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Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - Printable Version

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Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - SirDio - 09-27-2020


The dark dragon paced before the rather decorative spikes of heads that separated the dark beast from the searing desert. If whoever put them there wanted to keep people out, it was going to fail. Walking up to the picket fence of heads and other gruesome, decaying decor, she placed a talon against one spike, testing the stability of it. Seeing it hardly budge, she let out a harrumph before slipping past the border, delicately stepping between bones, skulls, masks, the whole 9 yards. Once free of the lovely decor, she stretched her wings out. Raising her scowling face toward the sky, she let out a bellowing roar, akin to a string bass being played with a glove.

"Gods... whoever created that 'border' really should've done better. It looks horrendous." She growled to herself, tongue running over her maw. God, the heat was already getting to her - who within her family decided for dark scales? She was too old to remember.

Rearing her head back, she let out another string screech, a much looser one to signify no ill meaning for the time being. her devil's tail flicked back and forth in the sand, and she picked at her left front talon with her teeth.

Re: Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - Windowmemer - 09-27-2020

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — newblood — pinterest board
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OC TEXT | IC opinions only

welcome! <3


One of the loudest noises ever split the air and the panther growled in annoyance. Could nobody get some rest nowadays? He rose to his paws and lumbered towards the source and stopped a respectful yet cautious distance from the animal. "Yo, you good? Why the fuck are you making so much noise?"
He didn't really care what the animal was, or how much she dominated him in size. Doesn't matter. "Don't complain about the border. If you don't like it, feel free to dig a hole, live in it, and make a border that suits your preference." He lifted his broad shoulders in a shrug, a slow grin spreading across his maw.
He watched her shout into the air again and winced at the sound. "Lady, for the love of everything unholy, can you please shut the fuck up? You're waking up everybody."

Re: Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - SirDio - 09-27-2020


Watching the feline slink forward, she listened silently as he spoke and gave her a noise complaint or two. A rumbling laugh rose from her throat, but she pushed it down in exchange for a scowling grin. "But where's the fun in that? Being in a hole is lonely, dear kitty. I prefer company over better borders, really." She pivoted her Head to look at him further, talons digging into the sands. "And how else am I to project my presence? Not everyone is observant. A pity, truly." She sighed, flicking her tail against the sand again.

Re: Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - Windowmemer - 09-27-2020

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — newblood — pinterest board
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OC TEXT | IC opinions only


He rolled his eyes and frowned as she called him dear kitty, then a smirk slid onto his face, his flirty side coming into play. "Oh, so we're into the nicknames stage, already? Very well, bella." He smiled back. "I wasn't telling you to make a hole, but if you really want to, I'll join." Fuck whoever he flirted with. It was his choice, doesn't matter who, what, when, where or why he flirted with. If the personality came up, it came up. "To project your presence? You only have to shout once for all of us to notice you." He matched her movement, whipping up the sand with a swish of his tail.

Re: Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - SirDio - 09-27-2020


Her lips twitched as he gave her the nickname. Wings flaring slightly, she shook her head gently. Her grin widened as she looked down at him. "Ah, nevermind. I'm the furthest from pretty. My name is Chernabog. Yours?" She tilted her head. "the first roar was... aggressive. I didn't want to leave such a harsh impression, so I opted for a looser roar. Saves me from the 'oh, you wanna fight?' Kinds of people." She loosely shrugged.

Re: Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - Windowmemer - 09-27-2020

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — newblood — pinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]

OC TEXT | IC opinions only


The corners of his mouth tilted up as Chernabog introduced herself. "Ahh psssht," He waved a paw in the air. "You're pretty enough. I've seen uglier. Anyways, back to the topic. Heya Chernabog, my name's Jormungand, but you can call me Daddy." He threw her a wink, then snorted. "Nah, I'm kidding. Call me Jor. Nice to meet you." He patted the ground with a paw, the smile curving his lips.
"That first one was kinda forward, yeah," The roar did seem threatening. "You made it seem like you were calling everybody out, yeesh." He rolled his eyes. "Plus, I'm pretty sure almost everyone here would love a good fight. I know I'd always be down for one."

Re: Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - SirDio - 09-27-2020


Chernabog let out a rumbling laugh, "You jest." She chuckled out. Shifting her talons a bit, she let out a soft cough at his next words. Her talons dug deeper into the sand, and she laughed gently when he said he was kidding. "You had better been kidding, Jor. Nice to meet you too." a stern grin curled at her lips and she looked around the desert. "Mmmmhmm. Speaking of 'everyone' how come only you've come to complain about the noise? My roar can reach for miles. Surely someone else could have been here by now." She tilted her head, holding a handful of sand in her right talon, letting it fall out and hit the ground gently.

Re: Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - gael - 09-27-2020

A quieter creature by nature, Gael never understood why so many opted for such a vocal, wordless proclamation of their presence -- often reminiscent of their more feral counterparts.  It often spoke of an ego the vulpine rarely found appealing.  At least this one did not seem to do it out of aggression; contrary to Jormungand's words, he did not seek out meaningless fights.

'The more eager you are violence, the more likely you are to find it' -- his cousin may have a point, though the Ardent found it had found him many times regardless.  Consequently, hazel optics leveled thoughtfully on the dragoness, ear flicking dismissively at the jests and flirtations between the two.

"What brings you here?" Direct, the faerie spoke without pause; entirely disinterested in the playful conversation he padded into.  The dragoness clearly came with purpose, given her loud entrance; someone should ask.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - SirDio - 09-27-2020


Glancing around the land, Chernabog had to do a double take when she saw Gael. He was small, especially compared to herself and Jor. She turned to look at him, her grin loosening into a smile. "Hello. Aside from wanting to complain to someone about the gruesome picket fence behind me, I was hoping to meet others - I'm a bit new to this land, y'see." She looked to Jor, then back to Gael. "What's Your name?"

Re: Dark Spot - Open, Joiner - Windowmemer - 09-28-2020

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — newblood — pinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]

OC TEXT | IC opinions only


He rrolled his eyes and was about to respond when Gale appeared, throwing out random statements, and he grinned back at Chernabog. "Of course I'm kidding, I barely even know you. But that may change one day." The last sentence was a murmur meant for her ears only, then he proceeded to drop to his haunches and watch the interaction between the animals with an obviously large size difference between them.