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the weight of an invisible crown - joining - ABIDEMI RAYAN - 02-26-2020

ABIDEMI RAYAN - genderqueer - african lion - tags - profile
what did it feel like, knowing that the sands of time were already pouring against you? what would you do? how would you act with the knowledge that a power-hungry monster was somewhere, anywhere, searching for you in order to devour your soul as if it was a decadent feast? probably wander the world endlessly, never staying in one place for too long where you could (or would, inevitably) be found. you would walk until your legs fell off, and then crawl. drag yourself until your body couldn't take another step.

but that wasn't what abidemi did. he was... different, you see, but not in a stereotypical sense. he didn't have fantastical powers or anything, not like his denmates. his two older brothers had the power to change their bodies, altering them in ways that wasn't physically possible. an extra limb here, a different species there. his sisters spoke to people who weren't there. spirits? he hoped so. the thought of them conversing with beings were were once alive, but were no longer, comforted him. they were mortal, just like them. just like him.

they didn't make it, his family. his mother was torn apart by their births. the first thing that abidemi experienced was his paws stepping in the lifeblood of what remained of their matriarch. after that, it was luck. if a lioness in their pride pitied them enough, she would suckle them, until she, too, broke under the weight of their power, and subsequently her children. once they were old and strong enough to go pick out their own meal, nothing stood in their way. his brothers could take down great swaths of buffalo and gorged themselves on their corpses. his sisters slaughtered man - the forbidden creature - and stole their cattle, sacrificing them to their gods in their names. blood dyed their claws, but not abidemi. he was different, after all.

their father found them not long after. it was hard to ignore a cult growing in the middle of the wilderness. drawn by their power, he picked them off one by one, starting with abidemi's sisters. he had to go after them first with their head games. in the middle of the night, he took them from their dens, tore off the treasures that they adorned themselves with, and killed them. truly, he overwhelmed their brains until they melted out of their ears and noses, but "kill" sounds... clean. his brothers at least tried to fight back. they changed into fantastic beasts and went to war, but it was useless. he tore them apart, chopping them down as if they were trees, then devoured them. not metaphorically. he consumed them, tearing apart their flesh and restoring the energy that he had just spent killing them. it happened so fast that all abidemi remembered about the ordeal was his confusion. a lion was already menacing enough, but to see his father's mane, dyed blue, turned purple from the fresh and stinking blood made his stomach curl.

abidemi survived solely because he didn't have what killed his siblings. hey were extraordinary, and he just wasn't. his lack of powers made it easy for him to blend in with the other creatures that he hooked up with. the lion prides that he joined didn't think of him as anything else but a lost and destitute adolescent in search of a home. but he knew differently. deep down inside, he knew that it was only a matter of time before his father found him, just like he did with everyone else.

that was why he was at the clan's borders, not by choice, but out of desperation. once the first few tufts of his mane began to sprout from his neck, his stomach turned at the idea that he would be next. he also had heard a few passing whispers about the elysium. a secluded group, they protected the innocent, and were enamored by "balance", whatever that meant. they had him at "protect the innocent". abidemi had done nothing wrong ever in his life. his brothers' and sisters' deaths were at least justified. their insatiable hunger for power was what led to their inevitable downfall. then again, that could be blamed on their tainted blood. abidemi heard tell that their father was always searching for the next surplus of power to keep him alive, like a bloodthirsty battery. but abidemi had no such urges. for now.

abidemi's body shivered against the cold. his thin, tawny pelt was used to the warmth brought by a constant sun, and his paws were softened by the grass of the savanna. but there was no sun in the mountainside. there were only clouds, and the cold, and rocks. lots and lots of rocks, sharp too. his paw pads had been cut, healed, cut, then rehealed so many times that he had lost feeling in them a while ago, but he trudged on. the fear of meeting his father again chilled his blood far worse than the freezing temperature ever could.

"h-hello?" he called out, teeth chattering. his voice echoed across the great expanse of emptiness, and for a moment, he thought that nobody would ever come. why would they? he was a lion, and a pretty weak one at that, far from where he was supposed to be. if they weren't suspicious, then they should have.

but abidemi was determined as much as he was fearful. keeping his tail still, he straightened himself, and called out once more, hoping that his voice would be carried by the wind and to anyone who was nearby. "excuse me? is anyone there?"

Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - arcy - 02-28-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]897 subscribers

The world was not a kind place. It was not kind to even the most average of people, and especially not to those who were simply .. not. This is not a mindset most people would accuse Videogames of hiding -- he was a good liar even at the worst of times, but it was something the serval understood quite well. By circumstances of birth, of the people you're surrounded with -- it was out of your control.
The best you could do was do what you could about it, in Videogames' opinion. Put up with it, deal with it, run away. You couldn't ever escape it forever.
"Yup! Here I am!" The serval chirps, regarding the lion as he trots over. He's a fair bit larger than Videogames, technically both older than he but also ... well, maybe a little less mature, but not by much. Videogames is quite young himself, after all. He seems ... afraid. If not of the Elysium, then something else.
That won't do.
Videogames' tail lifts into the air, as though he's just finished surveying the other and is relaxing now, and he beams at Abidemi almost theatrically, close enough to cheesily genuine it was hard to tell the difference. Something open and friendly, calculatingly relaxed. Ultimately comforting, or so Videogames hoped anyways. He wasn't as good at dealing with outsiders as he was people familiar.
And, with little pause, he tilts his head and continues. "I'm Videogames! D'ya need somethin?" He chirrs. And, after another moment, he half-frowns, thoughtful. "You're shivering. Should I get you a blanket or something?" He asks, voice colored with concern. Elysium was pretty rough on those unprepared, after all -- Videogames was almost used to it, and he had his cloak, but this guy must've been walkin for a while now to get here.



Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - ABIDEMI RAYAN - 02-28-2020

ABIDEMI RAYAN - genderqueer - african lion - tags - profile
it was a perplexing thing, wanting to gain someone's attention, only to regret it once his call was answered. abidemi nearly jumped when the young serval appeared, his heart soaring into his throat while his hackles raised instinctively. did he intend on fighting him, if he proved to be hostile? not necessarily. he didn't have many scars, what few scrapes decorated his pelt were through his own... accidents. but he would try reasoning with him. his mind was a blur as he thought of ways to perhaps charm the stranger, maybe even pity him enough to leave him alone? it certainly used to work on the loners. giving them his food worked a few times enough, so perhaps it would work again?

but then the serval smiled, and it seemed genuine. then he began to speak, and that sounded genuine, too. abidemi's heart sunk just as fast as it had risen, but not out of disappointment. it was more from shame, seeing as how he was believing him to be a threat and preparing to treat him as such. that wouldn't do at all. if this person belonged to the group that he was hoping would accept him, then he had to admit, their welcome wagon was beginning to work on him.

"hello, there," abidemi replied with a brisk dip of his head. it happened so fast, his head swam a bit. he winced, then flicked his tail and went on, "sir. hello, vid-eo-games, sir. mister games. i'm abidemi. just abidemi. pleasure to make your acquaintance."

he stuck out his paw, meaning for videogames to shake it, only to pull it back. why on earth did he just do that? his foot was bigger than the serval's head, and doing that most likely made him feel inferior! stupid, stupid! abidemi chastised. why not call him shorty next?

"f-forgive me, sir, mister games, sir, i'm not myself," abidemi said, flattening his ears. "i'm not from around here, you see. i'm a mighty long way from where i'm used to, but i just couldn't stay where i was. i was wondering, actually, if you knew of a place that i'm trying to find? the elysium. someone told me that they live around these parts. if you could show me the way to their camp, i would be most grateful, many thanks."

Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - candorosa - 02-28-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Next to arrive is Lemy, drawn by the original call. He pulls his cloak closer to his body as he travels to the source of the call. Despite the warming weather, the mountains made it seem like it was still winter on certain days. It doesn't bother him as much as others, as he owned a cloak just like Videogames, but he still prefers temperate days.

Finally, he spots the duo, eyes singling out Videogames for a brief moment then traveling back to the newcomer. Lemy watches his movements as he converses with the serval, mouth twitching in amusement at the lion's rambles. It doesn't take a genius to notice that the lion was flustered, though Lemy couldn't piece together the reason. Still, he hops on over, aiming a friendly slap on Videogames' back to announce his prescence.

Once he's facing the lion, he sends him a friendly grin and leans in. "Heyaheya, 'mister Just Abidemi!' Luck's on your side, because this here is Elysium territory! Yaaay!" He claps in mock childish glee, wide smile at odds with the dead, fish-like quality of his eyes. "Name's Lemy, nice'ta meet'cha! I can take you to camp, sure, but why'd you wanna go there? Looking to visit? Join?" He asks, head tilting in thought. With the whole gods ordeal, they can't blame him for being suspicious of some rando waltzing in, asking to see their camp.

Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - arcy - 02-28-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]897 subscribers

Ooh, yeah, he was spooked. Videogames doesn't miss the way the young lion tenses, and he merely waits, seeing if it'll pass. And it does! It worked! A bubble of giddy relief bursts in his chest -- it's very promptly burst by Lemy's presence, and Videogames jolts at Lemy's touch. Oh, wow, he's out of the groove.
"Hi, Lemy!" He chirps, just as practice. He feels like he should be more bothered by the touch, brief as it is, but he can't muster anything at all. He won't worry about it, then, and he merely turns his attention back to Abidemi, still grinning.
"Mister Games?" He says, as light and teasing as he can manage without getting near the "overacting" level. Videogames may be a bit of a liar, a bit of an actor, but his only goal here is to make Abidemi comfortable, not -- freak him out by doing it wrong. "It's nice to meet you too, Abidemi! You can just call me Felix, if you want. Don't worry, you don't need to be formal," His grin closes into a smile, just as bright and genuine, just more subdued. He'd probably overwhelm the guy if he kept up the high energy for too long. Probably.
Honestly, Videogames hasn't allowed someone to call him Felix in -- forever. All of these names might even be overwhelming him, but he feels inclined to give the option anyways, for reasons he can't quite put into words.
Abidemi is ... still nervous, but Videogames isn't sure there's much he can do about that. It's either border nerves, or -- or something else. It's hard to say.
"Hey, it's okay, you're doing fine," He reassures very promptly as Abidemi begins speaking. He's a little -- jittery, but he's not rude or anything. He seems easy to get along with. It looks like he's looking to ... join, maybe?
Lemy interjects before he can really get in a confirming word, so Videogames just grins wider, eyes bright. "What he said. You're not too far!" He feels compelled to say, encouraging as ever. Oh god, he really hopes he's not going over the top.



Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - Warringkingdoms - 02-29-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]The frigid weather had kicked up once more, yet Rin patrolled anyway.

  She still couldn't summon up the nerve to go near the spot where the attack had happened, but there hadn't been any more incidents at the borders. Maybe she should have been grateful; maybe fate had decided she'd been punished enough for letting her guard down that time. It wasn't fair for others to be punished for her failures, but Rin had long since accepted that life didn't play fair. All she could do was protect the others at every opportunity she got.

  The voice of a stranger caught her attention, along with the echoing voices of Lemy and Videogames. Walking over to the tired newcomer, Rin tugged at her scarf with one paw. His talk of not being himself was... strange. Granted, Valerian had spoken of something similar, and he hadn't posed any threat- but so had Romanempire, and he most certainly had posed a threat. Lemy seemed to find the situation curious as well, judging by his questions. Three months ago she might have dismissed this as typical Lemy chatter, but he'd already proven to be more perceptive than he let on, from the way he spoke to her after the incident with the Warrior.

  Casting her gaze over Abidemi's shoulder, she narrowed her eyes. No sign of invasion, but she'd remain careful anyway. Shifting her eyes between Abidemi and the background periodically, she would wait for him to offer a response to Lemy's questions. Whether he was in danger or was himself a danger to them, she would be prepared.

  No one had to die today.

Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - nemhain. - 02-29-2020

Nemhain was far from a weak creature. Such a thing was self evident, considering the fenghuang's status as a persona. By nature, personas were not meant to be weak. They were manifestations of power from a person's very soul, plucked from the darkness and shadows that they lingered in until the day that they were needed. I'd someone's soul and personality was weak, then they would never have a persona, which made it quite obvious why there were no soft personas. Despite this, some fools sought to destroy the power that personas had, mostly because they were frightened by it. They were weak souled bastards who thought that if they destroyed a persona, then they could be considered strong. Nem had never thought much of these people, figuring they were nothing but cowards too weak to have anything to do except pick and feast upon the strong. She would think much the same of Abidemi's father, should she ever meet him. Perhaps he had done the right thing, destroying Abidemi's siblings for the good of the world, but to go after one such as Abidemi, who had no strength of his own? It was supreme cowardice, at least in the eyes of Nemhain. At least when she fought others that were above or below her level of supreme power, she was doing it for the good of others. For the good of Rin in particular, but also for the good of all of Elysium as a whole. She fought beasts such as the gods not for their power, and not for the fame, but to protect others that she cared for, and that Rin cared for.

The sounds of several voices were what attracted Nemhain to the mountains that day, her ears picking up soft, nervous ramblings as she flew overhead, on the lookout for the beast that she could remember from Rin's memories. Curiosity piqued, the fenghuang found herself swooping downward, landing on the cold earth in a wave of feathers and shadow as she slowly stood back up to her full height. She towered over everyone there, including Abidemi. From the tone of the other male's voice that she had heard from above, she could certainly tell that he was the jumpy type, and no doubt the type to be terrified by a nine foot tall bird encroaching on his space. As such, Nem stayed back, settling down beside Rin and offering the magna a nod of greeting. She could feel the other's antsy suspicion clear as day running through her veins, washing like a cool chill through her feathers. Rin was rattled to the bone after that whole beast incident that had ended in the deaths of that pair of mother and child. Nemhain couldn't say that she blamed her, but the persona also hoped that not too much progress on recovery had been lost because of it. A sigh left her before she focused her dark gaze on Abidemi, chirping deeply in greeting to the male as she stretched large, multicolored wings, "Greetings, Sir Abidemi. Just as the others have said, the land you stand on is that of Elysium... are you perhaps interested in joining our group? Or simply curious about the stories you have heard?"

Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - ABIDEMI RAYAN - 03-01-2020

[div style="background: #646160; padding: 8px; ext-align: justify; color: #D3CECB; padding: 8px; font-family: georgia;"]ABIDEMI RAYAN - genderqueer - african lion - tags - profile
[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; color: #646160; padding: 8px; font-family: georgia;"] ooc; poor abi's given himself a heart attack xD

oh boy, he had done it now. a small crowd was beginning to form around him - cats, just like him, it seemed, with the same amount of friendliness and/or curiosity as the one who came before them. but their eyes. maybe it was the wind that blew against his spine and stirred his fur, but he couldn't help but feel icy tendrils slide through his veins as they advanced. abidemi took a cautionary step back as lemy, quite literally, bounded over, striking him across his back in a welcoming matter once he did so, but not to him. to abidemi, it was less a harmless greeting and more a warning to watch himself, the latter clearly false, but could anyone blame him? as long as his father roamed the planet, there was always a chance of his untimely and brutal demise. for all he knew, these creatures were his cohorts, and he had walked straight into a trap.

the young lion recoiled in shock, surprise and fear rolling off of him in waves. "forgive me, kind, most dutiful sirs -" he glanced toward warringkingdoms, who appeared to stare at him with as much suspicion as a hawk studying a trespasser in their territory. that certainly didn't help him. why was she watching him as if he might suddenly decide to attack? had that happened before? what did they do to? no, no, this was a mistake. if they didn't have any relation to his father, then there certainly was something wrong. he had to find a way out of there. he had to escape, to flee, to -

suddenly, something heavy, something monstrous, fell from the sky. abidemi was already blinking furiously to try and keep his fearful tears from streaming down his face, so he couldn't quite make out who, let alone what, had come. But as he wiped his eyes and took a step back, his vision cleared, and he gasped. nemhain was towering, a terrifying creature with wings of a kaleidoscope of colors (some he had never seen before) that made his eyes strain. her talons were far longer than his claws, her beak sharper than his worn, yellowed fangs. she was a creature that he had never seen before, let alone could believe to have existed, yet there she stood, a figure of a god in the midst of mortals.

abidemi didn't faint because he was scared. that would mean that he was fearful, which was too little of a word to describe his current state. he wasn't merely afraid of her, or any of the people who had surrounded him. he was petrified, his limbs freezing into long cylinders of flesh and bone while his eyes widened into large, golden discs. his jaw locked, and before he fell on his side, he uttered a low whine, and then silence.

Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - arcy - 03-01-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]897 subscribers

Ooh, boy, they've done it now.
Videogames blinks in alarm as Abidemi crumples to the ground like some sort of ... A puppet without strings? No, that metaphor sucks, actually. He looked awful stiff as he fell, even. Videogames can't blame the guy too much. Videogames wasn't that hard to deal with, but Elysium had some ... interesting characters, to be sure. Not a great match-up for someone that skittish.
"I, uh. I think you guys spooked him too much," He sighs. He's -- not quite disappointed, but not quite not disappointed. He's not upset, either. He thinks it was Nemhain that did most of it, and she wasn't intentionally trying be scary. The serval's tail swishes. His attempts had been working, too! But then everyone else had seen fit to arrive all at once. Oh well. Abidemi would probably be too terrified of everyone here to go through whatever it was he was planning on doing, though. A minor loss. "Pretty sure it was just shock, but we should probably check him and bring him back," The serval trots over to the young lion to investigate. He doesn't see anything wrong, but Arrowhead hadn't seen the point in teaching Videogames more than the basics.



Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - ABIDEMI RAYAN - 03-01-2020

ABIDEMI RAYAN - genderqueer - african lion - tags - profile
it wasn't like abidemi to faint, and he had no intention of doing it too much; but then again, he had never seen such a strange host of creatures before. granted, if he had given them the chance to explain themselves and believed that they were benevolent, then his tongue wouldn't be lolling outside of his mouth, tasting the dirt. but he had been caught up in the moment, something that if he intended on shedding his past and becoming a member of their group, he desperately needed to work on.

thankfully, the feeling began to ebb away like the retreating tide. abidemi blinked, much of his body still frozen, but extremities twitching as he stretched the aches away. he flicked his tailtip toward videogames to signal that he was relatively okay, though still shaken up a bit. "i... i'm sorry," he murmured, slightly raising his head. "you must forgive me, i'm - well, i - i can't quite explain myself. i am interested in joining the elysium, your group, i-i just didn't expect that... well, that this was it." he lowered his head once more, eyes downcast. "i apologize for my theatrics, and wouldn't blame you if you don't wish for me to join your ranks."