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M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - Printable Version

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M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - Kydobi - 02-24-2020


[OOC: [member=8864]Aslisk[/member]  ]

It was never a easy or fun task to trek outside of his homelands and visit the groups residing in the unmarked territories.

Thankfully he wasn’t going to get lost. Previous trips had stayed in his mind. He knew his way to Alithis like the back of his hands, often visiting his children there as much as he could. But it had been an awfully long time since he had visiting The Halls. The well-being of his friend Vox had been on his mind lately along with an offer he had.

He was a shadow under the thick forestry, so many smells.. Kydobi inhaled. Such life. Once his own home had been like this... he missed it dearly.

He would chuff. Staying at the edge of the clearly marked border.


Re: M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - fulzanin - 02-25-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
As of late, Aslisk had been straying from the camp. It wasn't in any attempt to leave the group - no, that was far from her mind. The wyvern constantly stalked the border, the territory, each and every inch. She was searching for an awful person. A killer. A murderer. How ironic it was, for that was a label that she frequently associated with herself. Aslisk had no doubts that she would find the previous leader's murderer soon. When she did? She would not even wish that her god of death would have mercy on their sorry soul. She would ensure that punishment would perfectly match the crime. The wyvern had delivered many swift punishments in the past. It would be great and glorious. Incredibly deadly, and painful, but it would ensure that Redvox had been avenged thoroughly.

Heavy was the new Harbringer's landing as she descended down. Her wings folded, supporting her weight in addition to her legs. Soft sniffs told her of where this one came from. Aslisk was, truly, unaware about the biggest portion of the Pitt's recent ordeals. She'd been planning on going to visit shortly - still dreading the meeting to announce such a thing - but it seemed that the new Ardent had beaten her to the punch. She wasn't aware that the other was the new leader. The last time she'd interacted with the Pitt had been when she had lived there, briefly, before moving to the Halls. "Hello," she starts slowly, pupils narrowing a little. "What brings you to the territory of the Halls?" She asks sharply, pointedly, ensuring that her demeanor was not to be trifled with. Anything that is required to keep the people safe so soon after a horrific demise was a necessity in Aslisk's mind.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - Kydobi - 02-27-2020


[OOC: ]

He did recall this very vaguely a time where Aslisk was a Pittian. In fact the Halls was founded by a Pittian and some of the first members to help start such a new group were in fact Pittians. Kydobi was almost sure Aslisk was, her vibrant colors were hard to forget and she was one of the very few dragons she had ever come across. Or perhaps the only wyvern.

But he knew she was not one to mess around, very sharp and to the point. He could respect that so long as she wasn’t excessively and intentionally rude.

Kydobi had heard no news of the downfall of his dear friend Redvox. The gat always had a kind heart and good intentions. In fact the brute had been meaning to make an alliance with the Halls for a long time,  but he never got to it. Having always pushed politics to the side to care for more tender and urgent matters. Focusing on his people’s well-being allowed him to be blindsided by the Tanglers once more. This was something he couldn’t allow and recent events had caused him to immediately set out on building relationships and connections.

One thing that Leroy had driven home was that the Typhoon was at their call. Two healthy and numerous forced against one weary and few did not end well. So Kydobi finally understood what Jervis could not, outside help was not only needed but it was the only option for survival.

So that’s what he was doing once again today, ”Hello Aslisk... I’ve come to speak to Redvox about an alliance. As well as catch up, I haven’t heard or seen of him and I’d like to see how my friend is doing.”

He smiled at her unknowingly, “Do you think you could lead me the way to him?”


Re: M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - Julian - 02-27-2020

[div style="margin: auto; text-align: right; padding-right: 14%; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; max-width: 600px; margin-top: 40px; font-family: georgia; color: #abbde2;"]I should be on top, but I'm always underground
Things are lookin' up, but I'm making myself drown

[div style="margin: auto; background-color: #040c23; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; padding-right: 6%; padding-left: 6%;color: #abbde2;"] The sound of Kydobi's voice drug the doctor from out of his hidy- hole. Julian wasn't much of a griever and he hadn't been real closer to Redvox, but his death had been so sudden. So unexpected; so brutal.

The thought that this Pittian wanted to speak with Redvox, a corpse, brought a grimace to his masked face. He knew of how The Pitt fuction but he also knew they were trying to get better, that didn't change what the pitt was. Through a muffled tone stuck behind leather, the man managed to grumble a few sentences. Not knowing Redvox was burned to a crisp or not, Kydobi still had no right to speak the Ex-Harbinger's name so freely.

"He's dead, Kydobi, Aslisk is in charge. If you want an alliance with Halls of Hiraeth then there no need to talk to a corpse. Talk to her."

Julian scoffed at the jaguar, an alliance with the Halls? The man narrowed his gaze upon the feline, something was up. That couldn't be all he was really here for, Kydobi was going to start something just like that pirate in the Typhoon.

How disgusting...

Re: M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - fulzanin - 02-27-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
The wyvern's webbed ears twitched a little. Listening, she was, as well as observing. A cold and calculating force she was, taking in whatever she could. Not hostile, not initially, Aslisk noted. From the Pitt, she could conclude from the stench. Only one scent. Kydobi was alone. Good. No ambush would be in store - not that Aslisk had absolutely any qualms about having a fight. She'd known such prior (especially considering the offer of an alliance absolutely deterring any idea of an ambush), but double checking her facts was always a good idea. All bases had to be covered, checked thrice, and then locked down to their facts. Her weight shifted a little to hide a sharp wince from hearing the founder of the group's name so casually. It was on her. She hadn't had the chance to tell any of the groups. Aslisk had been meaning to, but she wanted to ensure the groups safety before she went across the continent to spread the news. The other smiled at her pleasantly, asking to be taken to him. Aslisk knew she could take this two ways. Either he thought she was some lesser being and would be swayed by something as simple as a smile, or he was simply trying to be friendly. Aslisk decided that she would shove her hostilities aside and select the second option.

Her red gaze flickered over to Julian. He'd appeared quite suddenly, and she hadn't heard him approach. Too busy studying the Pittian's new Ardent. Another new change in leadership, one that Aslisk had come to gather from the other's choice of words. Her spiky tail swung behind her. Flames that had danced across the end of the limb had been extinguished for quite some time, and it remained true to the current. "Yes. I'm afraid that Redvox met his incredibly untimely demise," the wyvern said slowly. Words that had to move in a timely manner to keep the shakes that otherwise would claim them. A deep breath, lifting her head up a little more. "We haven't found the culprit yet. When we do, they will certainly be wishing that they have never thought about coming near our territory." Her assurance was fierce, laced with seething fury that desperately wished to find and lash out at it's cause.

She shuffles her feet, adjusting where her wings supported her weight on the ground. "I am the new Harbringer. Any questions and concerns you have should be brought to me. Such as the ones that prompted this visit and were going to be directed to Redvox, spare catching up. Unless you'd like to establish such pleasantries." The formal words made Aslisk want to puke. She hated them. She wasn't made to be in charge. She was made to kill and slaughter. This fought against her existence. However, Aslisk was always above her existence. Existing was not living, and she certainly wanted to live. "An alliance certainly is up for discussion." Aslisk notes, her red eyes flickering. "I have absolutely no desires to ally ourselves with the very same people that tortured and maimed and killed. Stole from others the lives of loved ones. Performed brutality many times over, per the word of the grapevine. It would slander the very reason that Redvox distanced himself and all of those who live within the Halls. "

She rumbles, then tapping one of her jagged talons against the dirt. "You are not the bad person that did those horrific things, though. I was there and I have seen it. One bad man slandered everyone that happens to live there for the whole prejudiced world to grab at with their hasking claws as a means to be awful to others." Oh, she felt fury creep up with memories. People being blamed just for where they lived. It caused for flames to seep between clenched teeth, if only for a moment. "So long as you and your people don't perform those acts, I don't see why an alliance would not be beneficial to us both." The scoff she'd heard from Julian? The disgust that he had clearly voiced? Her red gaze flickered over to see just what his response would be to her proposition, her agreement. Would he be infuriated? Or would he even care? Curiosity briefly deterred her fury, but the Harbringer's red gaze swiftly returned back to the Ardent before her.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - Kydobi - 02-28-2020


[OOC: ]

A dark canine would slink towards them, not that Kydobi minded much. He hasn’t asked to speak to Aslisk in private and so he couldn’t complain. But the wolf was rude and Kydobi found himself getting highly irritated. His patience was running thin and he was beginning to like dogs less and less.

The words that came out their mouth? The last thing he was expecting. So brash about it, had Kydobi known what Julian was thinking then he would snapped. Kydobi had every right to speak of and to Redvox, he had supported them regardless of where they stood and defended them. But there was no need to ever explain such things to a mutt.

And then they gave him a look and Kydobi clenched his muscles and jaw, flexed his claws and tried to keep calm. His eyes began to glow with anger. It was hard to not stare them down. People were underestimating Kydobi and he didn’t like it when they disrespected him like he wasn’t a natural predator.

How easy he could snap their necks. But such prejudice and distaste was only just beginning to develop for the canines of this world. Jervis, Leroy... these were some unsavory mongrels.

Then Aslisk spoke and confirmed the words and Kydobi’s ears pinned back. He was murdered? The brute’s tail lashed and whipped attempting to dispel some of his rage.

“When you find them, tear them to shreds piece by piece. Vox was a good man. A good friend with a good heart.”, he was handling it alright for now but the worst was to come later when he was alone. The man already new it.

Thankfully she had a head and some eyes. She said something that brought immense relief to him. He nearly sighed. Kydobi nodded his head, “We do not capture nor torture people. I’ve told them not to. However I’m going to be as transparent as possible... we’ve had an minor influx of newcomers and one of them had stolen- of all people- a pregnant tangler. Thankfully one of our returned her before I even knew. However that wasn’t enough to stop Leroy from coming and shouting threats.”

He swallowed and looked at the wolf briefly before returning his gaze to Aslisk, “I intend on keeping our alliance a secret. For your people’s safety, and we don’t want to share the target set on our backs. I understand you’re newer and may not have numbers so I don’t expect you to jump in our defense... but i know you have resources. Resources my people need dearly. I’m willing to trade whatever you desire within reason for some hunting rights or perhaps prey.”

He looked at her, “I’m trying to avoid fighting. All I want to do is nurse the Pitt back to health and heal the land so we can become self sustaining again. In the long run if things go as planned this will be an extremely beneficial relationship for us both.”


Re: M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - Julian - 02-28-2020

[div style="margin: auto; text-align: right; padding-right: 14%; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; max-width: 600px; margin-top: 40px; font-family: georgia; color: #abbde2;"]I should be on top, but I'm always underground
Things are lookin' up, but I'm making myself drown

[div style="margin: auto; background-color: #040c23; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; padding-right: 6%; padding-left: 6%;color: #abbde2;"] Oh how fucking dare him.

"So, in forming an alliance.." he grumled. "You want to hunting rights on the Halls lands. You want our lots to have neutral respect so you can hunt what little prey we have?"

Typical. Was that really a good idea? Some of the members didn't like pttians, he being one of them. However, he didn't mind the trading part. "Trading.." Julian turned his glare towards the wyvren nodding, a small smile pulling at his lips, then back to the feline. Trading was good, he needed new herbs and The Pittian's jungle was a goldmine to an herbalist. "Odd question, how hot does it really get?" If it would get too hot then the leaves, petals, and stems would wilt far worse than plants in spring heat even if he dried them. Plus the mask upon his face would cloud up, his vision through the glass, and he'd over heat without fresh, cold air.

Aslisk was a capable, smart Harbinger, but some part of him wished she was as novice as a kit. He'd look at her, he nodded again. Hopefully she'd get the message, but she might not acknowledge it. After all, he was just a cleric not even close to a Regent, he had no authority to make decisions like this.

Did he care? No.

Re: M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - fulzanin - 03-01-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
Slowly Aslisk's tail swung behind her. It was noting her thinking, of how her mind was quickly turning over the words presented to her. She had her plans to ensure the one that killed Redvox obtained nothing but absolute misery. She would ensure such a thing. The only act of brutality that she would allow herself to make. Aslisk refused to allow herself to go further than that. There was a group to lead, a standard to set. She would refrain and keep herself controlled. "Good. Glad we're on the same page of what will happen to people like that," the wyvern grumbles. Kidnapping someone? A pregnant person? Aslisk had kidnapped a couple kids back in her earliest days, but she felt as if she'd distanced herself from such a concept. Violence and fighting in a manner such as spars were perfectly alright in her mind. Kidnapping, however? Sickening it was to the wyvern, who's words came out more like a hiss.

Her attention is then torn between Julian and the Ardent. Angry, annoyed? She can't tell which of the two would better define either of the parties at this point. Her ears twitch, tongue pressing against the roof of her mouth. Addressing things, it would be something she would have to learn to do. "If anything, that just proves that your people are willing to change. One bad egg doesn't dictate the nature of the nest," Aslisk replies, her weight shifting a little. Her attentive gaze moves back and forth slowly, likely to gauge the reactions of the two present. She had to choose words that would better suit the attitude. Aggressive tones certainly didn't work when speaking of alliances and all the intricate details of such a topic. As much as Aslisk absolutely loved to be a hot-headed, temperamental raging force, such a thing was not leader material. She would stuff it down and save her fury for something that deserved it. "Our lot, Julian, originated from the Pitt. Some of us have family that live in the Pitt. While I don't, I can understand such a thing. Neutral respect already exists. Better to build on it than tear it down."

Then the cleric began to comment about the heat, and was nodding at her. Why? Her face scrunched up a little, forked tongue briefly flickering past sharp teeth. It was acknowledged, yes, but the meaning behind it was one that the Harbringer failed to grasp. "The biggest question is, of course, what you have to give. Right now it's not a lot, or at least that is what I'm gathering from your words," the wyvern stated, tone curling towards a somewhat more jagged note. "What do you have that could be traded? For the time being, helping around before and after hunting would somewhat be enough of a qualifying idea. And, one of the biggest questions will be what will you be providing to us once you have returned your people back to their nurtured state? What will you give in return then to continue our alliance? Or, do you plan on dismissing it once this mutual agreement has reached it's end?" Her head tipped to the side. Forming an alliance was good while one side was weak. However, Aslisk certainly was not naive. Once the Pitt was restored, what was to keep them from not holding their end of the deal? The wyvern liked leverage, and such she sought to obtain.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - breena - 03-01-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #7b66a8; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 3.3px;"][b]I will try to be the brightest
The Pitt?  The petite badger offered a small, somewhat distant smile as she arrived on scene.  The sound of her Hallmates' voices mixing with someone else had managed to catch her otherwise absent-mind.  Still lingering in the hollowness that had taken a hold since Redvox's death.

While she had yet to converse much with any Pittians, she knew at least three had been good friends with Redvox, including the one speaking to Aslisk.  Of the other two, she saw no sign of.  She knew one of them was a child... Hopefully they took the news well.

Considering that friendship, Breena saw no purpose behind Julian's obvious irritation.  The Pitt had always been invited to the Halls' events and been good-natured.  An official alliance would only be solidifying that relationship, right?  The druid frowned lightly.  Since politics remained a rather new concept to the honey badger, the arch-rouge supposed she was a little underqualified to be making suggestions...


Redvox would've wanted to keep his friends close and take care of them.

"I," she voiced up shyly, "think an alliance would be good for everyone.  A-Assuming if we ever needed you, you'd be there for us."

Re: M[O]MENT OF YOUR TIME •• Pittian visit - Kydobi - 03-06-2020


[OOC: ]

Kydobi came to the quick conclusion that he didn’t really like Julian all that much. The wolf was sharp and perhaps a little too quick to switch interest. The sudden change of tone certainly rang some alarms in the jaguar’s head. Sure, not everyone would like him and if they had a good reason he wouldn’t care. But people who seemed so quick to change their demeanor irked Kydobi. If they didn’t hide it from the start, it usually felt like they were certainly selfish. But Kydobi had to be smarter than some mutt.

Two could always play at that game. Being in charge of a whole group of people’s well being meant you would have to swallow your pride every once in a while. Choke on it sometimes.

Kydobi was no stranger to hubris, he hated biting his tongue and taking a blow. It would probably get him killed... it had gotten him killed. His pride simply couldn’t accept failure and he would rather die.

But death had a habit of humbling those unfortunate enough to return from its cold desolate grip. It was cold and lonely and he didn’t wish to go there again.

Luckily Aslisk would speak and correct her hound. Kydobi held back a snort of amusement. But the dog had asked a question and he would reply, “scorching hot... it’s only getting hotter and now that the jungle is ruined it’s nearly unbearable where there are no trees.”

Truth as it was.

Then his gaze shifted to the wyvern. He couldn’t think of much right now so he had to be quick and clever. He needed to be clear that the Pitt wasn’t going to be done draining parasite that was only taking and taking.

“We don’t have much.. but we’re working on restoring our lands. The jungle is home to many resources... I’m sure the avid herbalist would appreciate once brought to its full glory.”, he smiled when she offered an idea, “of course my people and I would be more than happy to help with remedial tasks. We have an awful lot of children... I’m sure you could find good use for them and the hard work would teach them good lessons.”

He didn’t want to offer to much. Put his people in debt to another group...

When he was finished a honey badger would chime in, sparking more hope. He smiled at her and dipped his head in appreciation, “ of course when all is right again you’ll have a formidable alliance. You’ll have our protection and sanctuary.”
