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BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - Printable Version

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BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - valemon - 05-16-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val had thought that getting away would make him feel better. After all, everyone around him was leaving, either disappearing or dying. He wasn’t very bright, but he knew there was nothing he could do to stop those things. He could only influence his own actions, and the best thing he could do was to leave as well. He wouldn’t see his friends and family anymore, but he wouldn’t have to watch them all disappear, either. Surely this would make everything better in the long run.

He couldn’t have been more wrong, it seems.

Valemon used to live for the company of others, whether that be playing games with his sister or talking all afternoon to a reluctant clanmate. Now that he was alone, things were much more difficult. The reality didn’t come to him until he started to grow hungry that he had always relied on others for food. The lion tried eating plants, like Lessa always had, but it gave him no energy and actually made him feel worse. So, he resorted to eating prey that he found already killed, sometimes in the process of rotting. His stomach wasn’t meant for this, either, but it was something. He was virtually lost and couldn’t turn back now.

One day, however, he began to think about when it was the last time he’d spoken to anyone. It was then that he decided he needed company. Nearly anyone would do at this point.

So, here he was. Val wasn’t fond of the cold, but the many scents coming from this direction were a good indication he was going to encounter a group. Whether they were friendly he was about to find out. If they turned out to be hostile, the young lion supposed he could run. If not, at least he had hope of seeing his father again in whatever afterlife might exist.

Large paws shaking slightly, Valemon paused to sit back on his haunches and instead busied them by fiddling with the oversized cape draped over his shoulders. It kept him reasonably warm, but also held connotations of his family, providing loads of comfort. He could almost imagine it was his mother, body wrapped around him and his sister as they rested in their den. He decided he’d wait, so as to not be seen as aggressive. A growing cub such as himself shouldn’t come off as much of a threat, but he never knew.
© madi

Re: BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - →AUGUST← - 05-16-2018

August didn't like lions. It wasn't even just because he'd been killed by one, because even before, his instincts had just said lions were an animal you couldn't trust. He'd been doing his best not to freak out because of the big cats already in the clan, and now it seemed there was another big cat coming to probably join. Although, this one was a lot smaller than the others; probably still a baby, but August knew even cubs could pose a threat. Especially to someone like the deer, with weak muscles that held him back from being able to outrun predators.

Whatever. August was a member of Snowbound and that meant he wouldn't be mean to this cub. So far the predators he'd met after his waking up had all been decent, or at least hadn't tried to eat him, and this cub didn't look like too much of a threat. The deer made his way over to the lion, lifeless eyes focused on its face. Up closer it certainly didn't look too dangerous, it was even wearing a cape! August thought it looked almost.. Cute. That was not what a predator looked like.

He came to a stop about a foot infront of the feline and lowered his head. "Hello, little lion. Are you lost? You look very cold."


Re: BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-16-2018

Atbash thought that getting away from her brothers would be good for her, too. But that proved to be somewhat wrong; while it was good for her mental and physical health to be away from them, she missed them dearly. And just like Valemon (whose name she didn’t know), she had been forced to watch her family die. She couldn’t do anything to save them. And it hurt. But that’s not why she got away, not from Vigenere, at least. She wanted nothing to do with Caesar, but Vigenere pushed her away. Understandable to a certain extent, but Atbash wished her eldest brother would talk to her again.

Atbash followed after August, frowning at the little lion cub. Oh, he must be cold! Lions has short fur, didn’t they? And this one was so young, too. He had a cape on, but surely that couldn’t be providing much warmth?


Re: BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - valemon - 05-16-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val was familiar with August’s sentiment, although he couldn’t agree with it. His own father had been wary of - even aggressive towards - other lions... but then again, his father hadn’t been very cheery in general. Even though Valemon had always been fine with it, he chose to act differently around those unfamiliar to him, no matter their size. Maybe it was him being naive, maybe him being stupid... or both. But, Val didn’t like to judge over appearance or species. In fact, these things somethings went over his head.

That was certainly not the case when he looked up to see a deer. Immediately, he was taken back to before he’d began to eat solid prey, when one of his clanmates had taken down a deer. Val’s father had to explain to him that it was a prey animal - meant to be eaten, not buried and mourned. This experience had caused some confusion as when, some time later, a deer had joined their Clan. He’d been a friend, not food. Who was determine the difference? After so long without a fresh meal, the cub absentmindedly ran his tongue over his sharp canines. So, in a way, perhaps August was right to be weary.

But, Val wasn’t exactly prepared to answer the other. At first, he shook his head, then realized that wasn’t the truth. He did have no idea where he was, but knew he wanted to be here. Did that make him lost? He wasn’t sure. “I...” The young lion’s voice was hoarse after so long without use and he trailed off. After a moment of silence, he nodded and began again. “Lil’ bit.” Valemon continued to rub his paw against the white fabric wrapped around him and then looked up again as another approached. They didn’t seem aggressive... at least he hadn’t been attacked yet. Slowly he relaxed, letting out a deep breath - almost as if he’d been holding it in. A small cloud formed before him due to the warmth being injected into the cold air and he stared at it as it disappeared. He really wasn’t fond of this weather. Still, he smiled, meeting the deer’s gaze once more. “‘m Val,” he introduced softly. His big brother had taught him early on that it was the polite thing to do. Now, it had become somewhat of a fixed thing for him to do.
© madi

Re: BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 05-16-2018

[div style="width: 518px; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 10px; font-size: 12px; color: #b1bed3; line-height: 110%"]Upon smelling and unfamiliar scent near the border, Natasha had immediately headed straight there. She had not excepted to see a young cub, but a full-grown lion. Surprise could be seen in the female's bright eyes and she took a seat.

"Where are your parents?" Came the she-wolf's question as she studied the cub. "If you're cold, we can get you a blanket."
© madi

Re: BUT I’M WEAK||o, joinin - valemon - 05-17-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
As soon as Nat posed her question, Valemon’s smile faded. It had been a logical thing to ask, but he didn’t like the feelings it created, the memories it stirred. His gaze once again dropped to his paws and he sighed. “M’.... daddy’s... gone.” He hadn’t wanted to say ‘dead’, even though refraining from doing so wouldn’t change the fact it was true. Val didn’t like to think about how his big brother and father had fought and then the funeral afterwards... he had hated watching them burn his father’s body. “Don’ know ‘bout momma.” This fact was much easier to say. He missed his mother, of course, but he had hope that she was still alive out there. He also hoped she found happiness wherever that was. Even if Val wouldn’t be there for her.

He blinked away what felt like the beginning of tears and shook his head in response to her offer. That would be nice, but he didn’t want to be a bother. He had yet to say why he was even here. “Can I stay wit’ you?” he spoke up. He didn’t mean her in particular, but it was obvious there was some sort of group here. Val didn’t care if it was only these three... or if it’d be cold. He just needed company and perhaps a fresh meal.
© madi

Re: BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 05-17-2018

[div style="width: 518px; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 10px; font-size: 12px; color: #b1bed3; line-height: 110%"]"Of course, you can stay with us." The she-wolf said, walking over to the young cub and attempting to place both of her fore-paws around him, to make sure he was getting enough warmth. "If you don't want me hugging you, just tell me, don't be shy about it. And if you want, you can stay in my cabin for now."

Unsure of why she wasn't being so motherly, Natasha would loosen her sudden hug and she would look downward at her paws in embarrassment.
© madi

Re: BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - →AUGUST← - 05-17-2018

August would've been content to just watch and let Natasha do her thing; she reminded him a bit of a deer who'd been in his herd, and that made him not only happy, but confident that she could care for the cub if it was need. But, the lion looked like he was getting colder and colder, and August wasn't sure how long cats like that were even supposed to be in the cold. "I am August," He began, as a response to the lion introducing himself, "If you climb onto my back, I will carry you to our home, okay?"

He knew the cub could walk on his own, and even if he couldn't Natasha was probably large enough to carry him too, but August loved to help, especially when it was a child who needed help, and a cub whose paws could easily get frostbite counted as a child who needed help. "I'll even take you to Natasha's cabin to stay in, just like she said."


Re: BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-17-2018

Killua didn't share the same sentiment as other's did when it came the other animals that he would meet in the future. This was probably because of the way that he had been raised practically from the very beginning. He had been exposed to predators that were much larger than himself and had figured out how to quell his fear when it came to those that were larger than he was. Just because someone had a larger body didn't mean that they couldn't be killed by something that was smaller than them either. It was actually quite easy to kill the likes of a lion or tiger, something that Killua himself had one plenty of times during his jobs as most creatures thought having a big body would work for that of intimidation. He had little to fear, and he only had one fear, that being his older brother and what he could do to hurt those that he cares about. Killua doesn't fear creatures that end up approaching him and act all strong and tough. Most of the time those that have a large ego when it comes to their physical potential aren't simply faking it and don't ultimately have the strength to back it up. It was usually easy for Killua to read someone like that, to determine whether or not someone was a threat to him. Killua of course had picked up a couple creatures in the clans that didn't give him any sort of good vibes since he was living here for around three months now. The albino serval still had Hisoka on his radar, as he doubted the kitsune would simply up and disappear anyway. Bucky was also on his list, as Killua didn't get any sort of good vibe from the maine coon with a prosthetic leg. The other had said that he had amnesia, a condition that he witnessed a lot when it came to the clans. It could make him dangerous if he had a lot of powers he could use to fight other's off. Natasha was another creature that was slightly on his list, she was less of a concern but it was still someone to keep in mind. He already had a long list of creatures that he has killed since he joined the clans to find himself a better life, and it wasn't hard to identify another killer considering he grew up with them. His family consisted of nothing but assassins.

Every single one of them in his family were more than capable of taking the life of a clanner with ease. And the same went with the different animals that they decided to take forms of. Both his father and grandfather were both dragons. His oldest brother was a black tiger with mutations. Killua's mother, and second oldest brother were both cougars and his youngest brother was a caracal. A species that was similar to his own, but in the end he would grow bigger than his brother all things considered. The assassin had no reason to fear other species when he had confidence in the powers that he had underneath his paws. He was more than capable of killing those that were much larger than he was. But he wasn't about that life anymore, and simply wanted to be someone that did have a normal life in that regard. The assassin should still be resting with the injuries that currently covered his body. They were healing, but it was going to take some time before they fully healed. Even then, there was probably going to be a scar that was going to stick with him for a couple months before being covered by fur like the rest of him. He injured himself when he had a night terror, the metal claws that he had having the same capabilities like that of a sword. It was easy for his claws to cut into his own flesh, and he had nearly bled out. Luckily others heard his scream and came running to where he was. He was lucky that he didn't end up slicing open his throat, which he had gotten close to doing. He was still trying to get over the visions that he saw. Difficult yes, but he had done it before. This wasn't the only night terror that he ended up having. The albino serval had been leaning up against a tree with Koru loosely around his neck. He was just damn glad that Mike wasn't following him around. Having sent the guard dog off to patrol the territory instead of being around him. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he caught an unfamiliar scent on the wind and decided that he might as well investigate. Adjusting the bandages around his neck and his right arm, he looked up at the tree that he was once leaning against, and quickly used his high vertical leap to land onto the lowest branch. Having his air elementals on made it impossible to catch his scent, and made his movements almost impossible to hear as they were muffled.

His long metal claws sank into the flesh of the branch, and he leaped from branch to branch, gaining height the more he jumped until he was slightly hidden in the canopy of the pine trees that dotted the area. Killua eventually landed on a branch that was directly above three Snowbounders that he knew, and one animal that he didn't. There was only one lion that lived in Snowbound at the moment, and that was Stark's companion, one he hadn't seen in a while. The Snowstriker flicked one of his large white ears as he regarded the young lion, who already was larger than he was. If he had basic instincts as a species that lived in the savannah, he wouldn't have approached the lion. But considering the other's size, he probably was just a little bit older than he was. The albino serval laid himself down on the branch, Koru, the albino black mamba flicking out his tongue toward the unfamiliar scent around Killua's neck. Opening his jaws, the serval conjured up a lollipop that promptly fell into his mouth. The other was obvious cold, and he had a name. His parents were dead from the sound of it. That was harsh, but life happens and not everyone had parents. At least he wasn't abandoned like the rest. The Snowstriker got up onto his paws, and let himself fall from the branch that he had been laying on, landing completely silently in the snow. "You're free to basically stay and do whatever you want in Snowbound. The caves usually stay fairly warm, and if you want a sweater Jacob probably has one to give to you." Killua said casually, almost in a bored tone as he sat himself down. He raised one of his paws and rubbed the top of the albino black mambas head before looking back toward the lion cub, debating whether or not to introduce himself. The other was young, and he doubted there was any harm in it. "Names Killua." The healing serval would introduce himself calmly before immediately speaking again. "So where did you come from?" Killua questioned the other, and as usual, he was digging for information. A bad habit of his.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: BUT I’M WEAK||o, joining - valemon - 05-18-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val had been expecting they’d let him stay - they were nice enough. But, he hadn’t expected the femme to hug him. The cub didn’t hesitate to return the embrace. It was a kind gesture, provided some extra warmth, and made him feel welcome. Plus, she offered to let him stay with her until he settled in. When, she pulled away suddenly, Valemon couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. If she didn’t like hugs, he couldn’t understand why she’d give him one in the first place...

But his thoughts dissipated when the deer spoke once more. August was his name, and he’d offered to help Val to Natasha’s cabin. Admittedly, he couldn’t feel his paws very much, so it was appreciated. It’d take him a bit before he got used to the cold.

It was obvious Killua had started him by the way he jumped slightly. Valemon hadn’t even known he was there. He instinctively took a few steps closer to Nat, unsure of who this was. But, by the way he spoke, he was a part of this group, too. Snowbound. And, they had caves. That seemed simple enough, but it reminded Val of the first home he’d shared with his family. He remembered the slugs and pretty rocks, and had loved to paint the cavern walls. Maybe there would be some of that stuff here, too. Since he didn’t know who Jacob nor what a sweater was, he didn’t say anything about that. Instead, he answered the other’s question. “Riv’Clan,” was his simple reply.
© madi