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DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - Printable Version

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DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - tricky - 03-15-2020

[align=center][Image: 80fbabee-6669-11ea-b56f-f5bb91e1e755.gif]
    background: may 28th, 2018. beck, then commander of tanglewood went for a stroll through the swamp, seeking whatever mud-buried artifacts he could find -- only to meet a companion instead. a mutated venus flytrap no bigger than a palm tripped him, moving of its own accord. quickly charmed, beck replanted the little flytrap into an old bait bucket he recovered from the reeds and carried his new friend home. the flytrap was named audrey III and beck has cared for it ever since. audrey received at least five meals a day, some samplings of the poltergeist's inky blood on occasion, and lots of love. soon, audrey grew to be the size of an eagle, strong enough to drag itself around using prehensile vines and gorging itself on everything it crossed. beck even managed to train it somewhat, lugging the teenage plant around wherever he went. the pair was practically inseparable, audrey's vines coiling around beck in the night and hugging him close despite the ghostly chill.

    january 12th, 2020. tragedy struck in the form of a housefire, flames birthed by a dropped cigarette on beck's porch. in the aftermath, no charred flytrap nor dented bucket could be found. beck mourned for days, distraught over losing his first true friend. remnants of leaves were buried just outside of the scorched grass, a hand-made marker placed in honor of audrey III. but he swallowed his grief as best he could. and carried on with the world, pushing audrey far from his mind to keep himself from breaking.

    spring is here. and audrey returns, coated in a thick layer of varied pollen and in bloom, white flowers gradually dropping as seeds. from those seeds, thirteen different flytraps sprout, equally as sentient as their parent but mixed with individual flower traits. beck tries to care for all of them, placing them in makeshift pots. but the work is too much for one little ghost. and so, he adopts them to trusted caretakers, hoping they too will find a loyal companion in the form of a toothy plant.
    information: there are thirteen infant flytrap mutants, inheriting both audrey's traits and the traits of their respective fathers. each will be given to someone who beck considers a trustworthy and nurturing caretaker. to ensure that the so-called audreyling will be properly taken care of, the adopter must give an object of personal significance to beck in exchange. if the audreyling is neglected or abused, he will promptly destroy their belonging and take the audreyling back. they also will be given with a note detailing their requirements and proper care, including the following:
audreyling care guide:
Carrie / hollyhock (alcea rosea): red markings, sweet fragrance, heart-shaped leaves, narrow teeth, blooms hollyhock flowers (RESERVED FOR AURUM)

Ridley / sundew (drosera aliciae): red-orange markings, glandular tentacles with sticky secretions similar to sundews, longer barbed tongue (RESERVED FOR IVAN)

Sally / butterfly weed (asclepias tuberosa): orange markings, smaller teeth, lance-shaped leaves, produces a surplus of nectar, blooms butterfly weed flowers (OPEN)

Laurie / marsh marigold (caltha palustris): yellow markings, rounder build, sweet fragrance, heart-shaped leaves, retractable teeth, blooms marsh marigold (RESERVED FOR ATTICUS)

Nancy / stinging nettle (urtica dioica): no markings, irritating hairs beneath spiked leaves like nettle, tiny and fuzzy flowers near stem (OPEN)

Suzy / boneset (eupatorium perfoliatum): light blue markings, smaller size, narrow trap, lance-shaped leaves, blooms boneset flowers (RESERVED FOR KIIRA)

Barbara / harebell (campanula rotundifolia): blue markings, flowering vines with harebell blossoms, milky sap, sweet fragrance (RESERVED FOR SELBY)

Sidney / huckleberry (vaccinium membranaceum): indigo markings, larger size, produces huckleberries, oblong leaves (RESERVED FOR FEZA)

Jay / snapdragon (antirrhinum majus): purple markings, longer teeth, taller build, blooms snapdragon flowers, bonnet-like petal frill (RESERVED FOR HEATHCLIFF)

Tiffany / purpura (purpura febricitantem): magenta markings, harmless spore-filled pods instead of flowers, thorned vines, purple tinge to leaves, offspring of an unidentified plant discovered by selby roux (OPEN)

Kirsty / soapwort (saponaria officinalis): pink markings, chubbier build, sweet fragrance, blooms soapwort flowers, curled leaves (OPEN)

Erin / buttonbush (cephalanthus occidentalis): white markings, thin fuzz on outer trap, soft texture, blooms buttonbush flowers (OPEN)

Elvira / hellebore (helleborus): black markings, thorned stem, blooms hellebore flowers, spits toxins (RESERVED FOR CAUSTIC)

all audreylings will primarily resemble audrey iii, with three rows of teeth, acidic saliva, and a taste for blood. unlike audrey, they will only grow to be falcon-sized. they are not able to vocalize beyond growling or hissing, as well as whatever noise can be made with only the mouth and no air, such as clicking or smacking. reference for their movement can be found here and here.
    application: post which one you'd like your character to have (one character per person). characters currently in tanglewood are more likely to be given an audreyling, with typhoon after. first come, first serve. additionally, your character will have to give up an important personal belonging in exchange, so please list that below as well.

Re: DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - fluffy - 03-15-2020

can selby get a mfing uh,,,, Barbara

he will give up a note from his sister

Re: DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - Owlie - 03-15-2020

I am requesting Elvira for Caustic, she spits toxins, it’s destiny

Caustic is going to give up some of his letters from octane

Re: DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - Atticus Roux - 03-15-2020

Can Atticus take Laurie?

Re: DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - Grimm - 03-15-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Can Heath have Jay and his item will be a preserved giant rhino beetle, the beginning of his collection and the very inspiration to begin his pinning of insects

Re: DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - Misty - 03-15-2020

[font=georgia]Can Kiira have Suzy?
Her item will be her copy of the Compete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. She doesn't fully know why it's important to her but there are strong feelings and imprints of lost memories connected to it.  Some of her favorite poems are inside and marked with flowers.

Re: DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - tricky - 03-15-2020

all accepted! first three of yall gotta add a belonging now

Re: DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - fulzanin - 03-15-2020

Sidney for Feza? In return Feza gives him her original kazoo.

Re: DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - stilly. - 03-15-2020

Could Aurum get Carrie? Aurum would give Beck his original copy of The Storybook Knight that is well worn and from his cubhood.

Re: DON'T FEED THE PLANTS — audreyling adoptions - Ivan - 03-15-2020

Could Ivan take Ridley? He’s not very materialistic but he likes the sky so when he first saw rain he caught rainwater in a small corked glass bottle, thinking it was part of the sky that fell down and he’ll give  Beck that.