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suggestions for snowbound - Printable Version

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suggestions for snowbound - guts - 05-13-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]basically a thread on my opinions of the clan which none asked for lmAO

i've noticed a few things about snowbound that prolly need addressing. im not trying to be mean or rude or anything!! i just want to see this clan grow and evolve, and focusing on issues is the best way to do that in my opinion. im not calling out anyone or pointing fingers, either.

threads and replying
threads r made p often on the board, which is good,,except most of them have no real purpose other than being a way to get a post in during the day. bc of how little content they have, they usually get very little replies, which is another problem. even in threads that are the opposite, they still don't get many posts in them before they're discarded in favor of other threads, which then also get tossed in the bin, and it's just all one big cycle.

if we all pitched in, we cld definitely make these threads more interesting. in the ones that aren't really going anywhere, make something happen!! reel in some more interest. basically, put a spin on normal stuff

distinguishing ourselves from other clans
personally, snowbound kind of blends in with the other groups here on BoB. the paintings and hot chocolate and what-not are Rad, trust me--but we could use something more. whether it be something small like a new tradition or annual event, or something bigger like new territory, anything to make us stand out and gain people's attention wld be good.

i know we're working on this rn, but we also shldn't just go with whatever comes to mind, either. to tie in with the part about standing out, we cld have some event(s) that help with that. things that go with the territory, or the clan's beliefs, things like that.

that's all i can think of right now. let me know what concerns u have, too, if u have any!! again this isnt to be rude or anything, i just want to point out the weak points so we can improve them.

Re: suggestions for snowbound - jacob w.c. - 05-14-2018

I agree with all of this!

One thing that I’d also like to point out is that I really have tried to implement new traditions (in the form of ancestors, the new title/pendent system in the meeting, marking festivals, aurora festivals, etc) but I don’t seem to get a lot of response during those? It’s totally fine if everyone isn’t intetested in those things and we want to brainstorm new traditions but I did put up discussion prior to all of these things and it’s a little discouraging to see so little engagement with them? It generally sends the message that most of the clan isn’t interested in it so I’ve been trying out different events to see what does and doesn’t work. I really love all of you guys but it can get frustrating because I don’t think there were any discussions where more than 3-4 people were involved, if that.

I also agree with expanding the territory! That’s actually why I put up the contest this week haha. They have a huge tunnel system but no notable features so I was hoping to help a little with that. I don’t want to move because I think it’s a little early for that plus we have to decide what we really want with the clanwide plot but, again, that’s been difficult because only four people (I believe) have really been involved in that discussion.

I’ve noticed this in the surveys and things as well and from other members that have contacted me and one problem I have is that a lot of the suggestions are very general? I don’t mind coming up with things on my own but it can be frustrating/difficult to maintain the group when I honestly don’t always feel like there’s tons of interest from the memberbase. I honestly just consider it my job to do what will allow everyone to have as much fun as possible and I’m trying to do that but it’s hard when I feel like I’m doing it alone sometimes. I love you guys but I really would like to see more participation in discussions and events and traditions if we really want more of those things. I’ve tried to do that in the form of plot discussions, ancestor discussions, tradition discussions, and title discussions but is there something you guys would like to see that I haven’t been able to do yet? I really hope none of this comes across as aggressive or anything but it does get a little tiring sometimes doing all of these things when there isn’t a lot of participation. I run them because I want to hear from everyone because I want to make this the best experience for all of us, not just me, but I can’t do that unless I’m hearing from everyone.

Re: suggestions for snowbound - melantha - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]I am also in agreement.

In response to Velli, specifically: I think the main problem is not that people are not interested, but perhaps it's a bit too much too soon? Does that make sense? Personally, I am still learning the territory and trying to remember all the roles of the s/HPs that it will take me even longer to learn all the ancestors and stuff. I actually really want to get involved with the ancestor stuff, it's just a process of integrating Mel into it all since a major aspect of her character is that she's an outsider.

Perhaps fully introducing one idea at a time like the ancestor/totem thingies first and allowing people to learn it and incorporate it into roleplay will work better? I like making religious characters, and Mel is very superstitious herself, so as soon as she learns about the ancestors then it will be easier to incorporate it into every day stuff. Since BoB is so new, maybe starting with territory development and introducing the ancestors would be the best way to go because it's an introduction to all the things we want to incorporate later on. The whole event with seeing the ghost relatives or whatever is cool, but it's hard for characters like mel or killua whose family is outside of snowbound and the fact that they are separated from family is a big part of their backstory.

That's just my opinion, at least. Because it's hard to embrace a bunch of new stuff all at once as opposed to one or two things every couple of months. And then later on down the road, when new people join SB, the established characters will already (hopefully) incorporate the traditions and stuff and newbies can learn from watching the oldies.

Hope this helps! :^)

Re: suggestions for snowbound - guts - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]i definitely agree with all of this!! ofc none of this has to be put into effect right away, as snowbound (as well as all the other clans i believe) is still relatively new. there'll be time to fix issues that need to be, so there isn't any rush

as for the participation thing, there are some people (such as myself rip) that aren't exactly the most creative, or we just dont have any ideas on what we want to see. so, with that said, you can't always depend on the members for opinions. if u want them, though, maybe see what people outside of snowbound want?? like what kind of clan would interest them, that sort of thing. like those interest check things on ff, i suppose

or u can brainstorm things and then check on others for their opinion. maybe see and test out ways to change it so it fits everyone's tastes more. smtimes u just,,, gotta figure stuff out on ur own and get opinions after

Re: suggestions for snowbound - pallid-i - 05-14-2018

tracking this so i can put in my own take when im on break <33

Re: suggestions for snowbound - skypher - 05-14-2018

okay. I only scanned over this in a rush so excuse me if I repeat things that have already been said and stuff hehe...

So from what I've read, you guys are trying to distinguish yourselves and make threads more interesting right? Okay. I know a thing or two about storytelling. One thing I think that needs to be addressed is there is no drive in snowbound (or anywhere on site, to be honest). There is no story if there is no conflict, correct? The villain or conflict is what drives a story forward.

My first thought is to enroll an OOC role that the IC leader and secondhand (deputy??) will closely watch. I can almost imagine them writing OOC "quest" prompts for people to do IC. We can perhaps find some sort of animalistic creatures to be our conflict. Like.

"Monster overload!! Your prompt is to find a way to eliminate five (5) slimes that have overrun the town! You are allowed to carry 2 items and 1 rune to help in your journey."

And like. We can reward gold and have shops where you can get a sword or something. There's nothing stopping someone having a sword anyways, but it would be a fun ic way to get a sword. The Gamemasters would like. play as the monsters in almost a DnD sort of fashion. Like... roll dice and play though hidden stats (perhaps different artifacts have stats?) to decide how much damage a character will do to a monster.

Just some endless musing. I feel like it would work out if enrolled properly. WCARPG did something similar for their first few months and it worked out well. It wouldn't be required, but I could plan and write out some test quests for people to try out?

Re: suggestions for snowbound - roman - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]I actually like that idea a lot^^^

Part of the reason why WCRPG was so successful back in the day is because of all the event threads. The posts were short but most of them were a decent paragraph or two and everyone came together to save others from a fire or escape a tornado or something like that. Of course, once the site gets a larger member base, event threads just tend to become a spam fest but for now, when there are no badges/titles and the greatest monetary reward you can achieve is by making a good post, having events like galexiux mentioned are a nice way to get people to participate.

And maybe (depending on the event) by completing the task, characters earn the right to call themselves “monster-slayer” or “ghost-talker” or “hero of the flames” depending on what the character did in response to the event. And if it’s managed OOCly by the leader and/or deputy, the memberbase is small enough to skim through, pick out those actions that stand out, and award characters their honorary titles at the next meeting or the conclusion of the event. It’s just a nice thing to do so to recognize efforts without having to draw something or gift money.

Re: suggestions for snowbound - skypher - 05-14-2018

Id be more than happy to become the first "game master" or whatever we decide the title will be. I have tons of ideas for quest threads and I will probably try to enlist a partner or two to create in-depth and thorough quest chains. I feel if everyone pitches in to make things last it'll be very fun. Like. if some were to get injured maybe they have to take the next 10 posts they make or something recovering. Or we can make professions like alchemy quests or herbalism quests for the healing class. To make like. Health elixers to speed up healing processes.

Re: suggestions for snowbound - jacob w.c. - 05-14-2018

I really like that as well! We'd want to make it closer to Snowbound's lore/traditions (so idk if there'd be weapons and things bc they don't really have a way to make those rn but Jake could make some kind of currency and people could have shops and stuff with different things? like someone might have a restaurant, someone else might have weapons if they know how to make them, someone might have bar, etc). It actually reminds me of how I was planning to run the clanwide plot that's coming up haha, since they'll be fighting off humans and prey and all that good stuff. I definitely wouldn't be able to constantly give out prizes and things unless they were kinda small amounts but I could for larger events! Maybe if the clanwide plot goes well I'll find a way to implement a more in-depth system if people want that kind of thing on a regular basis? So that maybe there are prompts where they have to catch a certain amount of prey in a certain way or they have to fight off a feral bear and things like that to help add conflict and all that. The plot coming up would be a good way to test it before launching a full-scale version.

Idk if we'll implement a healing process (although I do like that) because I'm not sure if that'd work well with the site having primarily liquid time? I just want to make sure I'm not breaking site rules or restricting anyone. I also want to make sure this isn't too complicated for someone just walking into the board for the first time to understand.

Re: suggestions for snowbound - skypher - 05-14-2018

Well uh. I really think they should be simple prompts. Like. Have some always open universal ones and open a few extra timed events for the event. I feel the timed prompts make people want to rush to get as much out of of it as they can. Plus, if a new person were to join in the middle of a quest chain, they would be confused on how theyd work. Thats why i suggested the generic like. Kill 3 monsters, collect 5 prey, explore the caves quests. Theyre simple concepts anyone can grasp.

Im not saying we cant have quests for the plot, i just feel we should have both. Also, in all due respect, i feel an already exsisting hp shouldnt have the duty of making and managing the prompts. You guys already have enough to do, yknow?