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CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - Printable Version

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CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - gael - 02-23-2020

The vulpine appreciated well-defined organization -- systems that made sense.  The Pitt lived in a state of more disorder than he preferred; lacking specified jobs and responsibilities.

While freedom brought a joy of choice Gael could respect, he wanted to know who was responsible for what.  He wanted individuals supporting the Pitt in duties they were well-fit to -- or incredibly enthused to master.  The free-for-all system of Pittians doing how they pleased each day could only keep them so stable.  If no one felt inclined to a specific job it would not be done.

They lacked order.  He had yet to discern if they lacked discipline as well, among the newest recruits.

Task-giving offered a sense of order he could fall behind and the faerie felt less and less inclined to wait for Kydobi or someone else to suddenly feel inclined to take command of the much needed delegation.  If they desired an implementation of tasks on a weekly basis, they required an organized system for that, as well.

"Pittians!" His ear flicked. "Come 'ere to receive a task."

// feel free to request an ooc prompt as well! I'll be doing them a lil differently -- giving y'all one word prompts to respond to
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - Charlot - 02-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]
Charlot hadn't really been in the clan for long enough to know about weekly tasks. He wasn't really sure what they were, other than the obvious, but he wanted one. Was he going to be told to do something stupid? maybe. Could it be something cool? def. He just wanted something to do. "Yo, Bro!" The youth would call as he skipped over to the other fox. "You up to giving me a weekly task? IDK what they are but like, tasks are rad." Tasks really were rad. Always something good to be done with tasks.

"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - COSMIIX - 02-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]SHE ASKED ME, 'SON, WHEN I GROW OLD. WILL YOU BUY ME A HOUSE OF GOLD' ?。+゚.[/glow]
Oh! He remembered these, his old home did them often and Bee was always so willing to take a few or more to keep himself busy since he was rather hyperactive and couldn't ever stay in one place. With a wag of his short tail, the apprentice would approach both vulpine. He offered them both a smile before his gaze would lock onto Gael, Bee opening his mouth to speak "I'd love to get one or two," He piped out excitedly, Bee would take a seat as sand flew behind him due to his wagging tail.

/ I'll take an ooc prompt uwu [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - nikolai - 02-24-2020

    Tasks and task. Two similar words repeated by the strange creatures, but he could not decipher the meaning shared with the rest of the crowd. Was it a greeting? The little pale one seemed to be fond of repeating it several times. And why two versions? Was one more formal than the other? Which one was the formal one? Frustration bubbled as his jaw set, but he still found himself slinking forward, recoiling at the spray of sand from the golden one's tail.

    Shaking out his dense coat, Nikolai glanced between the two pointed cats and the normal cat, rough tongue swiping over his nose behind the safety of his gas mask. His underused voice crackled through the filtered muzzle, "Привіт. Task." If 'task' happened to mean something else, he supposed he might as well drop dead right there from embarrassment. A feeling of hapless stupidity gripped his snout, forcing it shut before he uttered another syllable.

prompt please!

Re: CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - aine. - 02-24-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Was that her father?  Calling for tasks?  The petite vixen felt her ears perk up, hazel hues sparking.  It was.  With a bright smile, Aine quickly bounded over to the gathering group, nearly tripping over her own paws in the process.

"I wanna task, da."

[ prompt too please c: ]
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - gael - 02-24-2020

Gael rolled his shoulders back loosely, eyes blinking as the turnout grew in number, rather quickly.  If the gathering pleased him, it failed to show on his face, brows creasing thoughtfully as he studied each Pittian in turn.

Of all those present, the vulpine only truly knew one; his own daughter, Aine.  This presented an unfortunate situation but an expected one given their influx of newcomers.  Their implementation of the tasks he delegated would allow better judgement in the future -- an opportunity to learn.

"[member=11769]charlot.[/member]" he failed to approve of the fox's unusual slang -- a mark of immaturity.  Gael did not consider anyone a 'bro'.  "Conduct a friendly competition -- sport of your choice."

Bumblebee spoke with enthusiasm enough to warrant the possibility the feline enjoyed socializing.  "[member=11616]BUMBLEBEE S.[/member] organize a meet and greet.  Put your own spin on it, if you would like."

Now, Gael allowed his head to tilt, thoroughly considering Nikolai.  The language barrier between everyone and the gas-mask wearing mustelid concerned him.

"[member=11126]nikolai[/member], I'd like you to host a language trading session. Ви можете навчити українську? Зробіть це мовною торгівлею." The words felt foreign on the Irishman's tongue, but it had been some time he spoke a language beyond his native Gaelic, English or French.

"[member=4817]aine.[/member]," had already taught a lesson for a task before.  Perhaps a task more focused on her hobbies. "Host a book club, a leanbh -- can be on any book you want to talk about."

// [member=11616]BUMBLEBEE S.[/member] your word is dice
[member=11126]nikolai[/member] your word is hypnotize
[member=4817]aine.[/member] your word is fireflies
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - Charlot - 02-26-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]
A friendly competition? Charlot could totally do that. It prob couldn't be anything like swimming or volleyball from his manga, could animals play volleyball?, but he'd figure something out. "Thanks a lot, my dude! I won't let you down!" It had to be some sorta sport? geez. It was a bit hard to figure out something to play here.

"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - toboggan - 02-27-2020

Hmmph. Everyone else thought they were so cool, just because they were bigger and believed themselves to be more capable of carrying out tasks because of it. Well, size advantage was a myth, and Noor was here to prove it. "Give me a task!" she demands, after gracelessly entering the fray. She was going to prove all of these bozos wrong - a small fox was still able to carry out an important job.

Re: CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - teef - 02-27-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] following after everyone else, he was silent, ears twitching as he moved, his nose working as the cub sniffed the air around him. it smelt nothing like home, but he was curious, and curiousity was a grand thing. "i would like a task too, sir", the youth would address gael, head tipped to the side. he was new to this 'task' thing but it sounded fun!

Re: CASTLE | weekly tasks + ooc prompts - gael - 02-29-2020

The faerie flicked his ear dismissively -- at least Charlot possessed enthusiasm.  Passion often led to dedicated work.

Without pause, his eyes drift to Noor.  Previously, Kydobi issued a task to every Callahan child.  Efficient in some aspects, but Gael needed to see what everyone's individual strengths were.

"[member=10505]NOOR[/member], assemble the other youth for a sparring session.  But keep it clean -- no unnecessary injuries.  Have Aine on standby, just in case."

Just as swiftly his attention shifted to Noor, it moved on.  The Pitt certainly knew a high populace of youth.  Gael had yet to observe much of Laeglin.

"[member=10687]laeglin[/member], hold a lesson of your choice -- can be on a hobby, or on anything you like."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby