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EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - Printable Version

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EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - michael t. - 06-25-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Many fantastical things tended to happen on the island that all four groups inhabited. Animals had wonderful powers, mythical beasts roamed the land, and people rose from the dead seemingly on a regular basis. As such, it could sometimes become difficult to remember the more... mundane issues that their kind tended to face. Such as the inability to hold onto certain things, or the natural instincts of prey versus predator. One such nuisance that often went unnoticed by many was quite literally a nuisance – fleas. When the summer seasons came around, the awful little bugs delighted in roaming out and infecting any poor animal they could find, crawling all over them and making them itch relentlessly. There were ways to get rid of them, of course, but they involved many vigorous baths, as well as careful inspection of one's entire body. Unfortunately for one Michael Townley, reaver of The Typhoon, his now fiance, Trevor, hadn't really been big on either of those things. The other was a mangy, lanky, and vicious coyote, who often smelled of gasoline unless Michael literally forced him to bathe. As such, it was only natural for him to have fleas. Unfortunately, it also meant that it was natural for him to transfer these fleas over to his future husband.

At first, Michael hadn't noticed the itch that was buried deep beneath his fur. He had bigger things to worry about, and it wasn't as if the occasional itch was that unusual. For the most part, he'd just scratch at his neck or his back, and then the itch would fade for the time being. However, as the weeks had gone on, and the summer had come on in full force, the bobcat found himself suffering. The itch had evolved from the occasional scratch at his back or shoulder into a full-on burning wave of agony that refused to su side. When he had woken up that morning to his current horrible state, he found himself only able to do as much as walk out the door before he stumbled forward into the sand, a cry leaving him. His back legs scratched urgently at his thick fur, as if trying to tear it from his body, and he rolled against the sand, eager to let the graininess of it do the work for him. As he did this, he let out a cacophony of curses, all hissed out one after another, "Shit, fuck, damn it... augh! Fuck!" He was pretty sure he preferred being out in the woods and starving to this. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne Roux was well aware of how mangy Trevor was though she did her best not to gag whenever the coyote was around when she was trying to converse with Michael. It was disgusting to say the least and Roxie had suspected that the coyote had some type of parasites clinging to him from a while ago, the thought would make her short quietly as she walked around the beach with a new rank given to her just today. An officer. She was certain that was just a rank or so below Captain or Quartermaster, the thought itself was terrifying that she would probably become Captain one day and well, Roxanne didn't know how well she would probably fair with that. The thought playing in her mind as she bit her bottom lip subtly, her eyes staring down at the sand below her as a soft breath would leave her maw. It was funny thinking that the Rouxes would still reign over the Typhoon well, unless something happened to Roxanne that wouldn't allow her to be a leader though she heavily doubted it. With a slow nod, she would lift her gaze upwards and stopped in her tracks at the sound of a cry. A familiar one at that too. A frown pulling at her lips, the Officer would make her way over to see Michael rolling around in the sand and it was quite the odd sight to see. It was amusing in a way.

"What's wrong with you? Jesus," She would start with a snort of amusement and would tilt her head to the side. She couldn't see the current issue at hand currently and it would be rather unfortunate for her to learn the hard way especially after her recent promotion, her ears would perk forward with a subtle twitch. Her whiskers wriggled a bit before she would take a seat away from Michael deciding that she had a nice enough view of his shenanigans from where she was at the moment, a giggle threatening to erupt from her maw. He was acting so strange. It wasn't setting in her mind just yet that Michael might've gotten fleas from his future husband, surely, it would dawn on her soon enough. But would it be too late by then? [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - Keona. - 06-25-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
It was perhaps lucky, the tiny Dealer had never dealt with fleas.  Perhaps it was simply fortune smiling.  Or the fact she took care to stay clean, regardless of her ability to see and check her fur.  She had grown up more than accustomed to regular baths due to Kian's affinity for water.

As such her ears perked, bemusement lighting her pale hues, as she heard a string of curses from a familiar voice.  Bewildered, Keona trotted forward, finding herself at Roxanne's side as she tried to discern the problem.  It sounded as though the bobcat was... Rolling around the sand?  "..."

"What're you doin'?" It sounded... A little ridiculous, really.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - Luciferr - 06-27-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
Jaime unlike the other two opted to stay far back from his insanely itching uncle - having recognised what this might indeed be from his own stint lost from anything one might call ‘civilisation’ for all that thy were a clan of animals.

Fleas, ugh.

He’d been lucky not to get an infestation but he’d always kept an eye out to stay away from any itchy ferals while alone out in the wild - having no desire to deal with such a problem.

So he winced and his voice picked up ”think you’ve got fleas, uncle”

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - michael t. - 06-28-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Of course, Roxie was one of the first to approach Michael's unfortunately ridiculous scene, something that he really should've expected. He couldn't go long doing anything embarrassing before his sister would approach, ready to make fun of him. However, he didn't really have it in him to snap at her this time, considering the burning itch all over his body. He gave another long scratch in vain at his side, a soft squeak leaving him when he dug his claws in too deep. Letting out a defeated sigh, he looked up at Roxie with mismatched eyes, muttering bitterly, "I'm itchy. And not just normal 'oh I've got an itch on my leg so I'll scratch at it's itchy, but 'my entire fucking body is burning and I feel like I'm dying' itchy." Maybe he was being a little bit dramatic, but as another itch wormed up his side, he decided that no, he wasn't. He mumbled softly to Keona as he pressed his side against the sand again, whining, "The sand is rough... plus it does less damage than my claws when I accidentally scratch too hard..." He tried his best not to move too much, not wanting to accidentally dump sand on the pipe blind dealer's paws.

The reaver's attention was finally pulled away from his urgent scratching when Jaime approached, a pained look on the boy's face. When his nephew explained what was happening, Michael's ears pinned back in confusion, and he hissed, "Fleas? Where the hell would I have gotten fl— Trevor." His future husband had utterly screwed him, and not in a fun way. He groaned loudly at the realization, scrubbing frantically at his face before he muttered, "I knew I should've made him take more baths... like... a thousand of them." Shaking sand out of his thick pelt, the bobcat questioned the group around him a but desperately, the frown curled on his muzzle deepening, "Any of you have any idea how to get rid of fleas...? Cause I'm pretty sure if this goes on for much long, I'm going to scratch out an organ." Okay, maybe that was a little bit dramatic, but that probably wouldn't surprise anyone. After all, the thief and his sister were practically the rulers of being dramatic. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - Keona. - 06-28-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
Fleas?  Keona felt her fur prick uncomfortably, ears twitching back in consideration.  Having never had them, she wasn't entirely sure... But there had to be something that got rid of them.  Michael had mentioned baths, simply for cleaning sake, but it made her brows crease.  Could he drown the fleas?  Baths did help didn't they?

The fae's tail lashed once to the side.  "Maybe there's an herb they don't like?"  But she was no medic.  "Either way, the best I can think of is to maybe take a bath.  Try 'an wash some of 'em out."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-02-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]DON'T YOU WANT TO TURN THE BEAUTY INTO THE BEAST ?。+゚.[/glow]
If there was one thing Aphra has never experienced, it was probably fleas. She knew what they were, obviously, and they meant that whomever had them was dirty; that they didn't know how to take care of themselves. They were a nuisance, that's for sure - but not really in a sense that one might expect with Aphra. For most animals, they were a nuisance in the sense of how irritating they were to your skin and how fast they could infect others - and the latter was true for Aphra, but for her, knowing fleas were around was almost as if someone was diagnosed with some horrible, contagious disease.

There was a ruckus coming from Michael's hut, and there were a couple people that Aphra recognized that were gathering around the bobcat. Curious, the white she-cat made her way over, though unfortunately for her she just reached the end of Keona's statement. Standing behind the blind fae, Aphra tilted her head at Michael, "What, did you get some sort of odor in your pelt, or something?" She asked, snorting a bit, almost as if she was trying to mock Michael for something.

Of course, once she learned that he had fleas on the other hand... She would likely bite her words.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - ROXANNE R. - 07-02-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]

She'd echo with a frown on her maw only to immediately step away and stand beside her son practically glaring at Michael now with her pupils drawn down to dangerous slits, she could remember fleas and how dastardly they were. The only person she would ever wish fleas upon was probably Caesar and well, a few other people though her ears pressed down against her skull. Roxanne tried remembering if she had ever gotten fleas when she lived within the streets but not a single memory came to her mind about the parasites, her gaze fixated onto Michael having taken knowledge of Keona's presence. "I KNEW TREVOR WAS FLEA INFESTED!" She finally said with a hiss still very much glaring at her brother who was rolling around in the sand, she knew that Trevor always stunk and possibly carried around fleas. Trevor was a perfect mobile home for parasites like fleas, she could only imagine what else the mangy coyote could possibly carry. It made her snout wrinkle with disgust and her tail would lash to the sides, she eventually huffed and said with a low growl "Disgusting." She would curl her tiny body (as much as she possibly could considering her size) around Jaime not wanting her son to get fleas.

Aphra approached the scene and Roxie removed her gaze from the itching and clearly suffering Reaver, her nose still wrinkled in obvious disgust only to tell Aphra with a shake of her head "He has fleas," Well, she supposed that meant that Roxanne would be avoiding Michael at all costs now. Horrid. She didn't think she would have to disown her brother so early, such a tragedy. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - Luciferr - 07-02-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
as everyone digested the statement, Jaime would inch back - and hoped that wouldn’t offend his uncle, but the beta really didn’t want fleas himself still, he did at least have one bit of advice - something he’d rather found out accidentally.

”they don’t like lemon juice uncle, so maybe lemon juice with a little water might help repel them?”

He had after all, done the same in the wilds - he’d smelt more like lemons than his usual sea and cinder mix back then - but it had kept the vermin away from his fur at least.

Then mom was curling around him and screaming about this ‘Trevor’ fellow, who the beta hadn’t yet met to his memory and despite her smaller size he leaned down into the embrace but frowned thoughtfully

”you could tell this Trevor that too, if it helps”

Sure you could drown fleas, but that didn’t get rid of the shudder eggs

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH ☆ michael has fleas - michael t. - 07-07-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Michael nodded a bit when he heard Keona, glaring down at his own thick pelt with a heavy sigh. He was more accustomed to the usual method of cleaning his fur with his tongue, but considering what the problem he was facing was, he had little issue with changing it up. He opened his muzzle, about to thank Keona for her input, only for Aphra to approach, bringing her usual unpleasant personality along with. Ears pinning down against his head, the bobcat let out a huff of frustration, his usual short fuse made even shorter by his current situation. He spat, resisting the urge to lash out at the white feline's face, "If I did, I probably would've gotten it from being around your unpleasant ass for far too long." He knew that Aphra and Roxie had some kind of weird connection going on, but he also knew that his sister could understand how unpleasant Aphra was at times.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem as though Rox was in a particularly forgiving mood. The reaver winced when the winged feline let out an indignant squawk, before going on to insult Trevor. Although Michael was very, very pissed off at the coyote for giving him the unpleasant parasites in his fur, he still found himself grumbling, "Hey! Can you not talk about my fiance like that?" The title of fiance slipped from his tongue before he could even think about it, and he had to resist the urge to flinch. He hadn't told anybody about that yet, let alone Roxie, so he tried to blow past it, hoping nobody would dwell on his slip of the tongue. Instead he focused on his nephew, Jaime. Offering the boy a crooked little smile, the fugitive muttered, "That's good advice, Jaime... I guess I'm gonna have to take a bath with some lemon juice. And I'll... uh, I'll tell Trevor about it too, next time I see him." He wasn't sure when exactly he'd see the coyote again, ever since he had taken off with Wade to no doubt get himself into trouble, but he knew that eventually he'd be able to relay the information. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART