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WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - Printable Version +- Beasts of Beyond (https://beastsofbeyond.com) +-- Forum: Other (https://beastsofbeyond.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=7) +--- Forum: Archived Roleplay (https://beastsofbeyond.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=6) +---- Forum: The Typhoon (https://beastsofbeyond.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=17) +---- Thread: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING (/showthread.php?tid=1291) Pages:
Oh, Rick couldn’t believe this one. He had been in some shitty situations before, shittier than this, right? Maybe – it was all about perspective. Currently, he wasn’t dying or in more pain than usual. There was no gut-sucking alien that needed its brains blown out, and as far as he could tell, no local government interested in his arrest. Not yet, anyway. No, the thing that made this particular day so fuck-damn shitty was what he had lost. Portal guns weren’t exactly easy to make, and he didn’t even know where they were – maybe this dimension didn’t even have the resources he needed to make a new one, and if they did, who knew who long it would take them to find?Plus, of all the dimensions they could have been stranded in, this one was fucking garbage. He could just tell. There was no sign of truly intelligent life anywhere, no sign of any real civilizations where he could find something useful or at least somewhere to get wasted. No, instead he would have to keep walking through this god-forsaken jungle, looking for whatever morons had picked this place to live. Even if they weren’t advanced enough to make good company, Rick wasn’t that arrogant – he and Morty needed a place to crash and get their bearings before he came up with a plan to get them out of this. He was sure he could sweet-talk them in, if he could just fucking find them. [color=#63B8FF]”Eugh – fuck,” Rick coughed, pausing in his trek to take a final swig of whatever liquid was contained in the flask hanging around his neck. That was the end of his booze – Jesus, they better have more alcohol here. That would really be the final fucking straw. A look of deep annoyance on his face, he glanced over his shoulder, pale eyes briefly falling on the small orange tabby who had fallen behind. Fucking hell. ”K-Keep up, Morty,” he ordered shortly, wiping his mouth carelessly with a paw before resuming his aimless forward motion. [b]”Who knows what the locals are – uuegh – like here. Look at this place, Morty – they could be cannibals, or-or religious freaks, who wanna sacrifice you to their gods. Wouldn’t like that, would ya, Morty? Do you wanna get sacrificed, Morty?” Poor little bastard – he was so easy to scare. It was one of the only things Rick found entertaining at this point, and even then, he knew it would get old before too much longer. Re: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - MORTY - 05-13-2018 ★★★
Oh man, Morty wasn’t too sure about this. Rick didn’t seem too happy – well, that wasn’t new, but that was beside the point – about their current situation, and he had a feeling that this probably wasn’t gonna end well. They couldn’t leave- the portal gun was gone, and as far as the young tabby could see, this wasn’t exactly the kind of place where you could just find another Rick and borrow his gun. But it looked almost like home, with trees and dirt, sans his family and school and everything that actually made home, you know, home.. There was nothing on-the-cob, and no drooling aliens, though. At least that was good, then, right? Right?Pale ears pinned to his head, Morty glanced around at his surroundings, his tail waving anxiously behind him. This place was real sunny, not unlike their old home, but instead of houses and pavement everywhere, there was just sand and dirt and trees. There was a beach, though. That was pretty cool, he guessed. The little tom jumped at the sound of his grandpa’s voice, having spaced out a bit, but was quick to obey the other’s curt command, stumbling over small orange paws as he came up closer behind the far taller feline. [color=#ffff01]”Could you slow down a bit?” he wanted to ask, but he knew it would be worthless, so he didn’t bother. As Rick went on about cannibals and a bunch of scary shit Morty didn’t want to think about, he felt his fur bristle slightly with nerves. He knew Rick was just messing with him, so why was it working? Every goddamn time… ”Oh- oh man, Rick, maybe we should watch out, you know? Maybe go lay low somewhere for a bit? We d-don’t exactly have a way out of here anymore, and I-I don’t wanna, like, get into any trouble.” Of course, knowing his grandfather, that was exactly what was going to happen. Did they have any weapons on them? Not that he could see. Oh jeez, they really could die out here, couldn’t they? "speech" Re: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - PINCHER - 05-13-2018 He hated to admit it but in a way, he always enjoyed stumbling into new faces even if they were ones with a look of murder lacing their facial features. He tended to get bored if stuck with the same faces over and over for he knew that they were strangers unless he had managed to get to know them. He knew most of his crewmates but like himself, they all carried secrets that were locked up inside their chest under lock and key. Pincher's dirtiest secret was the one of killing the former Captain, who had also been his pathetic excuse of a father. More like a tormentor if he really thought about it. Part of him always churned with guilt and pain for murdering someone of his blood but the male at the same time did not mind the action for Archie had begun to unwind from sanity to one of pure horror. He remembered the countless of fights that he had to stop inside the former thug group, the way the tension crackled in the air and the built up hunger of everyone. But once Archie had been kicked out of his fucking high horse, Pincher was able to take control of the group and dragged them to where they were now. The place where he had been born but had hardly been able to recognize due to being stripped away from it at a raw young age. Even now, as he traveled through the lush rainforest, Pincher was unable to pull up any memory of being where he was before. The Captain could hear the loud ringing chirps of the exotic birds echo through the jungle, his cool arctic blue gaze flickering upward as he felt a small knot of hunger begin to tie itself. He was quite hungry and had never really even much of bird before so as he began to contemplate the chance of him catching one of those colorful birds when he halted at the sound of footsteps. And voices. Unfamiliar voices. His velvety pointed ears pricked and twitched, alert and turning to the direction where the voices and footsteps were coming from. Pincher was able to pick up the distinctions, two voices - one that sounded like the crunch of a tincan and one of squeaky chalk. His electric blue eyes narrowed and he lowered his muscular form to the ground, the pitch black pelt able to slightly mold into the ground floor that was covered in fallen leaves and low plants. As he prowled closer, he was tempted to draw his switchblade but decided against it, knowing that it could be a chance of a crewmate just possessing a new body. Yet, the tension between muscle and joint remained as he drew closer until he was right in front of them, hidden behind a large elephant ear plant. "Hate to break it to you but that's pretty much what we are around here." came the low rugged voice of Pincher as he then stepped tenderly from the shelter of the vegetation, his tall lumbering figure now blocking the path where both felines had decided to take their chances on. The ebony obsidian colored canine's lips curled upwards in a sly crocodile grin, revealing jagged shark-like teeth as Pincher cooly tipped his head to the side like an innocent puppy. "This place may look like a tourist hotspot but that doesn't mean everyone that comes in can just walk around. Who are you and what the hell are you doing on Paradis Island?" Pincher's voice turned to one of icy sleet, his ears slowly drawing back as he briefly glanced around, wondering if this was some sort of attack but he doubted that Tanglewood would attack the Typhoon in the rainforest where most knew the territory and it's dangers. Re: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - lilyspoise - 05-13-2018 There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
"Hate to break it to you, Pinch, but one of them looks like he’s drunk and I doubt the other is going to do anything but shake like a kitten. If this is an attack from Tanglewood, then it’s a weak one at that." Lil snorted with an unusual amount of confidence— she usually was more quiet, more reserved, but she’d been feeling better as of late. She didn’t know what happened, but she felt like a weight was lifted from her mind; well, that and the fact that being reserved in the face of a potential attack gave nothing to back up Pincher’s intimidating words. She adjusted her rope necklace, letting potion bottles and herb pouches clink against each other as she watched the two strangers. She couldn’t help but ponder on who they were, and what their stories were. It seemed like they didn’t even know who the Typhoon was, but she couldn’t pin down whether that was a ruse or sheer stupidity. Similarly to Pinch, Lil considered pulling one of her scissor blades from where it was strapped on her foreleg, but figured that doing so could imply that she even thought of the two as a threat. Admittedly she did— she didn’t like confrontation despite being rather good at it, and she absolutely did not want to be the one to draw first and start a fight. Absolutely not. "Of course, we still need your name and business.” As she spoke, she began to worry that Pincher would find her presence annoying. She didn’t particularly care what others thought of her, but if she was messing up some sort of plan he laid down, then she’d undoubtedly feel bad about the matter. // sorry for any typos, on mobile Re: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - ARGUS - 05-13-2018 [align=center]
[W]iskerSOMEBODY SHOWED YOU ALL OF THE HORROR- YOU WEREN'T BORN WITH IT! [div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus was used to spending times of the day napping. The rest of the day was usually spend conversing with her clanmates and the night was when she mostly patrolled and hunted. Away from prying eyes and hunting those who would wish her clan any harm. Even flightless, damaged- a wolf''s gotta eat, right?
It was during an attempted nap that she heard the group chatting. Lazily from atop a tree the white wolf let out a low groan. Of course. The time she wanted to sleep would be disturbed. Well, it was only a nap anyway. She could always catch that time back later on in the day. As it were- two strangers have seemingly been found smack dab in the middle of the island. That got her a little bit more awake then. Potential dangers or just some unfortunate rouges that they could capture as sharkbait- and argus was secretly hoping they would just for disturbing her fucking rest. As argus approached from within the security of the tree's, she noted the two strangers. The shorter domestic being morty and the other... Rick, apparently. At least from what they called each other. Argus hid a smile at the older's own words. Cannibals? Cults? Well- maybe not here, but argus has still seen them all the same. She would jump down and make a comment on it but... that would raise too much question. Some things are better left buried after all. So she jumped down from where she hid. Wings opening to break her landing a little and kept mostly silent. Watching the strangers with a blank face for now. Ready to attack if necessary. Re: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - RICK - 05-13-2018 ★★★
Watch out? Lay low? Rick rolled his eyes at Morty's squeaky suggestions, glancing briefly back over his shoulder at the boy as he opened his mouth to speak again - perhaps to tell him what a waste of time that would be, or maybe to tell him how stupid he sounded. Or maybe both, but he was cut short before he could even begin by a deep, unfamiliar voice, and the old cat turned nonchalantly back towards the speaker, a scraggly feline brow raising as he surveyed him. He looked like some kind of hellhound wannabe, and though Rick was sure Morty would be just about pissing himself in fear, he himself couldn't be impressed. He had seen better.[color=#63B8FF]"Tourist trap? Trust me, we wouldn't be anywhere near this shithole if we could be anywhere else," he began, the insult falling so casually from his lips it seemed he hardly noticed it, and it fit perfectly among his relaxed tone of voice. Briefly, his attention was drawn to the other girl that appeared a moment later, narrowing his eyes slightly as she spoke. Was he drunk? Yeah, a bit, but he was pretty much always drunk. He knew what he was doing - what did she know? Nothing, apparently. After she finished, he let out a burp before asking, dismissively, "What the hell is Tanglewood? Sounds lame." However, he continued immediately, clearly not interested in an answer anyway, turning his blue gaze back to Pincher. "Look, we're just lost. I'm Rick, and this is my grandson, Morty." He indicated the smaller feline, who by now was surely cowering behind him if he hadn't fucking passed out yet out of pure terror. "W-We don't want any trouble - we're just looking for a place to crash." As he spoke, another creature appeared, but she didn't say anything, so he paid her no mind for now. //oof sleepy post Re: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - MORTY - 05-13-2018 ★★★
Morty was just about ready for Rick to make some snarky remark toward him when Pincher's voice sounded, and, for a second, the boy thought he was going to scream, but he managed to simply gasp out a, [color=#ffff01]"Holy shit,", reminding himself that he and Rick had been in far worse situations before. Everything would be fine- his grandpa wouldn't let anything happen to him, right? Actually, that wasn't true, but, as long as keeping Morty safe would also benefit Rick, he should be okay.Wait, so they they really were cannibals? Gross! Rick was probably right about these people- they were uncivilized as hell. Or, this guy was just kidding, but he wouldn't be surprised either way, by the looks of him. "H-hey man, we're n-not here to-" Morty cut himself off as a girl emerged, too. At first, he was awestruck at the sight of her, but when she mentioned him, he squeaked out a little, "Hey!" of protest. However, he didn't say much more- Rick would probably handle this a bit better than him, if a bit more crudely. That was fine, they'd done this a thousand times, though that didn't make it any less frightening. The young feline glanced up to his grandfather as he spoke, inching a bit closer to him, though he hoped it wasn't too noticeable to the others. Large brown eyes found Argus as she approached, and Morty watched her apprehensively, though waited to say much else until one of the others spoke up again. Were they gonna, like, burn them at the stake, or something? He wouldn't put it past these people, though the second girl seemed okay- at least, she seemed like she wasn't going to try to fucking kill him. "speech" Re: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - ARGUS - 05-14-2018 [align=center]
[W]iskerSOMEBODY SHOWED YOU ALL OF THE HORROR- YOU WEREN'T BORN WITH IT! [div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Sometimes silence was the best option. In certain situations where everything needed to be said were already said, argus found herself silent. It was easier to think without the worry of trying to keep up with the conversation. Let her focus her attention to understand the two strangers within their lands.
Overtly sarcastic, drunk, and apathetic. Rick's outward persona sobbed with some hidden vulnerability that she wasn't interesting in dissecting at the moment, but ready to. Dark red eyes eyed the flask that hung around his neck and she felt a grin flash across her features. Not here to cause any trouble? For a high-functioning alcoholic, he seemed to know how to cover his bases. From the ease in their shoulders both of them seemed eased. Even stumbling in the middle of a border getting caught. Even morty, who seemed to be a big bundle of them. They must have done this before. they must have thought they could get away with it. She wasn't sure she wanted to start a fight, as interesting as it would be to start one. Rick seemed at ease in his body, not in a way that showed or leaked danger, Just reckless. Maybe not on par with Argus' own suicidal recklessness, but a definite lack of care that it perplexed her for a mortal. Well, maybe it was just because he was drunk, but she had little doubt he ever stayed sober for long. The younger one was an anxious ball. Quick to rile up and too forgiving. She shifted her stance. Letting the handle of her weapon show from between her shoulders as she stepped closer, Eyes considering. He was... trusting. Which could be useful. A good captive if nesisary, easy to turn onto their sides if only argus- no " Well, for someone who is trying to stay out of trouble, you already caused a good deal." she narrowed her eyes. Trespassing on the territory- not to mention how they managed it without getting caught. There have been many times where argus has been sneaked upon- and killed for it. Maybe not... maybe not under her new name now. Or at least, not in broad day like now. But, now. The pair were interesting. If anything else, enough to catch her own eyes. So she allowed a smile to stretch across her face. "Maa, you fine with staying with a bunch of cannibals then?" The officer asked, a teasing tilt to her voice. Not that it would really be considered cannibalism to eat them. At least not for her. "Cannibals usually don't cluster together. Out of experience it get's pretty messy. We might have a few- but no one has really come out and said anything." Then again, she didn't have much experience with them. You would think running a cult she would run into some. But it was actually more common in the loner lands than anything else. "Names Argus. And welcome to the typhoon the both of you." She wanted to go back to bed, already, or start some fucking coffee. "You want a tour of the place?" Maybe she can get a mug of the shit in the tavern. She never really tried before to. Re: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - lilyspoise - 05-14-2018 There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lil held her tongue as Rick went off and insulted the territory— she knew she was being rather quick to judge right now. She saw in Rick what she didn’t see in her own family life: a flawed person who still ultimately cared. Her own father never showed an ounce of affection towards her, and the nearest thing she got to praise was being rewarded for carrying out his orders. Her brother had always been carrying the weight of raising them, and even then he eventually had to become a different person in order to survive. The world was cruel; she couldn’t have the big brother she needed if she had the leader she needed, and vice versa. So she was quick to grow angered with the two because she was jealous in a way. But jealousy was an ugly word, so she focused on how she didn’t want to be a nuisance to Pincher, and instead worked on keeping that bit of insecurity under a well practiced façade. "If you’re not here to cause harm, then you’re welcome to stay. Do either of you need any medical attention?" The tabby asked, disposition shifting to a slightly more lax one despite Argus's more cold reception. She supposed a part of her felt bad insulting the little scared boy, but he’d need to toughen up here anyways. She was sure initiation with help with that though. "I’m Lilyspoise. If you have any questions, feel free to ask." They’d likely have a lot of questions— they didn’t seem familiar with the group system at all, plus they said that they were lost. If they were lost, though if that were the case, then where were they originally from? Lilyspoise has a soft spot for scared fellows, so she felt herself wanting to help Morty out some, but at the same time she didn’t care much for being around the grandfather — Rick, he said his name was — since that he had been nothing but obnoxious since the moment he stepped foot into the territory. He did seem to want the best for Morty, though. If it weren’t for his... questionable behaviorisms (his manners, specifically, and Lil set the bar relatively low for others) she would probably enjoy his presence. "We're not all cannibals. Maybe a few odd ones here and there, but if you're one of us then you won't be hurt." // i wrote this on mobile last night, sorry for any typos!! Re: WHATTUP MY GLIP GLOPS | DUAL-JOINING - MORTY - 05-15-2018 ★★★
Trouble? Had they really caused that much trouble? If they were this open to new people, Morty would assume they were used to this. Maybe their aggression was just some big show they put on to seem tough, or maybe they really were that sensitive. [color=#ffff01]"I- I- I mean-" Morty began, though cut himself off as the other started talking about cannibals again. Oh, that was... comforting, he supposed. As Argus finished, the boy opened his mouth to reply, but his attention was drawn back to Lilyspoise as she addressed the two of them, and he felt his first smile since they'd made it here stretch across his lips."Oh- no, we're good, thank you," he answered slowly, his tail waving mindlessly behind him. Come to think of it, Rick was probably dying of multiple different illnesses, but he could handle that himself. Though Morty did have a lot of questions about this place, he didn't really know if he should ask. Would this girl think he was stupid, or something? Yeah, he couldn't do that. He'd figure it out, eventually, if Rick didn't already know what was going on with this weird group. "We're not all cannibals. Maybe a few odd ones here and there, but if you're one of us then you won't be hurt." If they both claimed they weren't cannibals, it was either true, or they all were, but he thought he trusted this girl. "Haha, oh, that's- that's good to know," the little tabby forced a shaky laugh, shifting his weight from paw to paw. "So do we, uh, just go look around, or- or something? How big is this place?" "speech" |