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find solace in me || joining - Printable Version

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find solace in me || joining - pallid-i - 07-19-2020

The feeling of sand in between his paws made him uncomfortable, though he vaguely remembered liking the feeling as a child. How he could have ever liked this feeling was beyond him, but Harrison had to think about the present. Like why he was here.
The tom shook his pelt and stood there awkwardly while waiting for someone to come greet him. The Typhoon was a place his father went to from time to time, but Jacob wasn't around anymore as far as he knew. He was pretty sure his sister was here.. Half-sister? Adopted half-sister? Harrison wasn't entirely sure but perhaps referring to her as just his sister was easier.

Re: find solace in me || joining - AMUNET - 07-19-2020

dust and shattered rock crunched under the large beast's claws, dew claws slicing through the sands with the hiss of it's sands sliding further, deeper. ament was born here, in this kingdom of jungle and sands, of salt and sea and earth. with each tread the utharaptor felt only the thrum of wrathwrathwrath burning his tongue, his sense with any direction; it left ament to wonder his home, for once alone; a concept familiar yet foreign. To him, there were many things foreign, this stranger, these faces that flickered in and out of his home to which he cared little for: the clan as it were lived beside him, and in tern he lived alongside it, peacefully, until his siblings declared the war that would end one side of the war, a single heir to the territy they both lay claim to. ament waits, and let's that one part of him, that small part of him that isn't wrath- grow into something larger; larger still.

it stops him now, deep ocean blue eyes turned towards the stranger standing at the border. ament was making the rounds, scouting for the clanherd of the typhoon, finding them was easy, but this far out- where strangers flcoked and made such easy picking for the venadi- little dare tred, beyond prey; it was pure luck that ament's curiosity won out his hunger, at least for the moment.

stillness- settled into the air and wrought with tension as ament's eyes would connect with this: prey before him. Not of the herd of the typhoon, and not worth the title threat. Prey. ament felt his muscles tense, ament cared not for hunger, only the entertainment; the question would be weither or not the stranger would provide it better- alive or dying by his teeth?

ament cocked his head, ducking his head low and letting out a sound reminiscent of a growl.

Re: find solace in me || joining - GEORGIA. - 07-20-2020

The feeling of being on foreign ground that she was supposed to call home felt inherently wrong; it felt false. The curse etched in her soul thrummed with restless unease, nagging of a constant need to move. She had visited some of the main points of the island - the tavern, the blacksmith's. Her ear still ached where it had been pierced the other day.

In her exploits, Georgia frequently found herself wandering up and down the shorelines, paw pads numb with the feeling of sand beneath them; the waves leaning towards her as though she were magnetic. Not only was the ocean the only thing to ease the itch of her curse, but the sea breeze offered some relief from the island's summer heat.

It was on this route that Georgia, wandering and petulantly kicking sand around, found herself crossing paths with Ament - the raptor from her arrival on the island. The fur on the back of her neck stood on end just on principle; the presence of the massive dino was enough to make her wig out in seconds.  However, whatever he was doing wasn't any of her business, and frankly? She didn't want any part of it.

Unfortunately, she managed to catch a glimpse of someone unfamiliar to her. Actually, most characters here were unfamiliar to her; it just so happened that Ament was one of the four that were not. Wrinkling her nose, Georgia's curiosity outweighed her desire to put distance between herself and Ament.

With unbridled caution, Georgia stepped up beside the raptor, sea green eyes glancing in his direction to make sure he stayed where he was. As for the stranger, Georgia's ears twitched in his direction. She'd heard Ament's low growl, and couldn't tell if he was about to eat them or was asking a question. The people here seemed to have a "we must know your name" policy, and she wasn't about to put herself on the chopping block by letting random people wander in. If she wanted to stay, she'd have to play the part, right? Play nice and all that.

"Hey stranger," Georgia nodded. "Got a name?"

Re: find solace in me || joining - ROXANNE R. - 07-20-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne knew that they had been getting quite a few new people as of late and well, that made the temporary Captain quite pleased by the influx of joiners. The draconic feline had been trying to keep track of everything as of right now though her attention shifted when she saw Ament and Georgia, one of the recent joiners, arrive shortly after the dinosaur. Without another thought, the small feline would make her way over with both ears perked forward and lashed her tail to the sides. It seemed that Georgia had already asked the necessary question or so had inquired about their name. An amused smile would tug at her lips though since it was nice seeing that the other femme was getting accustomed to her new home if that's what she considered it, it was definitely her home for certain. She would never doubt that and would speak with a slow nod "And you're business too. Ya 'ere to join or find a place to stay a few days?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: find solace in me || joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-20-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
These past couple of days have been hectic, and Aphra wasn't entirely comfortable with the looks the NPCs gave her and the murmurs that escaped them. They whispered about how her father had been the one to attack Goldenluxury and forced Roxanne to stand in as Captain until the tigress healed. It hurt to hear her father's name whispered in such a malicious way, and it didn't help that some NPCs were questioning Aphra's loyalty towards The Typhoon and Goldie.

So that would explain the white she-cat's absence for the past couple of days. Sure, she enjoyed attention and liked it when people talked about her and were awe of her - but she didn't like being talked about in such a negative light. Aphra said nothing as she followed after Roxanne, a small frown on her face.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: find solace in me || joining - Grimm - 07-20-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Family.

Cruel the savagery of simple sounds, upon a frame of lacking worth inscribed a price cut from the tender muscle of beating heart. Beyond the structure of tally the numerous that flocked forth, drawn by the call and deemed red by a roll of the tongue, others more tentative in their claim. Of them was he, who bore a coat of charcoal and smoke, yet another laid claim as though a prize was he, as lowly as he had come to deem himself.

Towards neither did the man who once held the tentatively gifted title of father belong, a man that love had brought to their flock. His was a name that returned healer did not carry, one unbefit the blood of brine and foam, soft edges and gentle compassion against harsh jagged stone. Honour instead was laid upon stranger who sought strange shores, drawn here as once had been his sire, a sight that may tug upon frozen heartstrings once.

Last was his approach made with the twisted curl of reproach against dark countenance, though who it was directed towards may only be guessed upon. Unnecessary the inclusion of his own voice, already spoken the necessary queries, yet the croaking groan of it decorated the air all the same. "Are you injured." Brief the diversion of attention, upon aunt - odd such known connection for once had she run feral about the land with monstrosities at her heel - did it lay. Silas knew of the policies of Goldenluxury, the treatment of most fair and just, of Roxanne he may guess.

Re: find solace in me || joining - Luciferr - 07-20-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
Jaime itched lately - something under his skin gnawed at him and his fur crawled with it.

He briefly hoped he really hadn’t caught the fleas uncle mike had - but it didn’t feel like it, so he’d hesitantly say it must be something else.

Though fro someone so furry you’d assume sand would itch and annoy him, but sand was home and he was used to it - even if it got everywhere - and so the youngster could be found trotting up behind the group, never far from his mother and Ament - the cub trilling over to the raptor in his practiced imitation of their greetings.

Then those green slit eyes tracked over to the newcomer with something like wary interest but well, all th adults had already asked the important questions.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: find solace in me || joining - michael t. - 07-20-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Truth be told, Michael knew very little about Goldie's extended family, despite being close to a part of it. Although he was the adopted brother of Roxie, as far as he knew he hadn't been taken in by the rest of the family – save for Roxie's children. He also wasn't sure he could ever go as far as to call Goldenluxury his niece like Roxie threw around so casually. Goldie, even in her presently injured state, still had a way of shaking him down to his very core, even if he knew that she truly wouldn't hurt him, provided he didn't hurt anyone within the Typhoon. Needless to say, however, it was clear that Michael wouldn't know of the more out there family of Goldie, such as the male currently positioned silently at the border. Maybe someday he'd be more interested in being a more active member of the larger family he had unintentionally stumbled into, but for now? For now, he was perfectly happy with the company of his sister, as well as her children. The title of Uncle Mikey was hardly anything glamorous, but he still took a kind of pride in it, silly as that sounded.

The presence of his family was actually why the reaver found himself drawn towards the newcomer, pulled in by the fact that both Roxie and Jaime were looking at him with curiosity. Having sufficiently bathed the fleas from his pelt – with quite a few baths, if he was being honest – the bobcat felt no hesitation in trotting up beside his sister, brushing their pelts together in greeting. Looking Harrison over, the thief tried to see if there was anything of particular interest in the other's appearance, but it didn't really seem as though that was the case. Even aside from valuable objects that the fugitive might've been interested in, Michael wasn't sure that anyone could beat Lucifer and his little brood of raptor children in fascinating appearances and arrivals. Shaking his pelt out a bit, the short feline decided to add on to Silas's question – although it was really phrased more as a statement – with his own brief words, "If you are, I can go and get our sage, Roan. He'll patch you up real quick, trust me." He knew that his oldest nephew had been rather stressed as of late thanks to the rapidly piling amount of injured crew members, but that hadn't pulled away from the quality of his work – thankfully for them all, obviously. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: find solace in me || joining - pallid-i - 07-20-2020

Harrison heard a growl and his hackles rose in alarm. He whipped to look at the feathered creature and his ears flattened to his head, though he fought the primal instinct to run. Running would probably trigger this gnarly creature to follow after him, and the cat was NOT looking to die today.
He gulped and looked at the people who were slowly starting to gather. He was feeling somewhat overwhelmed but he had to keep his head held high. He came this far, there was no sense in backing out now. He looked at Georgia and blinked a couple of times, surprised that she wasn't really bothered by the raptor. "Uh- Y-yeah I do. It's Harrison Wickliff Corleone. He said quickly with a smile. When Roxanne asked him for his business he inhaled deeply before exhaling. "I'm here to join, and no, I'm not injured. No need to worry about me." He said to Micheal and Silas before taking a small step back to get a better look at everyone. So many unfamiliar faces. Things really had changed, and Harrison wasn't quite sure how to feel about that.

Re: find solace in me || joining - GEORGIA. - 07-21-2020

Georgia watched in mild amusement at Harrison's reaction to Ament. God - was that how she had looked? Hackles raised, fur on end, a subconscious "Y'all are seeing this too, right?" in the depths of his eyes. She snorted; it was always easier to enjoy someone else's terror over her own.

As people started gathering, Gia decided to take a seat, wondering if she'd be here long. If you asked the questions, did you have to stay until it was answered? That seemed polite...and boring. Georgia sighed and rocked backwards on her haunches, fur digging into the sand to collect where it was most unwanted. She seemed to know most people here, with the exception of Aphra. That was fine; she'd meet them all some day when they stopped crawling out of the depths of the island. She paused for a moment, sea green gaze lingering on Michael and Silas as they asked if he was injured. Georgia's confusion surfaced visibly: he very obviously wasn't injured; why were they asking?

When Harrison spoke she begrudgingly turned towards him again, taking note that he looked a little less like he was about to shit himself and a little more like a cat capable of handling himself. "Damn, that's a mouthful," She responded bluntly. "And Wickliff sounds kind of weird. But yeah, you're in, unless anybody else here has something they'd like to say about it." The girl shrugged, stood up, and headed towards the trees with a flick of her tail. "I'm Georgia, if that's ever useful information to you." She tossed over her shoulder.