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RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - Printable Version

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RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - Kydobi - 03-24-2020


[OOC: please wait for @t.roux to post before posting ]

He was really loathing this whole thing. He wasn’t sure how he would be received. A Pittian returning a cub with a couple scruffs on it...  If his mouth wasn’t full of fur he would’ve sighed. Instead he walked, even though the cub was a good size Ry barely weighed anything for Kydobi.

He would sit, remembering to ring the bell for someone to come. Kydobi had only been here once and it wasn’t too pleasant. He doubted this would be so. Yet he had to be a man and return to child to his family. He couldn’t just send the boy on his way and hope he made it.

Setting the little jaguar down he would finally sigh.

“Hey kid, I’m sorry about what happened. The man that attacked you will be punished. If you wish to ever visit, just let me know. I promise it’ll be better.”

Of course, he needed to leave some minor impression on the kid. Something he could go tell his mother and clan mates to show that Kydobi wasn’t terrible.

“You know, you’re a strong boy. I’m very impressed by how you held your own. Gave Caesar a run for his money.” he would chuckle, ”If you ever want to train, maybe I could help.”, he would slip these things in before any typhooner would appear. It wasn’t that he was trying to be a silver tongue. These were genuine offers, if the boy ever took them up. Besides, Kydobi knew youth were very open minded. This could be a chance to show someone from somewhere else just how the Pitt really was.


Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - T. ROUX - 03-24-2020

The moment he had been scooped up by the jaws of the larger jaguar instead of going limp by instinct, the large cub would let out angry growls and writhe though there wasn't much use in struggling or trying to get free. Besides, if he kept struggling like that he would lose the prize that was currently within his small jaws; part of Caesar's tail. Just wait until Michael saw it, he would think twice again before referring him to as kiddo or doubting he couldn't handle a fight at his age because of "baby fat". Bullshit excuse was what Trygve Roux had believed it to be if he ever heard such a thing, he could handle his own pretty well even if he had gotten burnt and there were now clawmarks on his shoulders where Caesar had dug his claws. But Aine, just the thought of her name his heart skip a beat, had made sure that all his wounds had been treated. She was an angel. He frowned through the tail feeling his face grow hot not realizing that he had ended up getting more than just a few new burns on his body but rather the flame of a small crush ignited within his heart. Oh god, he didn't know how he'd handle the feeling but he wished to see her once more. His mind distracted but the moment he was finally put down, the cub whipped around (moreso almost tripped due to his fresh injuries) to face Kydobi letting out a loud growl. His pupils still narrowed into dangerous slits but his stiff stance would relax at the sound of him being able to visit. He could see Aine again! His heart would race within his chest, he felt like it was going to run out of his chest. It fucking scared him. "Fine, I'll let you live." He finally spoke spitting out his prize to the side wincing at the pain his body felt.

The next few words that left the older jaguars maw was quite the lift to his young ego, he pawed at the tail for a moment glancing down at it only to glare at Kydobi with his fur still puffed out "Fuck yeah, I did! Stupid highlighter looking idiot shoulda never touched me!" He growled confidently rising to his paws once more puffing out his chest just a little bit, hearing the the Pitt Ardent's next few words made his tufted ears perk forward. Training. Something Michael had refused him during to being too young, of course, he didn't know if Kydobi would also await the day he turned six months old but either way it made his paws itch with excitement. He had been lucky to even hold off Caesar, he hadn't really known how to fight. So, if he ever ran into the bastard again, well, Trygve Roux wanted to give him absolute hell the next time they met. He wanted to be strong for his family, his friends, and himself. "I'm listening," Was all he would say for now, he turned to face the direction of his home spreading out his tiny wings. He wondered what his family would think once they saw him. Probably as a reckless idiot but Ry felt so much more than that. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - Kydobi - 03-24-2020


[OOC: ]

His reasoning behind inviting the cub to his lands wasn’t just for the betterment of the boys fighting skills. In fact he didn’t care about that at all, his main motive was to improve the Pitt’s image. Even though his reasons weren’t malicious, his dishonesty certainly left him feeling like scum. But perhaps, if the boy found out he did like the place then Kydobi wouldn’t feel so shitty.

He was impressed though, how did Caesar lose his tail to a child? An inexperienced cub? This was only a sign of the jaguar’s future prowess and perhaps Kydobi could plant a small seed of loyalty.

“You’re right. He shouldn’t have, but he paid the price. He’ll never get that back though,” he pointed his head to the tail, “maybe he’ll learn to be wiser.”

His eyes looked around them, no one was coming yet. Not that he could hear anyone either.

“Well should you decide to visit again, we do have d youth training sessions often. Maybe you could join us. Of course you should call for me as loud as you can. You’ll find I have amazing hearing. If not me, ask for Gael or Aine. Even my own son Piers. Well someone should be along soon I hope. I know Goldenluxury hates trespassers from experience a long while ago”

Kydobi flicked his tail, unsure how this was going to go down. Hopefully this boy was an orphan so he didn’t have to endure any mother’s wrath, “What’s your name by the way?”


Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - ROXANNE R. - 03-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Much to Kydobi's misfortune, Trygve was not orphaned and would definitely receive the wrath of a mother.

Roxanne had been worried sick asking around the clan if they had seen her son but everyone had told her that they hadn't and well, she felt bad for bothering them about it but she felt even worse due to not knowing the whereabouts of her own son. It was already hard enough trying to watch all her cubs by herself, she had been restless that whole day. She had even went throughout the rainforest calling out to her child in hope of finding him yet she was faced with nothing. She was sitting on the beach obviously distraught, her head lifting at the scent of the Pitt hit her nose and the ringing of a bell. Her fur suddenly bristled wondering why they were even here but then her heart dropped in her chest. No, no, no, no. Had they done something to her son? Were they hear to bear bad news and taunt her. She had never properly met a Pittian so she didn't know if they were all assholes but what she did know was that the Typhoon and her niece, Goldenluxury hated the place with a passion. She quickly made her way over with both curved ears pressed to her skull only to see a larger jaguar and then her cub, she felt partially relieved until to realize that he was hurt. Who had hurt him? They both of them seemed to be speaking but that didn't matter now, she was angry and she had been worried sick. Her claws unsheathed immediately as she would walk over with a lash of her tail, her mismatched gaze locked onto Kydobi. She wanted to thank him for bringing back Ry but another part of her wanted to swat the guy away from her child.

"Trygve Roux."

Her voice stern, unwavering as her gaze finally landed on him noticing the way he would tense up immediately and turn to face her offering an ashamed smile. She would have integrated him further but her gaze was locked onto Kydobi with flames burning within her eyes as she growled out with her lips peeled back just a bit into a snarl "Who did this?" She took a few steps forward until she was standing behind Trygve and not far from Kydobi, her paws sinking into the sand doing her best in resisting the urge to simply jump to conclusions without getting an explanation. The smell of blood hitting her did she glance down to realize there was a piece of someone's tail on the ground, it didn't take her long to identify as her blood began to blood. She thought he was gone. Another growl erupted from her maw, her tail lashing to the sides throwing sand to the sides in its wake. She stood her ground, Kydobi was much larger than her (then again everyone was) but that didn't startle her in the slightest only fueled by her maternal instinct followed with a powerful wrath. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - Grimm - 03-25-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]It seemed a soft thread of wanderlust tainted the channels of rage touched heart, a quiet whim answered with no care to those left in lengthening wake. Known such trivial sins, a downfall within part had they played though tepid the heart that had sung a soft song of sorrow, following dutiful at retreating heels for nothing else seemed correct. Yet again had he left with an air of haunty rage, returned with the ebony scruff between softened teeth.

Such was the thing, however. Was not the third time that offering tarnished charm, an outcome wrought before trajectory was set, the pendulum swinging until the dark cloud looming above roiled and split with seething rage. Match was met and found wanting, increasing in volume the fear once about heart. Now it was all that touched upon slicked back ears, savage the beat of blood within delicate confinements. Their placement was not stationary, at times the sand accumulated about outpost bearing the hanging weight of scarred bell carried small prints, indents marking the manner they paced in loosening circles. Others the jungle called and that beyond, felt the eyes of others as they looked for youth missing from their ranks, bubbling beneath the surface an anger laced sorrow.

From their post had Eulia been drawn, the aching cry of empty stomach incapable of ignoring any longer, through small meal accompanied within a small basket caught between pearlescent teeth. Easy it's abandonment when the chime of bell arose forth, stinging the build up of welling tears, stumbling pace quickening into a clumsy jog. Upon the tip of their tongue lay various statements beating against their cgar of enamel, but one crowned it all, breathless the soft mumble escaping with each gasped exhale - why.

Turbulent the roiling waves of quickened thought, swirling and spiralling, jarring the sudden conclusion, forward momentum barely slowed enough to allow a quick stop. He seemed so happy. Marred the dark edges of his silhouette, about the pale surface of their lips sharp the twisting curl of frown taking slow shape as they made a brief assessment of clean covering, yet none of it dampened the manner he spoke. Of no matter the other, though their heart fluttered with a fresh burst of worry as they conversed with a startling ease, their attention set only on him.

There was to be no warning, the best of tiny paws kicking up sand in their wake all he may have before their momentum drew them forth. No true injury would come of such, blunted the ends of small horns adorning lowered cranium and each step saw them grow slower, broken their breathing by hiccuped gasps. Soft would be the impact directed at chest, silent the rain of their tears as they leaned into him, uncaring of all, let alone the stranger perched by his side.

"Why did you leave, you promised…" Another. Anger laced the tones once familiar, a soft melody offering the sweet song of comfort and affection, now a sharpened blade digging into their chest. For a moment did they ponder parting from Trygve, seeking the comfort of mother where the world might seem nothing more than a false dream. Yet still were they, strained whisper parting their lips before silence took over once more. "Fuck."

It was almost funny. Always had it seemed such lightened the mood, made better a disposition soured beneath poor circumstances. So why was it their heart seemed stalled, the warm sand welcoming as their weight fell atop it, hidden lilac depths welling with a fresh wave of tears beneath sand streaked paws.

Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Unlike Roxanne, Aphra did not really care for Trygve much more than the fact he was only a crewmate. But of course Roxanne would care more for her own child; she was his mother after all. Aphra wasn't following Roxanne around by any means, but she was trying to at least help the chick cope with the death of her fling. Seeing Trygve injured, though, made Aphra wince. "You better have a good explanation for this." The she-cat warned, her icy gaze flickering from Trygve to the Pittian that stood before everyone. "Because it certainly does not look good on your behalf."

Perhaps if she paid attention to the tail that Trygve had with him, she would have recognized it. Unfortunately, Aphra didn't notice Trygve's trophy - and honestly, if she had, she would be quite amused. Caesar, getting his ass handed to him by a cub? Oh, how his ego must hurt.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - bubblegum - 03-25-2020

Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - OCTANE. - 03-25-2020

Octane didn't know a lot about the Roux kids, or their family, didn't know the intricacies or the years of blood buried deep into the clans.
Maybe he wouldn't care, either.
As long as he and Caustic were safe, that didn't matter to him. He wasn't.... he didn't really get the found family like Michael had, couldn't understand how someone could like you enough to consider you family. Ajay had been his hermana at one time, yeah, but she didn't want to talk to him anymore and probably hated him.
Fear gripped at the back of Octavio's mind in black, clawed tendrils. His fans loved Octavio Silva unabashedly, Caustic was obsessed with him, but he knew that wasn't enough. Octavio felt more and more like a background character in the stories of everyone here, that he was not needed, they didn't like him. He sucked in a breath, limping out of the surroundings, his wound paining each step.
He stares at Kydobi, trying to remember if Caustic had mentioned the jaguar before. His eyes narrow, tail flicking back and forth as he tries to think.
He's silent, though. He can't think of anything witty to say to try to lighten the mood.

Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - fulzanin - 03-25-2020

Blits can safely say he doesn't know a whole lot about the world that he has been thrown into. Conflicts that he simply can't understand and are far over his head are common and frequent. There are family dynamics, those that he can't understand for he's only known one family his entire life. The family that he had essentially been married into with a brother in law, a sister in law, and was an uncle in an odd way. Uncle in law? Blits wasn't certain. It was important to him, but not to the situation that he was trotting up to. His orange eyes survey the scene, knowing better than to ask a question - one that likely would be considered stupid as most his inquires were - about who this newcomer jaguar was and why there was so much hostility being thrown his way. He settles a decent few paces away to watch and observe instead.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - trojan g. - 03-25-2020

Winnie knew not of the other groups that were on this island. He figured there had been others, but didn't think that they would ever show up here - it had to be a big island, right? It couldn't be small enough to travel across it, though he hadn't tried - but the smell of another made the young bear come over, curiosity peaked and worry scattered on his features as he saw Ry there on the border, having been hurt, and the tail of another hanging from his maw.

The bear wasn't smart, and didn't think before acting, which is why he found himself going forward, reaching, in an attempt to grab onto the younger child and bring him up in his arms, carefully giving him a hug. Hugs made you feel better, after all, and Ry was hurt, so he needed to feel better.

He cared not for what the adults were saying at the moment, he would ask at a later time what the names meant, who the jaguar was, and why they had been so angry at him.

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