their wits, their insight and advice is well respected and heeded. This title earns a blue bead.

CLERIC - (Earns Title: "Caretaker of the Ascendants")
These members have a working knowledge of healing and medicine, and can help in the middle of battle or crisis. They are always willing to help their clanmates with medical issues, and have shown to be trustworthy in difficult situations.  This title earns a green bead.

JESTER - (Earns Title: "Jester of the Ascendants")
Jesters, morale boosters, those who don't take things too seriously. These members can be a very diverse and dynamic group -- some may come across as rays of sunshine, bringing up everyone's happiness around them, while others may be the sort with dry humor who aren't exactly bright and shining but are very casual and not too serious. They keep things light. This title earns a purple bead.

HISTORIAN - (Earns Title: "Historian of the Ascendants")
Bookworms, intellects, historians. These members are smart in the bookish sense, coming equipped with their libraries, notes, and interest in history or other sorts of Humanities. Not only do they have a love of bookish knowledge, but they perhaps have also shown an interest in keeping and maintaining Ascendants history alive and well through culture, cerememony participation, and more. This title earns a white bead.

THERAPIST - (Earns Title: "Therapist of the Ascendants")
In constrat to advisors, these memebrs have shown to be nurturing, deep conversationalists. Instead of wits and strategies, these members show genuine care and willingness to connect on a deeper level with their Clanmates. They might help them through a tough time, or always check up on others to make sure they're doing alright. They tend to be very caring and considerate of others, and these connections help strengthen the bonds of community in or out of the Ascendants. This title earns a silver bead.

VOLUNTEERS - (Earns Title: "Supervisor of the Ascendants")
Go-getters, active volunteers. These members are first to volunteer for anything and everything, whether it be hosting things, coming up with ideas, or voicing their opinions. They are everywhere; it is hard to do something without running into them, either leading the way or jumping right on board with the plan. This title earns a pink bead.

PEACEKEEPERS - (Earns Title: "Diplomat of the Ascendants")
Peacekeepers and mediators. These characters are true pacifists, trying to support the Ascendant's alignment as such, and they can often be found smoothing out conflicts and trying to refuse situations. Invaluable when it comes to ambassador discussions and inter-clan relations. This title earns a gold bead.

☆.。.:* ODYSSEY TITLES .。.:*☆
Odyssey titles are so named because they require that members quest, so to speak, to earn their title. There are five named for constellations, and in order to earn these titles members will have to complete the tasks correlated with each star in that constellation. They require much more work and effort to earn, but they also help encourage involvement and development from members. Those who earn these titles will denote them on their necklaces with obsidian beads engraved with golden constellations. [color=#9c7fa5]☆ [color=#9c7fa5]☆

The Monoceros (Unicorn) title is meant to reward and acknowledge meaningful Clan-life milestones. It shows that a member has been an active participant in the Clan and accomplished a lot of meaningful goals that go along with being a member. One that was born into the Clan or joined young might have an easier time of achieving the Monoceros constellation, but only 3/4 stars are required to complete this constellation and earn the title.
[color=#9c7fa5]☆ ALPHA MONOCEROTIS: Mentor two Fireballs to Observer.
GAMMA MONOCEROTIS: Complete Fireball training under a mentor.
EPSILON MONOCEROTIS: Participant in monthly ceremonies 5 times (can be getting a rank, receiving a Fireball or mentor, getting rank/title beads, etc).
PLASKETT'S STAR: Participate in at least one traditional event (Equinox, Solstices, Night of Stars, etc).

The Draco (Dragon) title is meant to reward and acknowledge contributions to the Clan on a daily basis. It recognizes that a member has been helpful in presenting new ideas and keeping things flowing forward. 6/7 stars are required to complete this constellation and earn the title.
ETAMIN: Plan or help plan 6 internal or allied events. (Please do not simply spam several events in one day for this task.)
ALDIBAIN: Participate in at least 2 ooc discussions regarding brainstorming, feedback, or idea generation. 
RASTABAN: Attend at least 6 internal events.
ALTAIS: Complete a weekly task 3 weeks in a row.
THUBAN: Host weekly tasks 3 times.
EDASICH: Make 3 unique open threads in one week.
ALDHIBAH: Launch or aid in planning a Clan-wide plot attempt (can be on a smaller or larger scale as long as it is pitched to the Astral Seraph for approval).

The Pegasus title is meant to reward and acknowledge aid with foreign relations. It highlights members who have contributed to allied events or been involved on a site-wide basis, helping to further the Ascendants name. Only 5/6 stars are required to complete this constellation and earn the title.
ALPHERATZ: Participate in 3 raids (against others or on us).
MARKAB: Act as an ambassador for 5 occasions.
SCHEAT: Attend 6 ally or neutral hosted events.
ALGENIB: Complete a three-stage (or more) plot with character outside of the Ascendants. (Your interpretation of "three-stage" is up to you. That can mean 3 threads contributing to it or 3 different steps to complete the plot.)
MATAR: Contribute to a plot involving alliances and politics in some form (affecting an alliance status, forbidden loves, alliance litters, spying, etc).
ENIF: Seek help from or offer aid to an ally or neutral in some form.

CENTAURUS The Centaurus (Centaur) title is meant to reward and acknowledge character development and in depth plotting. It recognizes members who have worked hard to grow their characters and to get involved with others. Only 5/6 stars are required to complete this constellation and earn the title.
RIGIL KENTAURUS: Win an ic event competition of some form (clan-wide games, etc.
PROXIMA CENTAURI: Complete 5 development prompts (either archived or current).
HADAR: Complete a three-stage (or more) plot with another member. (Your interpretation of "three-stage" is up to you. That can mean 3 threads contributing to it or 3 different steps to complete the plot.)
MENKENT: Have at least 10 genuine interactions with 3 other members. (Again, "genuine interactions" up to your interpretation.)
ALNAIR: Complete and document a character arc with at least 3 contributing threads.
MA WEI: Complete at least 1 1,000+ word one-shot.

The Hydra (Serpent) title is meant to reward and acknowledge long-term membership and citizenry type achievements. It points out members who had made a lasting impact on the Ascendants or been well integrated into the Clan for some time. All stars are required to complete this constellation and earn the title.
GAMMA HYDRAE: Maintain activity in the Ascendants for at least 3 months.
ZETA HYDRAE: Win an ooc competition of some form (choice awards, games, etc).
BETA HYDRAE: Collect 3 titles (zodiac, odyssey, or quark).
ALPHARD: Participate in at least 10 joining threads.
MINCHIR: Attend at least 10 meetings.

☆.。.:* QUARK TITLES .。.:*☆
Quark titles are based on additions to Characterization threads and plotting. In order to receive these titles, make sure to look at the pendent tracker thread and note which ones you have completed. They're meant to encourage plotting and diving deeper into both your character and others. They're blue with gold engraving. To add to your characterization threads, take a look at the Ascendants Characterization Codes.

Complete all the characterization codes with images in them.

Include a thread tracker, playlist, and heart chart in your characterization thread.

Complete the in-depth biography provided on the Ascendants Characterization Codes thread.

Post on 5 other people's characterization threads either to find plots or to discuss the content there.

Complete the plotting form provided in the Ascendants Characterization Codes thread.


The Ascendants is currently managed by APRICITY. Please refer any questions to her or another HP. Below, common links as well as all of the subguide links listed throughout the official guide can be found.

☆.。.:* RESOURCES .。.:*☆
[color=#9c7fa5]☆ CHAT THREAD.
[color=#9c7fa5]☆ INACTIVITY NOTICES.


Re: THE ASCENDANTS OFFICIAL GUIDE - 4/5 - Cakie ! - 04-05-2018

updated the guide!

Re: THE ASCENDANTS OFFICIAL GUIDE - 4/5 - Roy Mustang - 04-05-2018


Re: THE ASCENDANTS OFFICIAL GUIDE - 4/5 - Luciferr - 04-17-2018



time for a mctrack

Re: THE ASCENDANTS OFFICIAL GUIDE - 4/19 - calliope - 04-29-2018

late track!

Re: THE ASCENDANTS OFFICIAL GUIDE - 4/19 - Xion, - 04-29-2018


Re: THE ASCENDANTS OFFICIAL GUIDE - 4/19 - pallid-i - 05-02-2018
