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But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - Printable Version

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But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - OCTANE. - 04-04-2020

[post is meant to be read left to right]
"Come on, come on," Octane held one match between his toes, clenched to keep the stick in place via friction. His paw held down the match box, angling it up to try to pull the match across. "Come on, come on, let's go-" he's hit it like four times now. It's gotta light, right? It be awful if this was dud box or something, finding a new one was an adventure he wanted no part in. It would take too long and he needed this right now.

It breaks, and Octane's frantic self is showing again, scrambling to reopen the box and try another. A brown paw grips over his own, stopping his antics and looking up at the wolf. The matches are taken from him, their paws moving together to reopen the box. Caustic takes a match between his teeth, striking it against the box held between Octane's paws. Octane feels himself shaking as the wolf pulls away, lit flame between his teeth, gas seeping from between his teeth. He wonders if Caustic would just ignite and this fun bonfire would turn into manslaughter very quickly... The image of Caustic's burning self slaps through his head.

Octane is brought back to reality as he watches the wolf flick the match into the tender, the fire starting. He blows on it, letting it grow and taking steps away as their work goes up in flames. The heat is familiar- thermites come to mind- and Octane grabs onto the closest mobile object- Caustic himself- and shakes the wolf's shoulders.

"YEAH! We got it! Oh man... what now? I'm bored."


Visiting Octavio, never mind staying a few days to monitor his health, came with a few understandings. First, Octavio was distracting. If he brought any work with, it would not be done. The only exception to this was if the "work" was Octavio himself. That being said, any of their traditional work together could not be achieved under current circumstance. Second, Octavio was draining. Caustic's self lead him to sleeping at regular hours and working inside his home for hours on end. Octavio didn't have any devices or games, so the daredevil elected to look outside for mental stimulation. Since the scientist was visiting, that meant dragging Caustic along.

This, of course, was Octavio's idea. Collecting tender, palm leafs, wood, and building them into a pile onto the beach. It wasn't the most productive of things, but it was a task to accomplish together. Fires were easy, a cornerstone of human development.

He wasn't particularly interested in Octavio's "friends" (or lack thereof, it seemed), but was willing to meet with them for obligatory greetings. He wonders, how much the other had blabbered about him. Caustic knows Octavio was one to lay his soul and body bare to everyone, a habit that was seen on repeat. As for Caustic, the only person that knew of their agreement was Michael. He was ritually uncomfortable with others digging into his personal life or matters. That was a privilege deemed to few and few alone.

Green eyes cast down to the cheetah, watching his paws shake as he struggled to light the match. His eyes narrow slightly at this, he knows Octavio was easily excitable, but normally his motor functions were better. As the match breaks, Caustic puts his paw over his. Their eyes meet and, for a moment the sand blurs away. Fur is replaced by olive skin and a pierced, scarred face. Caustic's head tilts to the left, staring at Octavio's face. He is soon sourly reminded that it is not Octavio, and the illusion shatters away into a round-faced cheetah.

He takes the box, opening it with him, and striking the match held between his teeth. It's a careful maneuver, but a question is quickly answered, Caustic's gas is not flammable. He flicks it into the tender, nursing the flames and watching them grow. When Octavio grabs him, a quick growl follows suit, and Caustic tenses.

[[ TDLR: Octane starts a bonfire on the beach w/ Caustic]]


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - michael t. - 04-05-2020

Fire. And Octane. Hell, fire and Caustic. Never in the past had Michael wished for either of those unholy pairs to come to fruition. Granted, Michael hadn't actually known Octane and Caustic for that long, but he got the general gyst of how they... were. He had a tendency to trust Caustic a little bit more around an open flame, considering he knew that the scientist wasn't constantly chasing after death in the same way as Octane. However, he dreaded to think of what horrible things Caustic would choose to do with flames and another person. Probably some horrific experiments involving things like reaction times and how fleshed burned. Hopefully Michael's thoughts weren't written across his face in the moment as he padded over slowly, not looking to be the next one to be made one of Caustic's little test subjects. When he had first emerged from his house and spotted the pair on the beach, making attempts to stoke the flames of a bonfire, he had considered just staying inside. Octane had a tendency to be abrasive, and Caustic was... well, Caustic was Caustic. However, given the little conversation that he and Octane had one night at his home over Octane feeling like everyone hated him and questioning Michael's secrets, it felt a bit mean to do so. Octane was obviously hurting, even with Caustic now here at his side – or at least, he was growing bored without multiple companions to badger.

Crossing over the cooling sand of the beach, Michael could feel his little bob of a tail twitching anxiously behind him, able to hear the gruff growl that had just left Caustic's muzzle. Despite this, he found his way over to an empty spot at the bonfire, sitting down and eyeing the flames as they slowly began to reach up towards the sky. It was kind of beautiful, in a strange way, and it reminded of the many evenings he had spent in the past just listening to Trevor babble away about flames, and how amazing they were. He always figured that those nights were Trevor being... well, Trevor, and giving in to his arsonist side by going off on grandiose speeches about how he was bringing beauty into the world. Now, however, he thought that maybe he could see a little bit of what the other had been talking about. Despite this, when the flames flicked and flared up a bit too quickly for his liking, the thief found himself pulling away, just the faintest bit. He didn't want to be intimidated by something that clearly wasn't sentient, but he had seen the sort of destruction fire could bring in the past, and he wasn't keen on seeing a repeat of such events again.

Taking a deep breath – with his muzzle pointed away from the smoke that billowed off of the fire – Michael glanced over at Octane and Caustic, watching them idly for a moment. He still found their relationship to be strange as all hell, but he supposed that he could see the way it worked. Octane was the spark, constantly full of energy and rampaging in any direction that it could find, eager to devour, injure, and enjoy doing so. Caustic was the surge protector, defending against the threat of the spark all while enjoying himself doing it, accomplishing both the job that he had set forth for himself, and appeasing the spark all the while. It hardly seemed healthy, but Michael wasn't about to complain if Caustic kept Octane from having a breakdown and killing people. Feeling a little awkward getting lost in his own mind about a pair of people that were right there, Michael finally quelled his rampaging thoughts, swallowing thickly. After this, he chose to look at Octane, preferring the sort of odd mania that existed in the cheetah's eyes to the cold clinicalness that lingered within Caustic's, "Hey, you two. I'm assumin' this bonfire is open to all of us? Cause I'm pretty sure even if it isn't, there isn't any way that you're gonna be able to keep the kids away from here." Children had an odd way of gravitating towards danger, and that included fire. Michael wasn't sure he particularly trusted Trygve around an open flame either, but could he really stop the boy? He already knew the answer to that quite well.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - Cosmic - 04-06-2020

The large hellhound-dragon hybrid was keeping himself busy by relearning how to swim, enjoying the waters that the Typhoon territory had to offer. He missed the ocean for so long, wished he had a boat, and now? Now, he could have all of these things again. This world was a strange one, and he was working on learning as much as he could about it. This wasn’t anything like his old life, so it would take some time getting used to.

But the smell of a fire caught his attention, and his ears perked up. He swam back to the shore, dragging his long tail behind him as he followed the light and spotted three figures in the distance. A smile was on his face, then a grin at the realization that this was a fire, and there were people near it. Something had to be going on!

Woah, cool- a bonfire!

He exclaimed to no one in particular, slowly making his way over to Octane, Caustic and Michael. He had taken a liking to Octane already, and was hoping that he could sit next to him to watch the fire and enjoy the warmth it provided. The only noise he made was the sound of sand being crunched underfoot, and something being dragged behind him- his tail.

Can I sit with you guys?” Raiden asked sheepishly, offering a small smile to them as he waited for an answer. He didn’t want to just sit there and make himself comfortable if they didn’t want him there to begin with. That was rude. And awkward. He didn’t want to be seen as a giant asshole.

This fire looks lit.” Yes, that was an unintentional pun on his part. Regardless, he maintained a good distance between himself and the other Typhooners.

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - fulzanin - 04-06-2020

Blits found the beach exciting. Back where he came from there hadn't been a beach. It had been a methane sea kept at bay by a dome, one tarnished from warfare. The dirt and ground was burned, radiated, likely to never truly recover without lots of aid. He, the magic extraordinaire, of course helped in his own simplistic ways. He hadn't seen a beach before, not even the few ventures that he had made away from his home before. Those visits had been to cities, cities that he absolutely detested. In his mind, he was better off staying home. The sand was certainly confusing to him just as much as cities were, and so were the waves. Blits still believed the sand to be dirt, evident by how a couple times now he had tried to sweep it all up to no avail. In addition to all these oddities, Blits noticed that there was now a fire on the beach, evident by the smoke.

Talons carried the sinornithosaurus over in a curious manner, his orange gaze falling upon the others that had gathered. Bonfires, he'd never participated in one before. Less than pleased grumbles parted from him as he trotted across the sand to get closer to the flames. "Why are there... fires? Why are there fires?" The green colored beast sounded more confused than surprised, moving his head absurdly close to the flames in the manner that those that had no idea what fire was would do. Eventually the heat got to him, and Blits reared his horned head away. "It's not really that cold out," Blits then commented, a vague gesture of a feathered wing occurring as if it would help him elaborate on the springtime weather. All the more things that confused him, the alternating weather. None of this had ever been in the dictionary.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - T. ROUX - 04-06-2020

Ah, fire.

Trygve Roux had mixed feelings towards fire though nobody could really blame him seeing that he had gotten a fireball thrown in his direction when he had gone to the Pitt on accident, he still carried the burns from that day and he didn't know if his fur would ever hide them though he didn't mind it too much. It definitely got him quite a bit of attention from those who would walk pass him, sometimes they'd inquire about what had happened to him. Trygve eagerly answering telling every detail and exaggerating in the slightest not too much seeing as that burnt the excitement from the story itself. He mainly lied about the fact that he had passed out after the injury and kick to the face, that was mostly it. Everything else was the truth. It fascinated him, the way it danced to the sides and lapped at the air with such greed. It made his paws itch wondering if he had any elemental abilities, a soft sigh leaving his maw. He would walk over with a lash of his tail and took a seat beside Michael glancing over at the odd pair. They didn't really catch his attention, his eyes fixated onto the flames as the fires reflection danced within his eyes. He wanted to be able to make his own fire not using something so stupid as a match or such.

His ears twitched as two other people came over, a frown on his maw and his ears pinned against his cranium. He supposed that he hadn't been the only one to be attracted over by the bonfire. A soft huff escaped him. Great, more people. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - Simon F.M. - 04-07-2020

To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow
Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow

Diya, on one of her many nightly wanderings, found herself perking up at the smell of smoke. She followed it, eyes scanning the starry sky for signs of massive plumes of a forest fire,

Upon seeing just a single cloud of smoke, implying a smaller source, and the sound of non-panicked voice teaching her, she relaxed. Must be a bonfire then, sweet.

She quickened her pace a small amount, excitement building. She did enjoy a nice bonfire now and then, basking in the warmth of the fire as she chases falling stars with her gaze. She finally reached the fire, eyes skating across the assortment of animals. The cheetah with prosthetics she recognized from seeing him around, though his name evaded her, and next to him a monochrome wolf that seemed too ooze smoke from his maw. The wolf wasn't one she could say she recognized but, the others she knew all by name.

Michael, the scarred bobcat who was close to her host, Roxanne. Next to him sat the troublesome son of Roxanne, Trygve, who had given her quite the scratch when she had attempted to return him home. She felt quite guilty about that, she would admit, as she should have handled the whole situation better honestly. This thought drove her away to the opposite side of the fire, the flames blocking her from his view.

The other two, Blits and Raiden, had puzzled the white feline, with their odd mannerisms and confusing comments, during past encounters. She couldn't put a name to why but, they reminded her of Playerone, with their tales of another world. She missed the white-furred friend, she had to admit. But, she couldn't find herself to return to what was supposed to be her home. No, her home was long gone, taking her family with it.

A sigh rumbled from the snowy cat as she found a more isolated spot around the fire, nestling down with paws tucked to watch the flames. She appeared to zone out, mind lost in thought as she watched the flames and contemplated the current situation. Should she even be here; was she even allowed? This wasn't her home, she had never sworn allegiance to the typhoon. And yet here she was, learning their names and faces, growing fond of the odd personalities that populated the jungle living group. Did they welcome her or scorn her being here?
template by orion

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - GAMELIA B . - 04-07-2020


Heat and Gamelia had a love-hate relationship. Her reptilian blood welcomed it. Her sugary features did not. Her, personally? A little bit wouldn't hurt. Summer time was a beatdown, and baking was almost a requirement. Dealing with it was just something she had to do.

Like all of the Crewmates that had gathered, her attention was caught by the rising smoke, crackle of flame, and conversation. A campfire, huh? S'mores sounded quite delicious right about then. Since getting her house in order, the candied dragon had wasted no time in stocking her home with food. At least, to her it was food. To anyone else, it was just candy and sugar and baking supplies.

S'mores meant marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. Gamelia snatched up all three, hurrying over with the packages carefully wedged in her jaws as she got closer to the fire. At the edge of the gathered group, she spat them on the ground. "I've got marshmallows! And chocolate! Would anybody like a S'more?" she asked, beginning to dig into her supplies. A marshmallow was popped into her jaws. She was getting hungry anyway.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #7d3479 - TAGS

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - natyli r. - 04-07-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]COME AND FLY AW[color=#6897be]AY WI[color=#628ab9]TH ME
The young chimera liked fire.  The way it danced, reaching out for the sky.  Bright.  Warm.  Yet ever since Ry's run in with Caesar, she viewed the flames with a little more caution.  For she had felt the singe of fur too.  Melting skin.  An honestly frightening experience when she saw no cause for the sudden pain until she saw Trygve.

Mitch-matched hues gleamed ecstatically at the sight of the bonfire, the crackling of the flames music to her perked ears.  She immediately lost track of what she'd been doing and scrambled towards the scene, practically barreling into Ry.

She grinned sheepishly, head already moving towards the sound of Gamelia ( woah, what is she? ) offer s'mores.  "I want one!" Or two, or three.

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - CAUSTIC. - 04-08-2020

Caustic shoves him off, sending Octavio into the sand. He watches the other grab a nearby stick to poke at the flames. The wolf keeps Octavio in his peripherals as others approach, and then even more.
He shouldn't be surprised. The groups never had much going on, outside of the intermingling of their personal life and basic survival. This bonfire may as well be equivalent to a fireworks display, and with Octavio around it could very quickly turn into one. He would have thrown an explosive in for fun.
Caustic can feel the flames warm his fur, and takes a step back to distance himself. He could surmise that the Typhoon was unknown to severe cold weather, so warm 24C air would have little to benefit from a bonfire.

Michael was the first to approach. Caustic's head raises to look at the bobcat, the dots furrowing into his customary frown. He wonders, briefly, how Michael got here and why he was here. After their discussion on Valentines, he seemingly disappeared. Granted, Caustic ran away from the Pitt too, but the group wasn't fit for him and worsened his health. He trusts, though, Michael is smart enough to keep his mouth shut, so he greets him regardless. "I suppose so, there shouldn't be any issue. Octavio desired to do something," he raises a paw, the one with the metal toes, and flexes it. It's an attempt to make air quotes, but doesn't come off easy, "Fun."

More approach, and Caustic feels his ears and tail raise. The next two to arrive catch his attention, if only for their strange forms. At the third, a young cub, Caustic's fur raises, brow pulling back, then refocusing onto him. The wolf's eyes scan over, noting his burn marks. He sucks in a breath, a familiar heat stretching over his back and in splotches over his body. He was familiar with burns, and while his murder-arson had been a perfect, beautiful crime, it left minus two fingers and his human skin injured to the end of time. He lets his attention turn away from the boy, electing not to ask.

Caustic's face loses all frown as the dragon approaches, twisting into confusion then neutrality. Perhaps, this creature was the weirdest of them he's seen. He wonders what its blood is like, how much was candy over reptilian. The offer... sounds nice, and in an effort to seem friendly, he accepts. "I would like one, if you don't mind."

The last to approach, another cub. Caustic stands as he watches the cub attempt to barrel into the silent one- a sibling, he presumes. He takes a step towards them, glancing between them, Michael, and the raging fire nearby. His fur raises, toes sinking in a ready stance to grab one of them if something went wrong. "Hey now, be careful. You two wouldn't want to fall in the fire," such an event would turn an otherwise pleasant evening into a disaster.


Octane is shoved off like clothing, falling to the sand in a heap of limbs. It takes a moment for him to stand, rolling onto his stomach and bunching his legs, trying to get a good hold. His front raises with ease, but his back sinks in and his feet stab into sand. They're pulled out in a quick motion, kicking up the ground and resettling. His skin prickles and raises as he feels Caustic's gaze upon him, watching with laser focus. Octane moves, reaching out to grab the nearby stick with his paw, pauses, then picks it up with his mouth, poking the center of the flames. He holds the stick inside, watching the end turn more and more blacken with the flames.

Octane glances up as people soon start to approach, taking the stick out and dropping it in the sand. He gives Michael a brief smile, then turns his gaze to a damp Raiden. Sea water assaults his nose, glancing the other up and down.  His grin is wide as he chirps, "Yeah! All my idea!" a paw raises to his chin, manic look coming through his gaze as he stares into the flames. "I wonder how big I can get it..." A round of chirps leave him, waving his paw in a gesture, "Yeah! Come sit!"

His refocus on the flames is only distracted by the approaching dinosaur, head rambling as he tried to remember the name. Wasn't that the guy who hurt himself the other day? Hmmm, "It's a bonfire, my bonfire," He would have clapped his hands together and spread his arms in a cheer, but his second paw leaving the ground was enough to remind him that he could not stand on two legs alone. "Fuego de Octane! Patent pending," more chirps leave him in a round of laughter. "It's just for fun, Amigo."

Having people around was nice- drawing them here with fire fucking worked and he made note of it for the future. Man, what else could he do to make them show up? Jump off something? Kill something? Hmm...

Octane lets more approach, glancing over Ty and the feline that followed. She didn't say anything either, but he gives a cheeky wave and a smile, paw resting on the stick again. "Hey there, welcome to Fuego de Octane, kick back and relax~" He was making a show of himself, huh?

Oh! That must be one of the new people! Octane's brain short-circuits for a moment, letting the dragon process in his head and flicking his tail back and forth. He registers that the questions he had could come off as rude- why were you born like that, etc. He elects to keep his mouth shut on the more harsh versions of his questions. "Smore's? Si, si, si!" He giggles, he hasn't had something besides meat in so long- he glances over at Caustic, who's face softened into a neutral state.
Damn. That's the closest he's seen Caustic to happy in weeks.


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - GAMELIA B . - 04-08-2020


She could feel their eyes on her, staring, and her smile momentarily faltered, but resumed itself when she held up the bag of fluffy treats in her hand. "Right here!" she said cheerily. Reaching forward, she grabbed one of the sticks that Octavio, as the wolf called him, had not yet burned. Plunking a marshmallow onto the tip, she held it above the flame rather than in it.

Slowly turning the stick in her fingers, she explained to anyone watching, "This is the best way to make marshmallows, I think. Instead of burning and melting them, just roast them until they get a nice golden hue. Then," she continued, pulling the stick back, she held the end in her mouth as she worked with her hands, separating chocolate squares and graham crackers. She carefully sandwiched it together, and then held the product out on her palm. "Tadaa!" The perfect campfire sweet.

Handing it to the first person to reach for it, Gamelia began to make more until there was one for anybody who wanted one, including herself. Once her self-assigned job was complete, she shuffled away from the fire until she was satisfied with her distance. Heat wasn't one of her favorite things to sit near. It made her belly more... drippy. It made her uncomfortable.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #7d3479 - TAGS