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CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - Printable Version

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CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - beck. - 03-10-2020

    It seemed as though years passed since Beck last volunteered for this. Maybe the years really did; time never failed to slip his hazy mind. After all, the past six months went by unnoticed as he wallowed in self-made misery. He should get a calendar. Or an alarm clock. Or something.

    Worrying a scabbed and peeling lower lip dark with old blood, the poltergeist found himself staring up at the town's central statue, honey-brown eyes passing over its weathering and overgrowth. Why did things have to change? Shoulders slumping, crooked teeth set themselves more firmly into the plump flesh of his lip, soon shifting to gnaw at his intact cheek. Beck clambered to the statue's ledge, nostalgia wracking his scrawny frame like storm and blast buffeting the figure he stood at the feet of. Tiny claws curled over the ledge to secure himself before Beck summoned the will to draw in a whistling inhale.

    "Um, weekly tasks, guys," the little ghost rasped, stumpy tail tucking at his feeble voice. A punctured lung did not provide enough support to yell and holler for attention. But considering that if one person showed up, usually others would follow out of curiosity or coincidence. An odd phenomenon that worked in his favor for once.

[size=8pt][i]giving prompts too! just ask for one on top of a task!

Re: CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - Ivan - 03-10-2020

Ivan recognized Beck's voice, no matter how faint it was. Maybe he had his slightly larger ears to thank for, but he believed he just naturally was attracted to the voices of people he trusted and -- loved? Loved? Could he really be capable of love? He wasn't sure.

He didn't have to ask what a weekly task was. After some logical deducting, it seemed simple enough. Perhaps Beck was giving out orders to do some voluntary community service. Even though Ivan was barely ten weeks old, he still wanted to give it a try. He'd like to be useful in some sense and although he liked to think of himself as independent, he found that he just simply could not throw himself out into the world alone. He needed a bit of guidance.

So, with these thoughts in mind, Ivan slunk over to be the first to report to the weekly tasks, aligning his small, delicate head upwards to Beck. He didn't smile, but his eyes gleamed with ambition. "I would like one."

/ and a prompt too please

Re: CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - suvi. - 03-10-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
[ prompt too please! c: ]

Beck?  A reassuring voice at times.  When everything felt different.  Distant.  Beck was still here.

The petite vixen blinked, her mitch-matched hues flickering.  A single ear fading.  Reappearing.  Her teeth caught the inside of her cheek.  Brows creasing in consideration and thought.

He was giving out tasks?  Maybe that would be... Nice.  She often lingered around, listlessly wandering... Until someone needed help.  Or a book caught her interest.  But even reading grew tiring sometimes.  Her eyes burning as the clock ticked away.

Quietly, she padded forward, wearing her usual tiny, shy smile and not speaking.  Instead, she nodded her request, shifting her weight between her paws.

Re: CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - wormwood. - 03-10-2020

( prompt too please <3 )

Weekly tasks, and they were being given out by Beck. That was almost enough to drive Aurum away, but... well, Beck couldn't really hold him just coming over and getting a task against him. After all, he was just doing the same thing as everyone else. Get in, get a task, and get out. No reason for it to be uncomfortable or awkward. Padding over and settling down beside Kiira. The tigon shifted a bit before he spoke, softly, "I'd like one too, please."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - beck. - 03-10-2020

    With no time to think up his first round of arbitrary tasks, he found himself gawking slightly at Ivan, pallid lips parted just enough to expose sharkish teeth. "Uh," the boy stammered, shifting his measly weight in thought. What would be something safe but entertaining for a kitten as peculiar as Ivan? And something not demeaning to his age, yet easy to comprehend? A gauze-bound paw drifted to his mouth, claws catching between incisors as his thoughts clashed with half-baked ideas. "Ivan, you can... m-maybe try finding... something cool to start collecting? Like, um, stamps o-or rocks or feathers -- or all three. I don't know. Whatever you want. Just show it off by the end of the day. Five things, at least," he wheezed, raised paw resting on his disfigured cheek as though to hide the horrific scar from his brother's prying eyes.

    A friendly smile caught his attention, belonging to the elusive Kiira. Relaxing somewhat, Beck tapped his cheek idly. "Kiira, how about... you take two things you like. And then you put them together," the poltergeist offered, paws clapping together to demonstrate his idea of merging interests. A vague task, but the interpretation would be fun to witness.

    Then the proxy arrived. Tension crept into his muscles, instinctive by now. He sucked in a shaky breath, eager to send Aurum on his way. Just one task, that was all. "Um... you can..." he struggled, searching for a menial activity before hazel eyes drifted over Aurum's chubbier frame. "You... di-did you gain weight?" he blurted, head tilting in slight curiosity. Maybe the lion succumbed to the temptation of stress-eating, as he himself often did; except Aurum actually digested what he gorged himself on. "You can hold an exercise... thingy. Just work out. Lose a few pounds," he bluntly instructed, waving a paw dismissively.

    [size=8pt][i][member=11964]Ivan[/member]: ivan happens upon a bird's nest built within the lower branches of a tree, with three unattended eggs inside
    [member=2344]suvi k.[/member]: kiira comes down with a viral illness causing flu-like symptoms
    [member=6881]aurum.[/member]: aurum is feeling burnt out; at the end of the day, he finally has time to himself to destress

Re: CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - CAUSTIC. - 03-10-2020

// I’d like an ooc one too

Oh joy, weekly tasks.

”I will take one, Beck.”

Re: CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - RB Graveyard - 03-11-2020

This would be interesting. "Id like a task, thanks love."

//Prompt too

Re: CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - Atticus Roux - 03-11-2020

Well, ain’t this new? Atticus had never heard such a thing in his mere few months of being alive, causing his interest to peak. A ‘weekly task’, they called it, entailed this ghost thing giving the members jobs from his observations. Even his brother got a task. Needless to say, he was interested in what was going on, even if he wasn’t directly qualified to do anything notable. That would not crush his confidence though.

Nevertheless, despite being a weary kitten, the bold feline sauntered forward with pride. The small cat stood directly in front of Beck, gleaming yellow eyes looking up at the older fellow. “May I?” he crooned sweetly.

/ prompt or task Smile

Re: CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - selby roux ! - 03-12-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]As a familiar voice called out for weekly tasks, Selby couldn’t help but feel overjoyed. Beck was putting himself out there. And though his anxiety was painfully obvious to the sawbones, it was a start. A good, real start. He came forward, a sense of pride filling him. He wasn’t good about doing the tasks given, but for Beck... well, for Beck, he’d give it a shot. “May I please have a task, buddy?”

//prompt please <3

Re: CHERRY WINE — weekly tasks - beck. - 03-12-2020

    More people, more tasks. Teeth continued to work the torn skin of his lip as brows furrowed in thought, searching for activities that wouldn't seem lame.

    What could a gas-puffing wolf accomplish besides pollution or smoke tricks? Beck swayed on his tiptoes, head tilting back to admire the clouds before an answer plummeted from the heavens and into his grasping mind. "You're a big, uh, strong fella, right? How about... clearing some of the plants growing on people's houses? Maybe replant them somewhere else, I don't know," he stammered, not eager to inhale whatever halitosis-ridden fumes Caustic blew his way.

    A gentle coo fluttered down Heathcliff's way like a crippled butterfly, soft yet ragged from waterlogged lungs, "Heathcliff, how about you try catching... three different types of bugs. Kinda like we did that one night. "

    Next arrives a tigress Beck personally never met before; his throat tightened and his voice cracked oddly when he started to speak, caught off guard by the unwarranted pet name. "Um... okay. You- you could make something nice for people, y'know, to introduce yourself."

    Yet another brother toddled to the statue, greeted with equally tender words. "Atticus, try holding one of those games. We haven't had one of those in a while... you seem like the man for the job."

    And finally, Selby approached, quite to his surprise. Returning a fond smile, albeit shyly with his chin bashfully tucking to his chest, the poltergeist stood a little straighter, a little looser. "Hi, Selby," he chirped, his stub of a tail wagging idly, "How about instead of me giving you a task... you take the day off and I can do whatever you need to be done! 'Cause you deserve a break." A brilliant idea, allowing the sawbones to kick back and relax and not gain grey hair any faster than he did.

[size=8pt][member=10990]CAUSTIC.[/member]: caustic finds himself stuck with a reoccurring nightmare featuring a particularly bad end to one of his first rookie matches
[member=11979]heathcliff.[/member]: heath loses something dearly important to him, the item in question seemingly vanishing without a trace -- except one clue
[member=9997]Eulogy.[/member]: eulogy notices one of her cacti isn't faring well for unknown reasons and tries a few folk remedies to try curing its ailments
[member=11957]Atticus Roux[/member]: atticus happens upon a mutated carcass while exploring unsupervised
[member=2072]selby roux ![/member]: an item from his past is discovered within the junkyard