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RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - Printable Version

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RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - vvintersoldier - 05-05-2018

[ [member=64]Cheeters[/member] / [member=434]CAYDE[/member]
Also here's a one shot to Bucky's reason on getting amnesia if you're interested in reading!
Also feel free to post! ]

What an odd pair they were; a large, fluffy maine coon with an advanced, metal prosthetic left leg, and a pale brown feline with a crop circle tattoo on his shoulder. From far away, it probably looked like the two were good friends, considering they were traveling together. But that was not the case, not even close. The two ran into each other by mistake- Bucky, or Winter Soldier, had a pretty nasty head injury when he ran into Cayde. Cayde offered to help patch it up, with the maine coon had been a little hesitant on, but obliged. He has a few patches on his head now, but the two didn't have more resources to help fix the wound completely.

So that's why they are traveling, to look for more herbs. People usually would get to bond in situations like this, considering it involves a lot of travel. Usually people can discuss things from the past, and gain friendship through bondage. But there is a problem- both individuals have no memories of their past. It was like it was fate for the two of them to run across each other- two amnesiacs who can only remember their names. Bucky, or Winter Soldier, only knew that the male he was traveling with was named Cayde, and he was sure Cayde wasn't exactly sure who he was considering he had two possible names.

There is just one other thing; the two weren't exactly aware of where they currently are. Winter Soldier got the feeling that it was a snowy terrian, and he was sure Cayde knew this as well. It was kind of hard to miss, with the snowy breeze up against his fur and the constant trudging through snow. The maine coon came to a stop, glancing around at the pine trees that surrounded the two in the territory. "Do you think there's more herbs around here?" The amnesiac assassin questioned with caution, as his blue cold eyes landed on Cayde, unaware that he and Cayde just trespassed into Snowbound territory.

Re: RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - jacob w.c. - 05-05-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — "'Fraid not, I wish there were." Jacob's voice carried out ash e approached the unfamiliar pair. Despite the fact that they'd passed into Snowbound territory, the husky didn't seem particularly concerned. They didn't seem threatening and he didn't think they were looking for a fight if they were just looking for herbs. Unfortunately, they wouldn't be finding very many in Snowbound. Jacob had only been able to scrounge up a few throughout his time here, although he hoped the shortage would be aided by Typhoon now that they were full allies. That reminded him he still needed to walk over and deliver the news. After all that'd happened, though, he wondered if he should send someone else. He wouldn't want his clan thinking he wasn't being objective, but the simple truth was that Typhoon had what they desperately needed and they'd taken care of Jacob when they didn't need to. Jacob couldn't count on someone with powers always being around and he didn't have any way to conjure up herbs himself so their best bet was to align themselves with someone who had what they needed. Besides that, it wasn't exactly a secret that Snowbound didn't have the strongest defenses and that was an area that their new ally thrived in. "Your past Snowbound borders so 'm gonna' have ta' ask what you're doin' 'ere n' for your names, if ya' don' mind," the wolfdog requested. He would offer medical resources once he was sure that the duo weren't seeking any trouble. While it didn't appear that way, the metal leg wasn't exactly giving him a soft and cozy feeling towards the man with the injury and he didn't want to patch up someone only for them to attack Snowbound. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Yeah, it was unlikely there were herbs in such a cold area. Still, Atbash couldn’t blame them for wondering about that. The scent of blood is what drew her here, following after Jacob. Atbash frowned in worry as she stared at the two other felines, clearly worried for Bucky. She wasn’t a medic by any means (even if that’s what she wanted to be back home - but that story was for another day, perhaps), but it was never nice to see somebody injured. ”We don’t have any back at camp?” Atbash whispered to Jacob, trying to keep her voice as low as possible.


Re: RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - Ivylee - 05-06-2018

Re: RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - Cheeters - 05-07-2018

Cayde couldn't believe he had stumbled in such a shitshow of a situation when he had noticed the injured figure of a fluffy maine coon. The faded amur leopard was rather confused onto how and what had happened yet after managing to patch the stranger up, he was able to figure out somewhat of a name for the other life force. He could somewhat understand the problem that Bucky was facing and that they both couldn't remember exactly what their past was and how it defined them. However, unlike many, Cayde didn't bother wanting to find out. He didn't want to discover the truth nor have some sort of comfort in knowing what had created him. All he knew was that his name was Cayde and that something that was not from this cruel world had abducted him. Right? He hoped it was true and that he had not completely lost his head but the wildcat does not hold any memory of getting a crop circle tattoo on his shoulder, the tar black ink embedded into his skin and looking like a sore thumb beside his solid fawn brown fur.

Cayde didn't feel like himself. He didn't feel like he was who he pretended to be. His attitude didn't match the inner self he felt which was playful and light though there were hints of his true personality embedded into his new one. Albeit he behaved snappy and rugged, he carried an aura of no care, one that many desired to achieve. In full honesty, he did not give a fuck. Nor did he frankly want to or attempt to. He had been stumbling around by himself for about three months through various terrains. He had not a single plan or idea of where he had been planning to head but when he had noticed an unmoving figure embedded into the snow, Cayde was curious. Well at first he was going to eat the metal-legged maine coon but after noticing that there was still a trace of life, Cayde had stopped himself from sinking his teeth into the flesh of the other male. Instead, he helped the other out (a random choice that he had decided to out of boredom) and patched him up or at least tried his best to. Cayde wasn't the finest medic nor did he view himself as one. Instead, he felt like he was some sort of outsider of the healing experience yet desired to at least know basic information so he wouldn't die from some weak ass cold.

"H-Hope so. It's cold as fuck and I-I am not in the mood to be in Winter Wonderland. Either way, I-I doubt there would be any herbs here, the grounds too cold for anything to really grow unless it's sturdy. I would be p-pretty shocked if there was anyone even arou-" His sharp irritated rambling broke off when another voice pitched in, this time it was unfamiliar. His claws unsheathed immediately and the larger male took a step forward in a protective stance, the cinnamon brown fur around his neck rising in alarm as he noticed more figures were arriving. Shit. There were inhabitants in this area. He felt his lower jaw tighten, pressing his teeth against each other as his explosive ruby red eyes narrowed towards Jacob, Atbash, and Ivylee. His long tail twitched as the male growled "W-Who the hell's asking for me name, eh? I ain't saying s-shit till I-I know who the f-fuck I'm talking to." He wasn't sure if he could take on them all nor did he expect Winter Soldier to aid in fighting if the situation turned violent. He was tired, nervous, and anxious. He had not had any contact with other living beings except Winter Soldier, his mind still shocked that there was even anyone else on this world.

( rushed )

Re: RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - vvintersoldier - 05-07-2018

Unlike Cayde, Bucky wanted to find out about his past. He was confused how he ended up in that ravine, with Cayde waking him up and offering medical assistance. It honestly terrified him, that he has no recollection of his life to go back to. He wishes he could remember, he wishes he knew the life he had before he lost it all. It doesn't help that he remembers two goddamn names, and thanks to his memories being lost, he can't look back at them to decide which one truly belonged to him. Not only that, but he's not even sure what his personality is suppose to be, which was frustrating. The name Bucky Barnes has a calm, yet haunting feeling to it. It felt like that name went through a lot and that it would be hard to let go of. Winter Soldier felt cold and rigid- it felt like there was almost little to no emotions attached to it. It felt like it was confused, just like he currently is. He felt himself being drawn closer to Winter Soldier, and he wasn't sure if that is good or not.

Winter Soldier had been focused on Cayde's response when his ears pricked up at the sudden voices and pawsteps. The male quickly whirled around with widened light blue eyes, shocked that there are people living in this terrain. He began to process words through his head on what to say to the strangers, but Cayde beat him to it. Winter Soldier hadn't been sure on how to reply to them, but Cayde decided to take a negative, hostile approach. Winter Soldier's ears flattened to his skull, he was in no condition to fight. It looked like Cayde was ready to attack these guys, and Soldier really didn't want to get in a fight. His head is still pounding with pain, he wouldn't last long in a fight if he's attacked. Soldier tried to listen to the people who approached them, two out of the three said their names. They also said the group that lives here, and even made comments regarding their search for herbs. Maybe he could prevent some kind of mess from forming, he could reply to the questions and divert their attention from Cayde. "He's Cayde." Soldier explained with a flick of his tail towards the amur leopard, gaze locking on the three Snowbounders.

And then he bit the inside of his lip. He now has to introduce himself to these strangers. He's positive they'll be just as confused as he is in a matter of a few seconds. "I'm Bucky Barnes-- or Winter Soldier. I can't remember which one's my name," He said as the snowy breeze brushed up against his thick fur. "You can call me by either one."

"We were just searching for herbs, clearly as you can see, we haven't been that successful," He said with a frown, as his head throbbed even more, a hint of pain flashing in his light blue eyes.

Re: RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - melantha - 05-07-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt;"]”You’re talking to the Chief of Snowbound. Show some respect.”

A cutting remark as cold as the mountain air reverberates across the tundra, preceding the arrival of none other than Melantha Faber. The powerful huntress emerges from the bushes to the left of the newcomers, sagacious olive eyes narrowed in a disapproving expression. Unfortunately, the young predator is almost always as curt and unapproachable as she is now. Fortunately, almost everyone else in the clan are very kind and amiable people. One of these someone is going to be nice to the wrong person and get themselves in trouble. Mel cares not for niceties because it gets in the way of determining whether someone is a threat or not, or if they’re just an idiot. Most people are idiots or harmless, thankfully, but Melantha is not the kind of person to take chances.

She moves with predatory grace, chiseled muscles rippling beneath her sleek, tawny golden pelt. The two newcomers seem rather chilled, which she can hardly believe. It’s summer on the tundra, so it’s not nearly as miserable now as it is during the winter months. Sissies. Out of the two, the one with the metallic limb seems to be the most reasonable, so Melantha directs her attention towards him. ”Well, Bucky seems more like a real name than Winter Soldier,” comments the girl with a shrug. It’s stated bluntly, but it is clear from her expression that no offense is intended. She can’t be the only one who thinks “Winter Soldier” sounds more like some sort of alias, or whatever. ”Well, welcome to Snowbound, I guess,” somebody here probably feels some sort of welcoming feeling. Mel doesn’t like strangers, so she’s only saying it because it’s the polite thing to say. Funny, how she seems to care so much about manners after calling a complete stranger a scumbag. ”My name is Melantha.”

A nonexistent brow arches in response to Bucky’s explanation as to what the pair has been up to. Searching for herbs? After crossing their border? That’s basically stealing. ”Even if you were, I would request that you give them back. Herbs are a commodity here and this is our territory. However, if you’re in need of medical assistance, you’re welcome to stay and have one of our healers take a look at you.” Her tone is matter-of-fact, but not harsh. She isn’t too sure about that Cayde guy, but Bucky seems reasonable. He should understand that Snowbound cannot just let random people harvest their resources when they’re already difficult enough to come by. Besides, she isn’t telling them to scream or scolding them, she’s just giving an explanation. ”So, what are you boys doing? Joining? Visiting? Or leaving?” She’s bored of this already. Best to get it over with as soon as possible.

Re: RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - pallid-i - 05-07-2018

Harrison quietly followed after Melantha, but made his presence knowing when he made a chirping noise as soon as he spotted the two strangers. He stayed close to the cougar and attempted to press himself against her leg, a gesture that showed he found comfort in her. For once, he was going to keep his mouth shut because quite frankly, the two strangers seemed terrifying to him.
i couldn't even keep you


light the night up,
you're my dark star
Atbash looked extremely taken aback by Cayde's hostility and blinked several times at him. Though she couldn't blame him for being so suspicious, and you think she would be suspicious herself, given her past. "Hey, uh, maybe you could relax a bit?" The demon spoke in a soothing tone, as if she was trying to calm Cayde down a bit. "We're not going to hurt you, I promise." Er, well... Maybe that was a promise she shouldn't be making. "I'm Atbash Cipher. See? You know me now."

Oh, good, the other visitor decided to introduce the angry one for him. That was good, maybe now Cayde -- as Bucky called him -- would calm down a bit now. Everyone was acquainted. As Melantha came over, Atbash tensed up a bit. Melantha's insult probably wouldn't help the situation much, but the warrior didn't say anything on that matter. She really didn't have the authority to. So Atbash remained silent, frowning. She couldn't really do much here rather than observe, so that's what she planned on doing.
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - vvintersoldier - 05-07-2018

Well, it seems like this lovely lady has a decision regarding the maine coon's name situation. "Well, Bucky seems more like a real name than Winter Soldier." His ears pricked firmly up at the blunt comment, before he drew them back to his skull. He almost felt like he has to defend his reasoning, while she sounded correct, he can't be certain. Who knows if Bucky Barnes was a friend of his? Who knows if it was a name that once belonged to an enemy, his rival. Winter Soldier can be a real name too, technically anything can be a name. This is why Bucky, Winter Soldier, wanted answers- he wishes he could remember. He doesn't like living in this state where he can look through his head on past memories. Even though he hasn't been in this state for long, from his knowledge at least, he wasn't a fan of it. The maine coon looked down at his paws for a moment, metal claws digging roughly into the ground. "Winter Soldier can be a real name too," He argued back, before tearing his gaze off of his paws and back onto Mel, "This why I'm uncertain, my name could be either of them."

He was going to say more, but came to a pause when Melantha spoke up again. "Even if you were, I would request that you give them back." Her voice began, which caught his attention almost instantly, a small frown forming across his muzzle. Bucky made sure to mention that he and Cayde had been quite unsuccessful on their herb hunt, did she not understand the part when he mentioned they haven't been successful? Plus the ground was far too cold for any herbs to grow here, like they actually had any luck before they were caught. "We didn't take any of your herbs. Like I said, we were searching for them, we hadn't found any yet. Anyways, we weren't aware a group lived here," He explained with a swish of his tail, but stopped at the mention of getting medical attention. Cayde probably didn't trust these guys, considering how fired up the amur leopard got at them asking question, but Cayde isn't a medic. Cayde just managed to patch his wounds up to the minimum, surely it would be far more safe and better if a legit medic looks them over. "Medical assistance would be appreciated."

At least it would be from Winter Soldier's perspective. It sounded like they had to join in the process, considering Melantha mentioned stay while bringing up the medical assistance. Winter Soldier didn't really have anywhere else to go. For these past few days he had no idea where he and Cayde padded through. This group they managed to run across mostly seemed friendly, even with Melantha calling Cayde a scumbag for his attitude. He wasn't sure if he or Cayde would manage to run across another group that would offer medical assistance after being caught trespassing, with the intention to steal their medical supplies. "Are we suppose to join then?" He questioned as he looked over towards Cayde for a moment, before glancing back at the Snowbounders. As he looked back, his gaze caught Harrison hiding behind Melantha's leg, the child looked quite spooked. He guessed the child had a reason to be, no one knew exactly who he or Cayde were, even themselves. That can be quite a danger, in all honesty. Bucky had no idea that he had a past with murders and assassinations, and being a living weapon. Whenever those memories come back to him, it will not be easy. He also glanced at Atbash, who introduced herself not too shortly after Cayde's blow up, she also seemed to be attempting to soothe the amut leopard. Who knows if it will actually soothe Cayde or not, they'll just have to wait and see.