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the heart and the blood 《 》 capture - Printable Version

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the heart and the blood 《 》 capture - merlin - 03-11-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》paws stepping and pressing into mud, green orbs fixed on the pawprint left behind by each weighted pressure of limb. drunk was she who walked alone in the night beneath the starry sky, eyes turned to jungle canopy wistfully. the echoes of music in her ears, the thrumming of dance in her blood. padding quietly down pathways, following faint scents she could not name, faces she could not place. soft hiccups upon her maw, whiskers trembling from their force as she walked mindlessly, having left behind the tavern and it's other inhabitants, caught up in the longing for a time she could no longer return to.

pausing now in her wandering path, the molly looked down at her reflection within the brackish water accumulated on the jungle floor, face distorted by a frog trundling through the puddle. snorting, she splashed her paw into the water as she caught sight of the lonely haunted eyes that could only belong to her. ignoring her disheveled state, she lifted her head to listen to the laughter of npcs drifting from the tavern, the taste of liquor on her tongue strong and messing with the last morsels of food that she had consumed. turning her head away, she would continue on, further into the trees and from known pathways, getting herself lost within the jungle as she began to break into gentle song to accompany the music in her head, voice soft and lilting, "What is a castle without a queen? Just as a sword far from the shield. So I will stand by you in fields of green. For what is a castle without a queen?", she would begin as she walked, humming soft notes as she let her eyes slide to half closed, swearing that she heard the presence of another nearby, the feline's delicate wings pressed to her back ruffling slightly. am i being followed? ah well, probably a duelist or one of those lovely ladies

She would have to see if someone within Tanglewood knew how to play the bagpipe - it was a sound she missed by far, accompanied by the violin not long after it. Resuming her gentle singing, the molly would look up to the skies once again, mindless of the dangers that she passed in her path, made brave by liquid courage, the sword Amalthia strapped to her side where it ought to be. Her wings raised from her back as she stretched, delicate instruments so like a dragon-fly's reflecting the minor moonlight that shone through, dazzling through the incandescent fibers of her wings. Padding forward as she finished the words, to let her voice carry as if accompanying the instruments and their saddened cry, "What is the heart without the blood? Just as a bird held from the woods. So I will fight for you through fire and flood. For what is the heart without the blood?" as she finished her soft song, she would turn to the sound of a larger predator crashing through the jungle around her, her ears pinning back to her head as she beheld the menace headed her way.

??? ?? ?????????  《》 [member=18043]JORMUNGAND[/member] [member=16091]Windowmemer[/member]
feel free to have Jor be the one crashing through to attack her //

the thread will be opened to the public in a little bit, just be a wee bit patient Wink //

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Re: the heart and the blood 《 》 private for now - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-11-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Hum-dee-hum. The beast was enjoying the fresh air, maw parted to taste the sweet scent of nature after it had rained. The light illuminated his muscles, his face, the whiskers from his muzzle. Highlighting his optics and turning them almost glowing. After a while he started feeling playful, so lay down in the grass and started batting at the air, laughing softly at himself.

A noise, drew the male's attention, and he stopped moving and turned around. Soft sing-song reached his ears slowly, and he felt a smile carve his lips. New prey. Beautiful. He crouched down in wait, optics brightening as he saw a pretty animal stroll past, a beautiful sword that looked like it would hurt hanging from her hips. For a moment she shifted as if she sensed something, him, but he made no move to show up, instead tasting the air to detect where she came from. Tanglewood.

Dragonfly-ish wings spread as the femme stretched, Jor smelt drunkness on her breath. They looked so fucking delicate and beautiful and would look perfect as an accessory. Easy target.
And he was angry. Angry that Romulus had shouted at him after he followed after Sojourn, killing a Typhoon member, and he really wanted to take his anger out on somebody small, easy.
She shifted again, he froze, she continued singing about some queen and stopped, still dazed off of the high, and the panther took his chance and leapt, claws outstretched, making as much noise as possible in attempts to briefly deafen her.

Didn't matter if it worked, he'd attempt to pin her down in one swift motion, snapping his jaws around the band that attached the sword to her waist and ripping it to shreds, kicking the weapon away so it wouldn't hurt him should she try to dumbly retaliate. Ohh was he going to get into trouble for this, but who cares? Her large eyes, blurred from the alcohol, reflected the light as she looked back at him, short breaths coming out in pants.

Re: the heart and the blood 《 》 private for now - merlin - 03-12-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》 World torn asunder as the beast that crashed with abandon through the jungle took her from her footing, the world turning itself into a whirlwind of senses she couldn't sort out. Breath driven from lungs, bitter iron coating her tongue as bile worked itself from her throat, fiercely swallowed down as she struggled against the creature looming above her. The sense of danger did not pass her by nor did the mighty jaws belonging to the panther pinning her down. As she stared upon him, her breath rolling out in puffs and huffs, her jaw slack as she took desperate breaths, she found the world to finally stop spinning. There was a sense about him, a sense that reminded her of an infuriating fae, of the one she had sworn her soul to. Ears drawing back, she mourned the loss of Amalthia at her side, the muscles within her legs bunching as her heart hammered against the cage that kept it contained.

Mud staining her back, beautiful wings pressed to the muck and grit of the swampland, she took a deep breath to calm the racing of her heart, "Sneaky meater. Here i was hoping ye' were a dame come to confess.", came the fearless response as she stared into his eyes. She might be drunk but there's a little thing called liquid courage and she drained that cup empty like a thirsty sailor. She wasn't scared, she was frustrated he had come upon her and she was too liqoured to respond in even kind. "Ya must feel like a man, jumping a lass out for a walk, ye blasted bull.", she laughed as she stared up at the mighty maw of the one who could end her very life.

Blazes, she welcomed the very thought of death - she would not stay dead. That was her curse, the very thing she had sold her soul for - immortality in such a cruel manner. Resting a mere moment in the swamp's entangle, would she attempt to strike out her back legs against his chest, twisting her body as she made use of the force of her kick to dig her paws into the mud and roots, hauling with all of her strength to fling herself away from the panther, ignoring the hilt of her sword so far from her. Quickly, her mind worked, glancing to the trees above, knowing she had no chance of out-climbing him, he had longer legs and could over take her if she ran. The closest thing to her salvation was a goose chase into the swamp, where she may fall prey to the jaws of a worse predator than the one who had pinned her down. She couldn't bring the brute back to camp, she would never willingly endanger those she called her own.

Ears laid back, she could only take a breath and if successful in her escape from the panther, she would tear off down the trail, cream and brown fur caught in the muck and upon the belt of the sword Amalthia, the sword half-hidden in the brush if not for the pearl and golden sheath peering out. The woman would not willingly leave behind her sword, it accompanied her everywhere she went - it was simply something she would not abandon. Fur surely caught on branches, paws making splashes in the mud as she would lead her attacker further into the dangerous swamps, barely able to keep herself afoot with roots constantly there to hinder her, giving a cackle of taunt, "race ye to the border, meater! see if you can catch this wench!"

If she was not successful in her escape, she would scramble through the mud as best as she could, desperately searching for something to fend him off with, a rock, a root, something to use to attempt to collide with his jaw, in a hopeful attempt to throw his weight just enough to squirm out. She wasn't going to go down easily - she was no knight but she knew how to brawl like any tavern wench.

??? ?? ?????????  《》 she's called him a coward in calling him a meater //

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Re: the heart and the blood 《 》 private for now - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-12-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Having calmed down slightly only to raise his brows in surprise again, Jor actually laughed out loud as she grumbled about how he should've been a female coming to confess. "Confess to what?" He responded with a purr, a smile coating his lips. She had balls, he had to admit, whether from her personality or just because she was drunk, but he didn't give a shit. Triggering him would just make things worse, and she continued to dig her own grave by calling him a, what, blasted bull? He leant down to face her, maintaining eye contact and smiling, his optics shining. "And don't you know it's not very ladylike to call your attacker those names? Especially not when they can kill you easily." He unsheathed his claws, previously he had only used his paw to bat her down and enjoy the weakness in her gaze. Now she pissed him off and his claws dug deep, into her skin, attempting to draw blood which would only spur him on to sheathe them and lap at the wounds, the roughness in his tongue like sandpaper against her delicate skin.

He was too taken in with tasting her blood that he didn't notice her muscles tensing and all of a sudden he felt a sharp cracking in his chest and barked a curse, she had struck out with her hind legs, claws digging into skin and dragging blood. The force was enough to knock him back, acid sloshing in his chest and in an eyeblink she was gone, darting through the bushes. He lost a few precious seconds clearing his head and resisting the urge to throw up but watched her run towards the swamp, fur catching and slowing her down. His one stride easily overtook four of hers and he simply hopped over the undergrowth, cracking small branches and easily following the scent of her blood. A smile graced his lips as he saw her halt in a small clearing to pause to taunt him before turning to jump into the swamp.

Crucial moments were lost as she turned slow, too slow, to call out those two taunts, dull optics flared to life and muscles pushed him forwards, reaching out with claws to snag her butterfly wings. Caught by the tip the woman would scream before the noise getting cut out by him pulling her back, the soft ripping sounds music to his ears as the wings halfway tore as his claws exited upon tossing her to the ground. Glowing eyes would once again focus on her as the shadow descended, his paw on her chest this time but before he could sink his claws in the animal she picked up a rock and slammed it agains his jaw. Thank fuck her strength was dying out or the smash would've broken his jaw but still it stunned him but he held steady, breath coming out in ragged pants, his muscles stinging.

The moonlight, bright, illuminated his handsome features only to break it by displaying the scars he had acquired a while ago. Sweat made his muscles show, the veins straining and his body glistening with the liquid. His breath came ragged, crimson dripping from his neck - the wound had reopened sometime prior and he hated it, hated Romulus. His face twisted in a snarl, maw wide open and blood-red tongue flickering out, dropping spittle and watching her get pushed further into the mud, her wings almost transparent lying atop it. "You little bitch." He managed, hawking spit and emptying it to the side. Yeah, she was small, but he had four entire paws with large claws to work with, so his other paw moved up and began tracing her facial outline with an outstretched talon, nicking bits of fur.

Re: the heart and the blood 《 》 private for now - merlin - 03-12-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》 giving him a wicked grin as she had spoken of his presence, she chuckled, "why, to confess 'er love of course, ya bull.", she would grunt under the larger animal. streaking now through the undergrowth, murky waters sloshing about her paws as she bounded and slid under and soared over roots in her path, damning her mind for stopping, for letting the clearing trick her into a sense of safety. she should have known to keep running, she didn't have her damn sword or any weapon with which to defend herself, natural or otherwise. she'd chased enough rabbits to know the thrill of the hunt was alive and well within the larger predator's bloodstream.

"ladylike don't matter on a battlefield, ye crass ox", she returned in exchange, breath coming short as she moved to leave the clearing she had come across before his body was upon her, her claws sliding from sheathes as she attempted to flatten herself to the ground in the off chance it would mess with his landing. holding in a scream of fury as his claws snagged into her wings, the damnable useless things that they were, leaving shreds at the tips of the pinions. groaning as she was sent for another tumble in the muck, "an' it ain't v'ry gentleman-ly to start lickin' a lady's blood ya gibfaced foozler of a hornswoggler!" she spat back as she was pinned upon her back, eyes narrowed as she stared up at the brute.

when the rock collided with his jaw, her heart fluttered with a moment of hope, before he kept his weight upon her chest, ribcage screaming to be freed from under the heavy weight of his paw. blazes, if he pressed too hard she could kiss her ribcage goodbye. automatically moving to try and levy his weight off of her chest, she swung to attempt to brace her paws on his chest, leaving some amount of space between them. should he move his head any closer, she would kick with all her might once again, legs trembling with the exertion of the wild run. swallowing as she let her eyes slide to half-closed, wearing a smug grin, she felt blood welling in her mouth. her own jaw had collided with the ground when sent for a tumble, the iron now coating her tongue. showing him a bloodied grin, she would attempt to spit her blood into his face, laughing hoarsely, "yer a jollock of a hedge-creeper, yknow that?", she would laugh, eyes landing on the wound upon his neck with haughty interest. this may be her ticket out of the situation.

returning her gaze to the icy blue ones above her, pain running through her body and fuzzing over her brain, she snorted when he called her a bitch, returning his comment, "oh, are we talking to 'urselves now? ya aren't that small!", her voice would turn from laughter into a snarl as her body twitched under his paw, her forearms coming in an attempt to rake down his foreleg as deep as she could get them, the long-furred molly willing to pay the price of a few broken bones to be free. should her attack work enough for him to dislodge his paw, she would surge forward for the bloody wounds on his neck, attempting to sink her teeth into the bloody wounds, moonlight showing her the target of her choice. if her bite connected, the molly would roll and rend herself free for one last sprint into the jungle and towards the deepest and murkiest area of the swamp, where she knew a few gators held reign.

sloshing into the murky water, she would race deeper, leaping and bounding into the water, causing as much ruckus as she could to draw the nocturnal monsters' attention. gasping for air in burning lungs, water weighing down her coat, the molly would yowl to the sky, "if ya aren't afraid of a lil' water and a few monsters, come and get me!", as she threw herself into the water, madly paddling out into the deepest section of the water. she didn't fear this, she didn't fear him, but if she was destined to be at death's door, she was going out by her own damn decisions.

??? ?? ?????????  《》

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Re: the heart and the blood 《 》 private for now - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-13-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Confessing his love? No thanks, she wasn't really his type. One night maybe, but she was waaay too small and he had Aphra to worry about, but that moment had passed and now she was underneath him commenting on how it was rude to taste a lady's blood. That slightly amused him since from her actions he doubted she was a lady, plus she was a drunk right now which meant he shouldn't take any of her words seriously. Plus he had no idea what the fuck she was talking about, with her weird accent and calling him a bull. He wasn't a bull, he was a panther. Thinking about it, he probably had what it took to take down a bull, but that was a thing to experiment with later. Now, response.

He leant down next to her ear with a bloodthirsty grin, uncaring the amount of pressure he was putting on her chest and ribs. "Next time, try not to tease your... superiors." His attitude really started to show now, the stone-cold personality his father had enforced upon him slipping through his sanity, slowly. His eyes glowed almost eerily bright and he smiled wide at her, noticing her put her paws against his chest. He felt her try to push him off, yeah, good luck with that, then felt air rush up as she attempted to kick him again and swung his head around to avoid it but still getting a nice tap in the ear, briefly causing a buzzing sensation that shook his skull. Didn't matter, he had been beaten too often anyways he was used to it. One second it took to recover, then the beast was back in motion, rearing his neck back as she hawked up spit and blood and spat it into his face. His maw opened, a laugh slipped out.
"That, my dear, was a huge mistake." He murmured. "You have insulted me. You have humiliated me. I do not like that." He continued, digging his claws further into her skin and gaze lingering on her wings, a hungry sort of expression taking over his face as finally, finally, his sanity snapped.

Before he could do anything a flash of fur and her claws were sinking into his shoulder, sinking deep and drawing blood, large amount of it. That was fine, her claws were tiny and he barely felt it. He laughed it off, the high not making him feel anything, no pain, only hunger. Only thing he could see was red. Didn't matter. Then her teeth latched into the wounds Romulus had delivered to his neck, the serrated edges digging like needles into the skin and burrowing into wounded flesh that caused the panther to roar with pain, blindly lashing out in fury and striking her in the leg. Still took him time to recover and she ran, in a direction he could only pinpoint by sound. His blind fury had knocked anything and everything around him and he heard her paws thud the dirt as she attempted to escape.

"Not so fast, bitch." He rumbled and copied his tactic from earlier, leaping over and snagging her wings at the base and tugging her harshly back, wrapping his claws around the female's torso and pulling her back into his clutches before spinning around and pinning her down into water, face-first. He watched her nose in the air attempt to take her last breaths but loosened pressure on her head only to push her down by the neck, the other paw slowly digging into her skin by the roots of her wings.

Re: the heart and the blood 《 》 private for now - merlin - 03-13-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》 "superiors? you must be joking - i only see an immature brute. oh, i've insulted you? bloody good.", came the hissing laughter, "humiliated you? must be a mighty fragile thing to humiliate you, then.", she grunted as the air was driven from her body as her last attempt to escape was easily thwarted, pain ricocheting through the molly's body. gods help her, it had been so long since she'd been in this much pain. how long had it been? surely since she had acquired the sword Amalthia, when she had made the deal with Lear, when her wings had grown in. biting her tongue as agony popped into existence, the molly writhing as she was struck once again, legs aching from where he had gotten her, ichor clumping her fur upon her skin.

water flying up and around as the two tussled in the water, her ears pinned back to her head as his claws captured into the fur and skin of her chest, blood making itself known. fury was all she could taste and feel, her brows drawn. this situation was tiring and she was beyond angered with it - she wasn't going to back down so easily and let him do whatever he wanted. that was not her way. water crashing over her head as he pinned her down, his paw on her neck, anger surging through her. she was tiring quickly, and she had lost blood already but the bastard above her had as well. doing her best to fight past the pain in her back and wings as she was drug back under the male above her, her eyes glowing with fury, frustration surging through her. damn, she had to be so small in this life!

panting as she dug her paws into the water and muck under her, head aching from the times she had been knocked about, a splitting headache haunting her as blood dripped into her eyes from a slice above her eye, acquired some time in their brawl. huffing as she rested as much as she could, adrenaline pumping through her as claws dug into the base of her wings, teeth clenching as she fought back the yowl of pain. he wasn't going to hear her pain - she wouldn't allow it. gathering as much of her strength as she could, she attempted to heave her back against his paw to throw his weight off her back, given a temporary boost of strength from the adrenaline she was experiencing. should her escape be successful from under him, she would merely twist and with a push of her hind legs, she would leap at his face, pushing her ears back as she left, aiming to smash their heads together, to further unbalance him, "take that, ye brute. Go dtachtfadh an diabhal thú! Is ceann de’s na h-óinseacha diabhail thú!" she would snarl, attempting to rake her claws down his face. She didn't run this time, standing her ground in the water with her tail lashing, a snarl across her visage as she stared him down, wings bloodied and torn in places.

??? ?? ?????????  《》 gaelic phrases mean:
May the Devil choke you
You are one of the Devil’s fools

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Re: the heart and the blood 《 》 private for now - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-14-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Fuck yea he was her superior. Was she really that blind that she couldn't see the literal size difference between them? Apparently so. She continued to insult him but the only thing he could hear was an annoying buzzing noise. A snarl burst from his throat as he narrowed his eyes, tail furiously lashing, stirring up water, mud, blood, fur. Didn't matter, he was hungry. He wanted to feed, and now. She was really getting on his nerves and he was really tempted to eat her. Nom her head off in one bite and take her skull with the fresh brains still writhing in it. A hungry gleam, frighteningly bright, shone suddenly, enough for him to focus on her.

He could clearly see the pain he was causing her, the wings were delicate things and he had his claws in deep in her skin. Brave girl, though, she wouldn't cry out, he liked that. He liked when prey fought back. All rational thoughts flew from his head until the only thing he could think of was to kill, destroy, tear. A tingling, spread from his paws, grim bloody smile on lips as he looked at her, blood on the both of them.

Force against his paw and he lifted it slightly to let her go, let her think she had the advantage. Yes, he was crafty, yes he was smart and yes he was sneaky. He had been raised right by a crafty, manipulative father. He made no sound, observing only through his bloodlust as she didn't run but turned to leap at him. A grimace as their skulls collided, stunning them both and making him take a step back. No way was he going to lose to a tiny gaelic kitten. He staggered, stepping back, looked again as she flew at him her claws digging dangerously close to his eye sockets. He looked up in time, they still dug into his cheeks, just like what he had done to her previously. Another angry roar left him as her fur got in his mouth and he reached up with a paw, pressing it against her belly and unsheathing his claws, digging and snagging them as far into her fur as he could and push her off to attempt to pin her to the ground once again.

She was sneaky, the drunk, had more in her than he expected and he was done playing games. Rapidly two taps, against her skull and her chest, in attempts to knock her out once and for all. Should her skull be even thicker due to alcohol he would simply stand there and watch, both paws placed on her chest, his chest heaving, enjoying the way her wings were now dull and had lost their sparkle.

Re: the heart and the blood 《 》 private for now - merlin - 03-16-2021

☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????  ☆☆

?? ?????????  《》 Violence, always violence. Closing her eyes for a moment, attempting to gather her thoughts as their damn face flashed across her memory. Pain numbed her body, each wound turned from burning hot to the feeling of icy coldness. Darkness pressed on the corners of her vision, breath becoming hard to access and utilize, iron coating her tongue. Hacking up blood, she wiped her mouth with a paw, breathing labored as she panted, glaring at Jormungand as exhaustion began to make itself known to her, feeling the fading strength in her limbs. Claws digging into the fur of her stomach - she could tell he was beginning to tire of this as well. Coughing as she was pinned, bloody streaks across her fur having no meaning to her. Her thoughts were all twisted up as she saw his paw coming for her skull, the flash of fear lasting only a second before she closed her eyes to accept whatever his paw was going to do.

Any more movement from her would bring consequences, her muscles screaming and the world spinning around her. Static flying along her nerves, stars dancing in her eyes as the world went asunder, eyes closing as her chest heaved with a mighty cough, trying to roll her head to clear her throat of whatever was obstructing itself there. Getting out whatever it was, the molly lay limply, body aching as darkness came before the panther could knock her out. Passing out from the pain, her last attempt to fight the situation came as his paw came to her head, pitching her body up to attempt to bite the panther's paw pad, doing her best to dig her teeth in the best she could into the tender flesh between pads before falling back, unconscious from the pain her body was in.

As her mind faded into the black, she could only remember the things that she knew from the short time she'd spent here. An ache in her chest erupted, a foreboding sense of loneliness sweeping her. Her mind was filled by the memories of when she joined, when she had spoken to rat, aurum and atbash, when she had met the two beautiful ladies and majestic lion. Feeling tears in her eyes, she didn't want to leave them, she wanted to stay with the group. She hadn't fought hard enough. She'd heard of the murders of Aurum and Siborno, she'd not met the second party but she knew that their deaths rattled the members of Tanglewood. It had rattled her privately, a sense of angry hopelessness had been welling within her, leaving her to wonder if she would be able to safely protect the rest of those she had met in her short time. There had been Arrow, the cheetah a new face to her but not to others, one who willingly offered to help her find Amalthia in the sea after she had been lost to her. What would they think of her now? The memories of laying on Atbash's couch drinking hot chocolate, the moments of conversation between Rat and her when she came, the tender offer of welcome from Atbash and the helpful offer from Arrow in assisting her - these three women meant so much to her already. They were just friends, but they were something she hadn't had in forever, she hadn't had a friend since the day that she had begun this journey. What she wouldn't give to be surrounded by them again, to embrace each of the three and tell them she was sorry she was so weak that she couldn't fight off an intruder and that she'd been so badly injured that she couldn't chase him off. What she wouldn't give to wake up and find each of them and tell them that their friendship was so deeply important to her - that the little interactions made each day easier to integrate into the grieving group. Tears would mingle with the blood upon her fur as she succumbed to the darkness of unconsciousness.

??? ?? ?????????  《》 out //
This is now open but please wait until Jormungand posts before you post! ///

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Re: the heart and the blood 《 》 capture - teef - 03-26-2021

now open to replies! <3 //