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I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - Printable Version

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I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - bubblegum - 05-30-2020

Re: I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - Orion - 05-30-2020

The familiar scent of salt filled his nostrils, causing his attention to shift. An invader? What inquiry could they have at the border? While The Typhoon was an ally, the idea of being cautious never hurt. With his head low and eyes narrowed, the panther set off into the swamp. Luckily, upon his discovery, the Captain of The Typhoon laid before him. A genuine smile pulled at his lips, revealing ivory canines. "Goldenluxury," he greeted. "It's been awhile..." Usually he would include a subtle 'darling' but last time the leader made it apparent that his pet names were unwelcome. The Tangler saw it as his kindness. The tiger saw differently though.

The emissary's green gaze moves down to the baskets. In the corner of his eye, he notices her burns and scrapes, but chooses to push the subject aside. "Thank you for the-" He puts a delicate paw underneath the basket's opening, creaking it open. "-herbs and fish." Closing the basket, Raymond looks back up at Goldenluxury. "If you do need anything from Tanglewood though, I'm sure we'll provide... given recent circumstances," the panther continues with a frown. "How are the pirates fairing?" His tone was joking, but his expression did hint at concern. As their ambassador, it was his in his best interest to make sure The Typhoon was doing well.

Re: I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - alaric g. - 05-31-2020

    Goldenluxury Roux was a name that Alaric had heard floating around before. He'd never put a face to the name, but tales of her feats seemed to be regarded quite positively among those in Tanglewood. Goldenluxury Roux: judge, jury, and executioner; captain of the Typhoon; lover, mother, and friend. The tigress was somewhat of a legend at this point, he supposed, even though he'd never once laid eyes upon the woman. Yet another side effect of his lonely, sheltered upbringing.

    The salty scent of the sea once more wafted its way into his nose. The last time he'd smelled this had been when he was introduced to the former Typhooner known as Octane. Figuring that this scent once again meant a foreign presence on their border, Alaric made his way over, only to lay eyes upon Raymond and the one he referred to as Goldenluxury. So this was who she was.

    "I imagine they're worse off than us, Raymond," stated the tabby as he closed the distance. Suddenly his blue gaze flickered to the tigress. "Don't believe we've met before. I'm Alaric," the male stated monotonously.
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - ROXANNE R. - 05-31-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Things were certainly becoming better for the pirates for home and Roxanne was well aware of how she was going to overwork herself by sticking her toes in both Tanglewood and the Typhoon. She had stayed a few nights making some type of makeshift home for herself and trying to acquaint herself with everyone, her gaze was half closed when a familiar smell had made her coat prickle slightly. Her paws covered in mud as well as her chest and part of her tail, it wasn't easy keeping clean and to be honest, Roxanne loved getting a bit of mud on her. It was nice and different from the sand at home, she was still somewhat of a child at heart. The smell of salt water summoning her forward and soon a voice would brush against her eardrums, she knew that voice very well. A smile would pull at her lips as her walk would shift into a trot, it didn't take long for Roxanne to appear at the scene and she would mew with a light shake of her head "Well, if it isn't my beloved niece," Her whiskers would twitch for a moment noticing the bags underneath Goldie's eyes and couldn't help but feel her smile falter. She should probably take some weight off of her nieces shoulders, she would swallow slowly only to let a huff escape her.

She would lift up a paw shaking some of the muck off only to take a few steps forward past both Alaric and Raymond trying her best to hide her discomfort for the ebony brute. Their last meeting hadn't been a comfortable one and well, Roxanne had crammed that in the back of her mind that she had almost forgotten that the damn man lived within Tanglewood. Her tail would lash to the sides before she would attempt to lightly brush against her niece and hug her leg for a moment only to pull away "You need some serious shut eye, Goldie..." Roxanne would murmur in a quieter tone, her gaze turning rather stern in that moment only to sheepishly scratch at her chin with a single claw "Also, I've decided to uh, help around 'ere... Dual alliance and all," She decided to state this in case the tigress began to wonder why her aunt was here to begin with. She was partially a swamp dweller now and Roxanne didn't know how to feel about that exactly. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - OCTANE. - 05-31-2020

[post is meant to be read left to right]
Ough, this was gonna be real awkward. Octane didn’t leave with much grandeur or a note, just kinda... did some cleaning for some NPCs and the beach and left. It was the least he could do, so that he didn’t feel completely guilty when he left. Octane just... didn’t fit in and the sand fucking sucked. Plus his house was completely demolished and did he look like the type to rebuild?

"Heyyyyy Goldie, how’s uh, Seakit?” He asked, trying to break tension that... probably wasn’t there but he couldn’t tell. "Sorry for dipping, but uh, this fatass kinda needed me around-" Caustic smacks him in the back of the head.

Oh, he hates this. He feels like Goldenluxury and Roxie are staring at him, criticizing him. It like their staring at him- Goldie would probably get with Roxie before she left and talk shit about him. Gossip, Talk about how fucking awful he was and tell everyone else- Octane sucks in a breath.


More sea salts scents, which meant another Typhoon member dragged themselves here.
Caustic knows he obligated to greet them, wonders if he can get away before- oh, no, Octane is already going towards them. Just great.

After Caustic smacked Octavio with his paw, he huffs in a cloud of gas, sitting down. "Goldenluxury,” He starts, choosing to refer to the tigress by her full name. Caustic is a no-nonsense type, and they are not friends. Why was her name like that, anyways? "Good to see you, hope you are doing well in light of events,” he isn’t good with apologies or sympathy... it’s just not in his persona.


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - toboggan - 06-05-2020

The distant outline of Goldenluxury Roux's figure summoned an uncomfortable twinge of guilt within his throat. It should not have taken a cosmic event of gargantuan proportions for his chocolate hues to observe her once again. A good ally would've visited more often, to maintain a stable friendship between the two. Yet, alas, Leroy did not jaunt to the tropical territory as much as he should have, and he felt badly for it.

His typical stony-hearted swagger is touched by an apologetic bashfulness, adding some slouch to his posture and footfalls. The male advances in this scantly uncomfortable manner towards the pirate captain, accidentally brushing against Roxanne's flank as a result of clumsiness. He apologises under his breath, before parking his rump on the ground a rough metre or so away from Goldenluxury. Clever, it was, to keep his ass to the earth; one could not notice his inactive tail, which did not wag despite being in the presence of a treasured accomplice.

A minuscule smile breaks out across his visage upon noticing the gifts. Exotic herbs and fish. "Thank ya kindly," he finally says, dipping his noggin graciously. An unnatural worry had marinated within his mind, a worry that he might say something that'd already been said. Normally, Leroy didn't give a flying fuck about what he said or what others said, but a feeling (perhaps birthed by guilt) drove him into a state of hesitance. His eyes wander about the folks present. The canine wasn't the best at basic arithmetic, but he deduced that there were five individuals other than him or Goldenluxury present - though, sometimes, he considered Dr. Caustic and Octane to by a single unit. Regardless, the presence of five other people likely meant that the essential questions had already been asked. With this being the case, the male said nothing more, eagerly waiting the captain's own words instead.

Re: I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - bubblegum - 06-14-2020

Re: I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-16-2020

"That little bastard Caesar isn't around anymore, is he?" Vigenere's voice was gruff as he came over to the scene, a small limp in his step. Although Vigenere knew the answer - considering Caesar tried joining Tanglewood not too long ago - he wanted to hear it from Goldenluxury's mouth. He wasn't aware that his brother was exiled from Typhoon, and for all he knew, the snake could have slithered back into its ranks. Vigenere wasn't much of a fan of Typhoon for this exact reason, but he knew he had to get over it at some point. After all, how were they supposed to know what Caesar had done?

Come to think of it, Vigenere wasn't even sure if he had ever properly met Goldenluxury. Sure, he's seen her in the distance perhaps and with her leading The Typhoon, it wasn't hard to miss her name being thrown about occasionally. Whatever, if she wanted his name, she could ask for it.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - OCTANE. - 06-17-2020

Octane jitters in his spot, lightly stopping his foot as he tries to find his words. So.. they weren't mad? Cool, cool, so he was getting off free and easy, no problem-  [b]"Will there be drinks? At your wedding?"


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: I'M GOING BACK TO 505 / visit - bubblegum - 06-25-2020