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locked and loaded -- raid boss 3: the Messenger - Printable Version

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locked and loaded -- raid boss 3: the Messenger - Verdigris - 05-11-2020

A murder of crows perched on the ridge, their eyes sweeping over the territory below- the glow of the town's festivities under the night sky drawing their gazes.

The smallest crow, a pied crow, stood in the center, his telepathic voice extending to them all. Half of you will attend to the townspeople. The other half of you will attend to the mission. He nodded. I will attend to the fox. Glancing behind him, he extended a wing. Do not lift a claw against the visitors. They have suffered enough already.

With an affirmative caw, the largest crow- an American crow- took off into the skies, with the others quick to follow suit. As they crossed into the plains, the crows diverged onto their respective paths with a single caw- half of them headed to the center of town, the other half headed to the outskirts.

The American crow led the rest of its patrol towards the lit streets, where the festival-goers had gathered, idly chatting and eating from the bounty-laden tables in front of them. No harm would come to them, per the master's orders. The same could not be said for their meals, or for any enjoyment they were having at the moment.

With a loud caw, the American crow descended to the ground next to the nearest creature, and attempted to snatch the food out of their grasp. Around it, the other crows fluttered about, screeching loudly, grabbing at food, and just generally making a nuisance of themselves. The greater the havoc they could cause, the better.

/ooc note: these are just regular crow NPCs, so feel free to powerplay against individual crows within reason

Re: locked and loaded -- event 4: crows? - wormwood. - 05-12-2020

Festivities were hard to enjoy, at this time. Aurum was so, so tired from just about everything the universe had thrown at him as of late. He was making his best attempt to appear friendly and jovial, and not bring the mood of the festival down with his woes, but it was difficult. It was hard to interact with others, when you were simply trying to hold your own pieces together. Even through all of this, however, the proxy knew that he could enjoy good food. After all, he needed to enjoy the small comforts if he was going to get through the hard times, and he had never been the greatest chef himself, so indulging in the large meals that Elysium put out was hardly something he needed to be forced to do.

He had been in the middle of his meal when the crows began to descend, tearing some meat from a turkey leg that he had managed to snag. He hadn't been talking too much, but not many were, thankfully, due to the food being stuffed in their faces. Be was perfectly fine with this, content to just sit and remain focused on his food until there was something else to do. Unfortunately for him, that "something else" came in the form of a crow descending down and attempting to snag his meat from him. Eyes narrowing, the lion reached out to bat the creature away with some force, a soft hiss leaving him. After this, his one eye began to glance around, pausing when he saw the swarm of crows that had descended down upon them to cause general chaos. Unnerved, the Tangler growled, mostly to himself, "What the hell is going on...?" He knew crows to be scavenger creatures that picked on others, but this was more than a little out of the ordinary.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: locked and loaded -- event 4: crows? - Verdigris - 05-14-2020

[font=trebuchet ms]Tearing at a chunk of squirrel, the American crow savored the taste while flapping its wings in the face of an unfortunately-confused Elysite. The sounds of voices crowing in the air, ranging from annoyed to disturbed to enthusiastic, swirled into the music of distraction. It was a glorious performance- the master would be proud.

Increasingly-loud caws of alarm added to the din, and the American crow flew away from the angered Elysite to approach the crows from the other patrol as they returned. With wide eyes, it counted the remaining crows- there weren't as many as had originally been sent. The living ones were a sorry sight too, blood staining their beaks and talons, and many of them missing feathers and sporting burn scars.

Before the American crow could react, all but one of the bloodstained crows descended upon the party-goers, physically assaulting any Elysite they saw. Turning to the one that was still there, the American crow made a demanding caw, to which the burnt crow responded with an indignant caw before joining the others in their attack. Trying to surmise what had happened, but unable to think of anything within its small brain, the American crow let out a squawk of irritation.

Glancing between Aurum and the other visitors, and the Elysites that were present, the American crow lifted its beak to the skies and started screeching as loudly as it could. Maybe the master would realize that something had gone horribly wrong and come over to help.

/tl;dr: more crows are joining the fray, and they're now directly attacking any Elysite who is present

Re: locked and loaded -- event 4: crows? (raid boss approaching) - fulzanin - 05-17-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Some days Clony considered itself quite peaceful. It certainly wasn't dangerous with only tiny claws to actually hurt people with. The bat fluttered around, more often than not getting lose and having to flutter in circles for a while until its sense of direction kicked in and it could find its way along. Clony was used to danger in numbers. It used to use such a thing to its advantage, with many of other selves able to topple massive machines with enough brute force. Clony missed having many of itself around, but it supposed that it could find a replacement soon. Clony was sure that if it managed to create enough lasers one day, it would be the exact same as having hundreds of itself barrel into metal structures. In addition, it finally would be able to show the wonders of lasers to the people of Elysium! It would be grand! Finally, the wonders of science and blazing glory could be present in Clony's life once again. The kind that wouldn't end with itself dying, either, for Clony would construct it and be very, very careful with it.

Seeing so many of one certain species swarming around made Clony homesick. Somewhat. It more so just missed the powers that it had sadly had to relinquish due to winding up here. Its pearly eyes narrowed, watching the crows descend. Clony couldn't surmise a better word for the situation other than 'heathen-ing'. Shuffling on grey feet, the bat teetered forwards to try to get a better look at the massive murder of crows. This was mocking it, wasn't it? When one of those crows came to physically assault Clony, fury launched itself to the forefront of its mind. "Okay, fuck you," Clony screeched, remembering the jagged edges that it had at the ends of its feet..finger...things. They were sharp and worked like weapons, and that was all Clony had for time to create lasers had not been dedicated yet. More than accustomed to flying within giant swarms, little time was wasted as the bat launched itself up into the air. "You're noisy and give this kind of thing a really, really bad name!" Little more time was wasted with its tiny claws grappling the nearest crow's wing and throwing the NPC downwards.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: locked and loaded -- event 4: crows? (raid boss approaching) - larkspurkit ! - 05-17-2020

larkspurpskip !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
the wrong time to walk in, it seemed. larkspurskip had been unaware of what was going on just minutes before coming into the clearing to check in on his things before suddenly crows were circling above him. "is this supposed to be some sorta omen?" he joked, his eyes blowing wide when he padded in to see them swooping at his clanmates. the tabby was shocked, to say the least. since when did they have a crow issue anyway? winter was over, they couldn't be this desperate?

one of them had begun to descend toward him, talons outstretched. larkspur was overconfident in his abilities since using his time away to train with stark, leaping up at the crow with his own claws unsheathed. they met in a tangle of fur and feathers, both sustaining minor scratches before getting away from each other. a small cut on his cheek had begun to well up with blood, though he seemed unaware for now.

"jeez, what's got them so worked up anyhow?" larkspurskip grumbled irritably, standing at the ready as several more continued to circle above him.


Re: locked and loaded -- event 4: crows? (raid boss approaching) - Verdigris - 05-21-2020

[font=trebuchet ms]/let's get this show on the road, shall we? >Smile

A perfectly-coordinated attack had fallen to pieces in the span of a few minutes. Typical as this may have been with Elysium, the Messenger still couldn't hide his irritation as he descended towards the town, the cries of his servants filling the air. Playerone was probably dead, at the very least, and if not she had to at least be incapacitated. That stunt she'd pulled... there was no way she could have come out of that without some major injuries.

He was pretty sore himself- he'd had to exert his power to its fullest extent in order to deflect her attack- but he could still fly, teleport, and manipulate the wind, and that was all that mattered. This was fine. Everything was fine.

Slowing to a stop in the midst of the town square, he quickly spotted the American crow among the chaos. You- where is Warringkingdoms? he demanded telepathically, flying close enough so that the American crow could see him as well. Looking back at him, the American crow cawed loudly, an expression that could only have meant it didn't know any more than he did.

Whirling around to sweep his gaze over the crows- some already dead, some bloodstained, some singed- he narrowed his eyes. How in Jupiter's name had they lost track of their target? They'd had one job.

"Cease!" the Messenger cawed, sending a telepathic pulse through the crowd of crows so they could be sure he was addressing them. As they turned to look at him, awaiting further orders- bless their mindless little hearts- he narrowed his eyes and turned to the festivalgoers. "Those of you who aren't Elysites, leave. This isn't your fight. We have no desire to harm you." Best to get rid of the clutter now, before the rest of his allies got the entirety of the landmass on their case.

Glancing around, he shouted, "Warringkingdoms! Show yourself now, and no Elysites will be harmed either." This was going to result in a fight, he was certain of that much- the Elysites didn't know the meaning of the phrase "not your fight." Hopefully, though, the target's savior complex would kick in before anyone else had time to do any real damage. If she didn't realize Play was already dead, that was all the better.

Regardless, the Messenger quickly took stock of his servants. A couple of them were already lying dead on the ground thanks to the Elysites, and... there had to be at least ten of them missing with no explanation. He estimated he had about twenty left, which was less than ideal, but he'd make it work.

Remaining in place, he watched the gathering crowd, both to search for Warringkingdoms and to prepare for an incoming attack.

The Messenger
Health: 90%
Current form: pied crow with blue eyes
Powers: air elementals, teleportation, mental manipulation/communication
Currently attacking: none
(his crows are also not attacking at the moment, but feel free to powerplay them anyway)

Re: locked and loaded -- raid boss 3: the Messenger - Alastor - 05-22-2020

Alastor hadn't been present for the majority of the festival. He wasn't one for celebrating, but he figured for their last event, he should attend or at least show his face. It would only do him some good. After all, he'd been in and out of Elysium for awhile now. What could some simple partying do? Unbeknownst to them, Elysium wouldn't be cheering gleefully for today's event. The Gods above would wreck havoc instead.

Upon his arrival, the crows descended upon them. His purple gaze scanned the sky, watching the black silhouettes circle the attendees. Given time, they dove down. A masterful swoop aimed at Alastor caused him to duck down. The bird missed by a few mere centimetres. Irritated, the doberman let out a growl. "Stop," he ordered loudly in the direction of the bird that swooped at him. The dark bird dropped out of air without any hesitance, falling to the floor violently with a thud. They remained still as he perished under Alastor's demanding spell. With his successful mental manipulation, the canine huffed. Ears pinned against his cranium, he watched as the others struggled against the swarm. Every now and then, he'd order the other avians to succumb.

Through the chaos, a caw rang out. Alastor's gaze shifted, noticing the blue-eyed crow in the distance. Their distinct call caused the remaining crows to back away. The cocky canine rolled his eyes in disbelief. Seriously? A small crow was going to order them around as if they held power? Please. What could that puny animal do to them? There were several clans attending today. Even the big lion of Tanglewood would probably be of service. With their current crowd, Alastor wondered what dynamic plan this crow held. He couldn't help but chuckle quietly.

The plan seemed to reveal itself though. To get rid of the excess animals, they offered to spare them if they left. Having their allies just leave Elysium to fend for themselves would be rather disgraceful. If they wanted to be cowards, then so be it, but their alliance was on the line. As for the rest of the attendees, the crow chose to disregard the other Elysites. He instead went on to proclaim his main target. Of course, it seemed to be Warringkingdoms. Their leader was were always in a tussle, wasn't she?

With another disgruntled huff, the doberman stepped forward. His angular head cocked to the side. Violet hues narrowed in on the crow, a smirk meeting his lips. He let his tongue roll loose, allowing words to flow freely without filter. "We're skipping introductions aren't we?" he casually mentioned. The doberman pinscher sauntered closer to the crow as he spoke. "My name's Alastor. What's yours, dearie?" The manipulator worded his phrase so he wouldn't take control yet, allowing the bird to speak freely. His trap card could wait. Until then, he'd like to play with his prey.

Finding himself underneath the flying crow, pointed features directed themselves towards The Messenger. His brow furrowed. "So, what's the plan if she doesn't show?" he questioned from the ground. "Retreat or let your army succumb?" Momentarily, he looked at those around him. To his knowledge, the feline was not present. If he could, he'd order her to stay home but with her nowhere in sight, he was unable to do so. Even so, a sad sacrifice to the crow wasn't out of the question. Instead of continuing his search, he returned his gaze up towards the crow. "Because right now, it looks like she's not present." Alastor wondered what was next on the agenda. He doubted their strength and creditability.

Re: locked and loaded -- raid boss 3: the Messenger - larkspurkit ! - 05-25-2020

larkspurskip !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
they seemed to halt in place, looming above with ill intent. larkspurskip grimaced, looking up at them warily. he didn't trust that they wouldn't take advantage had he looked away or relaxed. he could count maybe five just staring at him alone, he wasn't quite sure how he would do alone against that many.

he noticed his cheek felt damp, putting a paw to it and exhaling sharply when he saw there was blood. he hadn't even noticed the other crow had gotten him. this was all over rin? what could they possibly want with her now?

"i say we just give her to'em. how many times do we gotta get hurt 'cause some weirdo wants her tail? last time this happened i didn't even know how to catch a mouse, let alone defend myself." he was bitter, and rightfully so. whatever issues their leader had she could deal with herself instead of dragging them all into it.


Re: locked and loaded -- raid boss 3: the Messenger - fulzanin - 05-25-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony hadn't been present when the past gods had raided. Clony didn't even know what gods were. Clony was a creature that hailed from a mechanized world, where faith in nothing but your own vigilance was deemed stupid and childish. Clony itself was quite the childish creature, but it had learned that valuable lesson a few times over. Feathered wings beating rapidly to keep it aloft, it became very aware when it heard a voice speaking into its mind in the means of telepathy. For the briefest of moment it let hope flicker within it's core that it finally was hearing the other many voices of its kind. Clony's hopes swiftly were dashed, and the hope was replaced with a foothold of fury.

"You say you got no desire to hurt anyone as you crash a, a, a festival thing," Clony screeches with its returned means of telepathy. These events had seemed so nice, even if Clony had wound up late to most of them. It's certainly a naive creature, one that hasn't exactly witnessed the damage these gods have brought in the past. "She's not here and you don't get to have her because you didn't say please. And don't try saying it now because its way too late!" Its pale grey talons kick at the air, helping it hover somewhat in place. Clony wasn't quite sure for its assured defense for the leader - the leader that was currently resting. Perhaps it was just its normal clingy nature for a simple minded creature? It wasn't certain.

Fluffy ears pivot over to hear another voice, commenting about how this wouldn't be the first time someone was looking for Rin. Clony hadn't been present for such a thing, their white eyes narrowing. "I don't think they've given a good reason to hand her over. For one! They didn't say please. And for two, they just showed up and started being rude!" It chattered, eyes looking towards the nearest crow, then harshly flapping its wings to fling itself forward, extending its feet to grap and cease the crow's flight cycle. It was very, very used to how swaths of creatures operated. It was quite certain that it could take them down if no other member of the group was going to stand up to do so. Clony wasn't sure if it was devotion towards its leader or to prove that it was the better hive mind oriented creature. After all, it was used to hundreds of itself fluttering around. Twenty birds? How hard could it be? It had to prove it was the better telepathic hive creature, even if that latter category had been snatched from itself. And maybe help its resting leader. That too, somewhere, aided its reasoning.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: locked and loaded -- raid boss 3: the Messenger - wormwood. - 05-25-2020

Those of you who aren't Elysites, leave. Aurum really, really didn't like the sound of that. After all, even if Tanglewood and Elysium weren't officially allies, Elysium had helped Tanglewood several times in the past, and the mountain dwelling group had been part of the mass raid on the Pitt. That was enough for the angel to trust them, and also enough for him to not want to just give Rin up to some bastardous mysterious entity. Gritting his teeth, the lion found himself moving away from the food, using a paw to swipe one of the crows rather violently out of the air above him, and down into the ground. As the avian met the dirt, the lion found himself growling after Alastor had spoke, his one blue eye burning, "Sorry to ruin your day, whoever the hell you are, but you're not putting a single talon on Rin. Some may be either too lazy or too cowardly to stand up for their leader–" He sent a somewhat sharp look in Larkspur's direction, full of disapproval for the younger male, before he continued, "But I don't take kindly to those picking on my friends. So I would recommend you either turn around and go back to wherever you came from, or die." Aurum didn't know the full extent of what Elysium was dealing with, but when you were an angel, it became difficult for the presence of gods to impress you.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM