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OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 9/12/2022 - Printable Version

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OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 9/12/2022 - TANGLEWOOD. - 09-16-2020

[sup]the sanctuary for wayward souls[/sup]
Welcome to Tanglewood.  Here in the darkest corners of the swamp, the Tanglers dwell, a group of wayward travelers, outcasts, and assorted misfits.  They are as wild and untamed as the forest they live in and the only rules they follow are the ones set by both their home and themselves.

If you are accepted into the ranks of the Tanglers, you'll find yourself part of the greatest family on the island.  If not, expect to find yourself lost among the overgrowth, forever lost to the whims of the swamp...
The Territory:

The Town:
Tanglewood is home to a great many wonderous things, from soaring canopies to dangerous lurking beasts.  It is advised that you make yourself familiar with the lay-out of the forest before it swallows you alive...

After Brymstone's swift banishment, a new member rose to the spot of Luminary. Firefly, a longtime member of Tanglewood, proclaimed their leadership.  Firefly's leadership has ultimately been very quiet until recently, when many members of Tanglewood (and some other places!) began to rise from the dead!  With this phenomenon has brought a surge of confusion and activity the swamp hasn't seen in some time and Firefly struggles to keep track of new and old relationships in the marsh...
LUMINARY: The highest in the hierarchy of powers, and in simplest terms, the leader. Capabilities include hosting clan-wide meetings, promotions and demotions, managing politics and raids,  among other common tasks. HP

SHADOW REAPER: The second-in-command, and the next in the power hierarchy. If the Luminary is absent, they are expected to act as a substitute in the meantime, and hold the power to accept alliance requests and member ideas, host raids, advise the Luminary, and enforce laws. HP

REAPERS: An elite force of Tanglers who has managed to survive and thrive long enough to earn this rank. Reapers act as a vice-deputy, giving them the power to advise the Luminary and host meetings for other HPs. They keep watch over the lower ranks of the group, overseeing the rest of the ranks and keeping their territory safe. They hold the ability to host events and raids, accept requests and member suggestions, and enforce laws. They act as second-in-command if the Shadow Reaper and Luminary is not around. Reapers can specialize in the following: espionage, medicine, communal, military, and ambassadorship. HP
Reaper of Espionage: TBATBA
Reaper of Medicine: TBATBA
Communal Reaper: TBATBA
Reaper of Military: TBATBA
Reaper of Ambassadorship: TBATBA

VASSALS: Vassals are Tanglers who have proven their loyalty time and time again. They are given the responsibility of accepting invitations, visiting groups as ambassadors whenever possible, welcoming newcomers, and keeping as many threads open as possible. They can specialize in the following and act as trainees for Reapers: espionage, medicine, communal, military, and ambassadorship. HP
Vassal of Military: TBATBA

SHADERUNNER: The stepping stone rank given to those who have shown their potential. Their role functions similarly to a Guardsman OR a Medic trainee; the role is essentially to prepare for higher ranks in the future. sHP

SAWBONE: A medic-in-training, so to speak. They are able to host check-ups, but will need to seek approval from their Reaper if they wish to hold a training session. sHP

MEMBER: The common member of the group, acting as the base hunters and gatherers for the population as well as a secondary defense force in case of attacks.

Re: OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 2/16/2021 - TANGLEWOOD. - 09-16-2020

[sup]the sanctuary for wayward souls[/sup]
Titles: Titles are given to Tanglers who fulfill certain requirements or have achieved certain goals and are given by the General during meetings. Titles are represented by special badges made from wood and carved and painted to look like whatever title they represent (see below).

Monthly Prank Target: Having originally been founded as a chaotic and fun-loving group, Tanglewood still carries on this tradition through their rotating prank target tradition. Put simply, this tradition involves Tanglewood targeting a different group each month to prank mercilessly for that entire month. In the case of allies or neutral groups, these pranks are mostly lighthearted, and meant to provide a lighthearted atmosphere in times of stress. If the target is an enemy, however, pranks may be more vicious and damaging, meant to remind them just lightly what it means to mess with Tanglewood. Current target: The Pitt.

Buddy System: Whenever a new member is welcomed into Tanglewood, they are assigned to be "buddies" with another older Tangler for a week after their joining. The older member is expected to show them around the territory, teach them about Tanglewood's history and rules, and just generally help them get settled. While older members are not forced to take part in this tradition, it is used as a baseline to see how friendly they are to newer members of the group.

Masks: A requirement expected from Tanglers, masks are given as a reward for completing a difficult task known as the Mask Vigil. This vigil is held as needed, and is a rite of passage for those coming of age and those just joined. It consists of a night in the graveyard for participants, with older mask wearing members attempting to catch them in a very violent game of tag. These masks are generally used as an indicator of one's path through Tanglewood life. They may be altered, either with paint or carvings, whenever an important event in their life happens, whether it be something like a wedding or spiritual journey, or something more official, like a promotion. Title badges may even be affixed to masks as a way of showing off what titles one has earned. Alterations to masks is generally done by members known as "maskmenders," who are specially trained to changes without damaging the masks.

Tree Markers: Even for the most elite members, Tanglewood's territory is still hazardous and in most cases, deadly. To deter members from stumbling into danger, a system has been developed to forewarn wandering Tanglers of surrounding threats. Symbols are carved and scratched into tree trunks, a simplistic code that only Tanglewood inhabitants are taught, with each scratching translating to a different label. The symbols are used to mark not only possible dangers in the vicinity, but also hunting spots, directions, trap locations, and safe water supplies. If there are no trees present to carve into, a rare occasion in the dense forest, then mud is used to paint out symbols on rocks and other surfaces.
guide to the symbols: hunting, water, directions, and dangers

Death Ritual: When a Tangler's life has come to an end, the entire group comes together to mourn them properly. The dead are buried in a location of their choosing during life, or where their close friends or family choose if they hadn't made a decision. If they have no close friends or family, then they are buried in the graveyard. Afterwards, the current Luminary of the group holds a short eulogy for them, and the group will have a toast for them within the tavern. Their mask and badges are then hung up in either the swamp or the tavern, meant to not only serve as an eternal reminder of the life they lived, but also ward off enemies and evil spirits.

Laws: Simple rules are used to govern Tanglewood's general lifestyle, and are expected to be respected:
1. Whatever the Luminary says is law.
2. Do not kill or harm fellow members without a proper reason.
3. Never betray the group or its members.
4. Do not cause trouble with another group, or be responsible for the consequences.
5. Newcomers are automatically welcomed into Tanglewood unless they are a threat and/or have intentions to harm the group.
(6. All BoB rules apply.)
Tanglers who disobey these rules or enemy spies who are caught are branded with an identifiable scar and exiled. If they were to ever return, they are executed on sight.
Despite its less-than-ideal territory, Tanglewood manages to scrap up items for trade with their allies. Their main exports consist of medical herbs, livestock, freshwater fish, small metal objects, leathers and furs, and home-brewed moonshine. Bundles of both herbs and other plants are available as well, and human appliances are also abundant in the town's junkyard. Furthermore, machinery has been found in the junkyard that has been helpful in creating metal items such as badges. After discovering a storage of moonshine in their camp, Tanglers have learned to brew their own alcohol from the main ingredient, barley, which may be gifted to allies on the rare occasion.
Berserker: A title given to Tanglers who are frequently found on the front lines during raids, participating in battles, or offering to train or spar with their peers. This title is represented by a sword.
Current Title Holders: Aurum

Hallow: A title given to Tanglers who have put in the effort to learn medicine and help heal others despite not necessarily being medics. This title is represented by a bowl of herbs.
Former Title Holders: Delilah

Observer: A title given to Tanglers who prove themselves to be proficient at spying on others. This title is represented by binoculars.

Emissary: A title given to Tanglers who have shown promise as ambassadors by offering to visit other groups to keep up relations. This title is represented by a map.

Revenant: A title given to Tanglers who have undergone major character development since their arrival in Tanglewood. This title is represented by a ghost.
Current Title Holders: Aurum
Former Title Holders: Delilah

Gatorbait: A title given to Tanglers who prove their loyalty time and time again through consistent activity and inclusion. This title is represented by a gator.
Current Title Holders: Aurum, Vigenere, Kiira
Former Title Holders: Caustic, Octane, Bloodhound, Ivan, Arrow, Stocking, Leroy, Axle

Paragon: A title given to Tanglers who complete the feat of earning all the other badges and are dedicated followers of Tanglewood. This title is represented by a diamond

Tanglewood is a chaotically aligned neutral group and will mercilessly mess up whoever crosses their path negatively; however, combat is usually not actively sought out. They will ally with those they deem trustworthy.

Allies: The Typhoon
Neutrals: all not listed
Enemies: The Coalition of the Condemned, The Pitt

Re: OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 9/16/2020 - MysteriouslyMaple - 09-16-2020

Alrighty, mobile-friendly guide is now finished! Everyone is free to track now if wanted ^^

Re: OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 9/23/2020 - TANGLEWOOD. - 09-23-2020

Updated with the first half of the 9/23 meeting!

-- Maple

Re: OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 9/23/2020 - deimos - 12-21-2020


Re: OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 2/16/2021 - Windowmemer - 02-21-2021


Re: OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 2/16/2021 - Orion - 01-01-2022

Updated guide with needed history/changes!

Re: OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 1/13/2022 - deliah . - 02-16-2022


Re: OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 1/13/2022 - Zjarr - 03-14-2022


Re: OFFICIAL TANGLEWOOD GUIDE ∆ Updated 3/25/2022 - tanglewoodian - 03-26-2022
