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taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - Printable Version

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taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - ARGUS - 05-05-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus typically avoided the entrance of the island as much as possible. The forgotten train was remnant of something argus never truly revealed to anyone. She highly doubted that anyone even noticed that she did such a thing when greeting newcommers. Never offering them tours like someone in her position should- rather encouraging them to just explore the place. But to be fair- the typhoon was made of pirates, and if anyone had the kind of ability to blame the lack of slightness on the mannerisms of the clan- it would probably only be available within the typhoon. Where pretty much anyone could get away with near murder if they only claimed it as a trick.

To be fair- the trains were a little creepy. Hollowed out abandoned two-leg crap. Any animal could come and guess and make a thesis on what it was about. But these trains were mostly hollowed out. Empty seats and broken in safes (as per the usual crew's pillaging) the carts looked empty, but even the hollow shells of the mobile monster- Argus considered herself weary. If the night that got her her first injuries in a while didn't happen- it would have probably stayed as slightly weary.

But alas, the world loved to dig up shit on her troubled backstory. The past she tried to bury within the confines of her mind and brush of any reminders within the bounds of territory as the casual weariness argus always showed. It wasn't just the freshly created wounds anymore either. It was the traitorous tick inside her own little head that plighted her now. Pitting her to some desperate disheveled state. It was only a matter of time- until Argus ran of the territory in attempts to cease the paranoia in a quickly designed break.

Argus didn't bother making an excuse when she left. She was known for being absent until called- or needed anyway. Days at a time before the officer would be spotted within the clan came and gone- it was considered normal for her to up and disappear. What was not normal- however was the manner of which she appeared within barracuda bay the next after a said disappearance.

No one had greeted her when she approached the border- which was better luck for the watcher considering what kind of state she was in. Twitchy and occasionally snarling at nothing as she prowled along the south-side beach. Making her way to the acolyte's hive of no- not hive uh what was it called..?- the place was a bustle of activity, which only seemed to swarm into the sands when the fresh scent of blood and tangle wood mingled in the air. The camp where the war-bound clan was open and friendly. It was deeper into the territory so there wasn't many on guard. Having calmed down and more concerned with trying to save face that letting whatever remnant possession of the mind had taken her when she first returned.

When the officer collapsed into the center of the square she did so with whatever managed self control she had. Dull red eyes cast across the going frenzy of her crewmates as she slowly turned to rest her body among the white of the sands. The red along her left wing was completely weeping- the stark color of the officer's blood like a war-banner. Her left wing was unusable for the moment. Large punctures along the entirety of it- red dotting the according flank where she attempted to curl the wing into her self. She winched as she set herself down. Careful of the open wounds along her neck. Maybe she should have heeded Killua's words in keeping the bandages around them- since the wounds had reopened on the trip back.

She was snappish and agressive. A cornered animal when she spotted few of her crewmates along the beach. Dark red eyes narrowed at the hush that she brought with her within the camp. "Medic! Someone needs to come help me patch myself up over here. These wounds won't stop bleeding on their own!"

Punctured wing - at least four places. Only one managed to break through a joint in her wing. the rest only went through feathers & tendions.
Wounded paw pads from walking an extending amount of time.
Reopened wounds- Three long gashes along her neck. Placed around the normal hole along her throat.

Re: taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - lilyspoise - 05-05-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lil had been nothing short of exhausted today. She'd been out late herb searching, not really looking for anything in particular outside of a distraction from the stupid thoughts she just couldn't shake. Occupying herself throughout the day had routinely allowed her to fall asleep at night with ease, but last night that hadn't been the case. Going out into the territory would help-- it had to; if she let her mind wander as her body did then her guard would be down. Her internal thoughts were overridden by her cautiousness, her instincts consuming her as they had many times in the past.
Lil was nothing if not predictable.

As a result, the tabby had been taking it easier today. She neglected her usual routine of checking the borders and sorting in favor of spending the day in. She needed to update her life book and her herb journal with a mixture of pressed herbs and notes, so this was a perfect opportunity. This was Lil's first experience living anywhere that wasn't smothered in snow, so it was pretty fun to see what the jungle and beaches had to offer. It was more than she had ever been used to, certainly, and she wanted to write it all down.
Juniper berries, found on Haven Island, possibly mainl-

"Medic! Someone needs to come help me patch myself up over here. These wounds won't stop bleeding on their own!"

Sure, she wasn't the official medic of the Typhoon, but Lil wasn't even sure if one had even been appointed as of right now. Nonetheless, she had knowledge on how to heal, and someone -- by the sound of the voice, Argus -- needed it right now.

Leaving her house, the tabby quickly made her way over to Argus, eyes widening some as she saw the state of the other.
"Argus, what did you do?" Lil asked, immediately removing her necklace and pulling out herbs. Thank god for her inability to sleep last night, she'd need all the herbs she had gathered, and possibly even more. She tended to grab a variety so that she could assist right away, but she could already tell that she needed a lot more marigold than she had on her. She grabbed some moss straight from the beach rocks, dipping it in the water before she brought it back over to Argus. Gently, she attempted to tilt the other's head up and begin to clean the wounds on her neck. Those needed to be the priority.

Re: taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-05-2018

Herbs and healing were not Caesar’s specialty. In fact, he had zero knowledge of any herbal remedies. He just didn’t care enough for healing; the strong survived, the weak died, in his opinion. It was just the way of life. It was the only way to live, and the only belief to believe. So to say he didn’t care about the injured was an understatement. Was he curious was to what was going on? Of course.

The scent of blood caught his nose before he heard Argus’s cry for help. Caesar had been lounging in the sun when Argus came in, and the demon looked over at the ‘newcomer’ (little did he know Argus was originally part of the group) it’s pricked ears. As Argus let out his cry for help, Caesar stood up and followed Lilyspoise over, though at a much slower pace. The demon sat behind Lil, looking at Argus with a tilted head. He was clearly interested in the officer’s wounds, fascinated by them. When Lil went off to grab some herbs, he frowned and watched her work on Argus’s wounds.


Re: taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - ARGUS - 05-06-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus was naturally defensive when she was healing. She never needed help from anyone when she healed- usually her power would allow them to scab over but she was already feeling lightheaded from her earlier power use, and the fact that it wasn't working would have been troubling if she wasn't busy trying to decipher the words that lilypoise was trying to say.

Normally Argus didn't have to default to her own healing knowlege. But the trip home wasn't just puppies and rainbows either. It was a long trip without the usual flight path home. And she had her medical bag taken from her during the snowbound trip. a concerned deputy raging on her for drinking her own booze psh which left her to mostly bleed out on the trip home.

The officer grumbled under her breath. Constants harsh sounding in unable to really hear beyond that. Dark red eyes giving a light lidded glow as she spotted the tabby approach her- a small amused smile gracing her features. "Lil! I had the most amazing trip. It was very enlightening." In other words- the typhoon wasn't the only place with fucking dead things walking around. And there was no such thing as a normal fight for her- fuck.

She winced as she pivoted to face the other. Pulling whatever sense of logic she had left into trying to find the right herbs. Letting her head to angled up as she found a wrap of cobwebs and fanned out her wing. Paws working to quickly stop the bleeding. "Don't worry too much about the marigold  with the wounds on my neck. They're very delicate." and the implied 'it could very well kill me' wasn't something she wanted to say when she spotted a stranger watching the two of them scramble for stopping the bleeding.

" I've lived through much worse without the popper care. I just wan' stop the bleeding before...." What happened in bloodloss? Cold- right. You got cold and argus hated the cold. "Just help me stop the bleeding." she reaffirmed. Ruby gaze watching the sky as she tried to find her way to locate her own almost emptied bag. Gauze- gauze was better for the neck wounds. Could wrap it around her entier neck but she couldn't really do it by herself.

"Here, use this for my neck. I need... I think my wing is broken? DO you have the herb for bone regrowth? I need to try and fix my wing before it heals wrong." Because beck was half drunk on rage and didn't notice that he hit Argus just under the joint. Probably shattering a bit of the bone and dislodging the rest of her wing.

Re: taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - lilyspoise - 05-08-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
For just a moment, Lil pondered whether or not Argus could be high. On one hand, it would explain her behaviorism, but on the other hand, someone who was as high as Argus seemed to be likely wouldn't have known to call out for a medic. Or would they? Lil wasn't sure-- she'd never been high, nor was she ever close with anyone who used drugs in such a manner. Argus did mention a trip, but it could've been relating to it's meaning as a venture instead.

"Just let me treat you, Argus." Lilyspoise shushed, picking up some marigold and chewing it into a paste. She then would attempt to gently apply it to the neck wound. She knew the urgency of this situation, but she also knew that she was proficient in medical treatment and would do everything she could.

Turning to Caesar, she jerked her head in a gesture towards her house.
"I've got a jar filled with marigold on one of the shelves in my house, do you think you could grab it?" She asked, knowing that this request was less of a genuine request and more of a way of saying "get this for me," but politely. Before she could even listen long enough to hear Caesar's answer, Argus was shoving gauze at her. Thank god, honestly, because the hodgepodge of bandages that Lil was initially going to arrange wouldn't be nearly as efficient as this. "I'm going to stop the bleeding and help it heal. I'm a medic, I know what I'm doing." The tabby affirmed, beginning to wrap the bandage around Argus's neck. She did her best to make it snug, but not to choke the other. That would certainly defeat the purpose of trying to save her in the first place.

Argus's wing was broken? Yikes, okay, that one would take some work.
"As far as I'm aware, there's no herb that stimulates bone regrowth. I'll set it, bind it properly, and give you painkillers, but I don't think this can be immediately fixed." Of course, Lil knew she could easily be wrong. She knew a lot but she didn't know all, and she was humble enough to accept that fact. However, she had also been around in a lot of different territories and studied a lot of different medicines, so if this herb existed she would be incredibly surprised, but elated nonetheless. Even with powers and other mythos being so prevalent in the world, Lil couldn't imagine that something that could instantly repair bones existed, so she was rather eager to be proven wrong. "Who did this to you?"

Re: taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-09-2018

Caesar's head jerked over to Lilyspoise when she spoke to him and he gave a snort. "You think I know what marigold looks like?" He stated, ears flicking. He probably wouldn't help her anyway, even if he did. Lil's question about what happened to Argus did intrigue him; he looked over at the winged wolf and waited for an answer.

Re: taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - lilyspoise - 05-09-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
As Caesar snorted at her question, Lil shot him a glare.
"No, I don't expect you to know what marigold looks like, that's why I told you exactly where to find it. I expected you two have at least two functioning brain cells, so pardon that error." She growled, not appreciating the lack of help with a life on the line. Sure, maybe she lost her cool for a bit, but seriously-- she not only told him where to find it, but he had been watching her treat Argus, and it's appearance was in the name. Marigold, it was a golden herb. Seriously-- had he never seen it before? It was a weed, it grew it basically every place it possibly could. "Are you perchance blind?"

Re: taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

"You assumed I'd be so willing to help you." Caesar corrected in a matter-of-fact tone. Of course he didn't know what marigold looked like; he wasn't from here! Not just because of ignorance. But he supposed Lil didn't know that. Still, the fact that she assumed that he'd help her was pretty damn rude.

Re: taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - ARGUS - 05-11-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus has been high before. She has taken every drug under the sun and then some. Argus was not- actually high right now. If a little delirious because of bloodloss and- well she assumed Adrenalin. She hadn't really been paying attention in all of her readings thank you but oh wow- she could feel her heart now. The once steady slowly thrum seemed to be thrashing inside her chest. Argus was very high functioning when drunk, when she was high it was a little up in the air depending on the drug really.

Argus felt the jolt of chewed leaves brush against her neck and she stiffened. Trying to ease her breathing, still her body. Suddenly she was very very tense. The dark red of her eyes flashed and she barely controlled herself from letting out a growl. Whatever it was that was lowering her inhibitions it was clouding her logic now. Years of living alone, of healing her own wounds. Letting someone else this close was initially a very careful act to balance. Trusting the other not to harm her and her instincts screaming not to trust someone were two very difficult things to balance.

"Maa maa, I would just rather go off and lick my wounds in peace." Argus felt her own teeth flash, her head angled to the air letting the other work, the rumble of her voice lower than her normal pitch- showing the only edge she would give. "Consider the fact you're probably the first person to ever get this close to me without directly causing me major deadly harm. It's a little hard sitting still and letting you work on my neck like this." And she was trying. Self control keeping her still but something else keeping her talking. talk talk talk. Keep her from thinking too much about it, keep the conversation light.

But it was true wasn't it? Argus has always healed herself. As a natural predator  it was unnatural to let someone this close without harming them. Much less trusting them to not hurt her. She probably was a little touch starved to be honest. The first of a handful of times that she has allowed someone to be this close to her in all the years of hurt, of torture. Endless amounts of tormentors pulling at her nerves until they were no longer feeling. Until even the press of heat from another body that wasn't dead was enough to be seen as a threat. It was a wonder she could remain still.

Argus was pulled from her thoughts- wings spamming a little and claws sinking into the sand. Digging deep cutting off the instinct to throw the other off.. Push away and snarl- pounce and dig- rip- flay -k i l l-

they were arguing. And the rise in tension was doing nothing to help the her push this instinct down. She was hollow, monstrous. And she felt her tail flick from side to side in slight agitation. A warning they seemed not to heed, by the cipher's words. " You know what they say about wounded cornered animals, no?" Argus hummed out. Her voice taking a dangerous edge. Imagining the snap of brittle bones under careful paws. Trying to regain control of her slowly shutting down body for some sense in logic. Letting the monster just under her skin push through in her words for a moment before allowing her body to forcefully sag.

"Maa, I am bleeding out here." Argus conceded. trying to pull her sluggish brain unto focus. She could probably order them to do whatever. Order caesar to listen to lil. But argus was tired. So very tired of listening to them bicker and just wanted to rest. She was cold. 

Re: taking my time;; O, Return + Injuries - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-11-2018

As Argus spoke, Caesar's gaze drifted towards her. He looked briefly looked alarmed by her actions, but tried to quickly recover from that. "Ah, but you aren't exactly cornered, now are you?" He responded in a cool, collected tone. Or at much as he could muster, anyway.