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float upon the air - return - Printable Version

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float upon the air - return - fulzanin - 01-01-2020

How long had she been curled up in this small cave? The cold was dastardly and evil to such a young creature. Her scales could hardly handle the earliest cold and the normal chill of the mountains. Her green, plant like scales could hardly handle it then. Throughout the latest months she’d found herself a cave. A nice little cave. One that kept her safe from the chilling wind and brutal snow. She slept, and slept hard. She had always been a deep sleeper. This pseudo hibernation ended when sharp hunger stabbed through her. While she could feast upon sunlight as well as a plant could, it didn’t truly sate a growing baby dragon. Plants stored energy by the means of photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. There was only so long a plant could stay in darkness before they wilted, after all. Groggily Sanzu awoke from several months of sleeping, and stumbled out into the mid day light.

Sunlight hitting her scales warranted the processes of automatic photosynthesis to kick into gear. It would be a while before any energy truly was gathered, and she knew that she would need to find some other source of food in the meanwhile. The little dragon had grown in her absence, standing a solid foot taller than she had before disappearing. Her wings, too, had grown - but still were too small for flight to fully be achieved. Her claws scrabbled along as she went rushing back into camp. Her mind was muddled by post hibernation hunger, and it was a near frenzy to find something edible. Soon she managed to snatch some poor, practically discarded fish from a passerby and sunk her teeth in. There wasn’t too much left, but it was enough to ease up the initial burst of hunger. It allowed the thought of wishing it had been cookies, but a beggar certainly was not a chooser. She chewed on the bone briefly before raising her head up higher. More alert and more aware, her large ears wriggled and rose up. “Um. How longs I’vsa been sleepin’?” Sanzu softly asked, a lost look creeping up onto her face.

//mobile + warmup post

today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19:

Re: float upon the air - return - nemhain. - 01-02-2020

Interesting. Nemhain knew well of who Sanzu was, having all of Rin's memories and all, but that didn't mean that she had ever interacted with the tiny creature ever before. Seeing a tiny dragon while lingering in the background was much different from seeing a tiny plant like dragon up close, and Nem found herself eager to experience new things on her own, even if she remained ever close and vigilant for when Rin needed her. Still, it was clear that lingering constantly around Rin's space would do nothing but stress out and unnerve the Magna, so Nemhain found herself occasionally just flying around, lazily doing loops as she took in the actions of everyone scrambling around beneath her. The fenghuang came to a landing nearby to where Sanzu was crouched, the enormous bird's huge talons sinking firmly into the earth as she made herself steady on the ground once again. The massive avian firmly dwarfed Sanzu even after the other's growth spurt, but honestly, Nemhain had a habit of dwarfing utterly everyone who dared to be around her, just because she was so enormous. Out of courtesy, the female lowered her head so that she was level with Sanzu, her vibrant wings tucked in close to her sides so that she wouldn't block any passerby with them. Blinking slowly, the persona glanced Sanzu over, taking in everything she could about the child, before she eventually spoke, her voice still faintly booming despite the fact that she had been working on not sounding quite so... intimidating, "I am not sure exactly how long you have been sleeping, little one. But I know it has been a while, if Rin's memories are anything to go by. You are... Sanzu, yes? We have not met yet. I am Nemhain, Warringkingdoms's persona." A large part of the fenghuang highly doubted that Sanzu would have any idea what a persona was, nor how she had come to be, but it just felt polite to introduce herself as such. After all, how was it fair for Nemhain to know so much about someone who didn't know a single thing about her?

Re: float upon the air - return - Warringkingdoms - 01-02-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Sanzu had only been a child when Rin saw her last. Rin didn't know the dragon especially well, but that probably had more to do with how reclusive she had been prior to the takeover than anything about the dragon herself. In those days, she had still been trying to keep her focus solely on the gods, rather than on Elysium itself.

  Hearing a voice calling out in Sanzu's distinctive dialect, though, Rin approached to find that the young dragon had grown much taller. She must have been hibernating- if Rin remembered right, she would have been asleep since before the takeover. That alone might be a bit of a shock, never mind the fact that Elysium was now at odds with a group of fallen gods.

  "It would have been... you went into hibernation in October, right?" Rin asked, standing beside Nemhain. She had to admit, it was useful that Nemhain was capable of acting at a distance- she was still learning how the whole "persona" thing worked. "If so, it's been about three months- it's January now." It was possible she was completely off in her estimate, but considering they'd last encountered each other in October, it sounded right.

  Regardless, after hibernation, Sanzu would probably need a lot to eat and drink- more than whatever bones she was chewing on (it smelled like fish, but regardless of what it had been, it wouldn't be enough). "You must be starving. I'll find you some more to eat," Rin said, twitching her ears. "And some water, for that matter. Do you feel up to walking to the freshkill pile?"


Re: float upon the air - return - fulzanin - 01-02-2020

Most would likely be intimidated by something so large coming towards them. It could be considered a natural instinct, or a learned behavior. It was to no surprise that the youth shuffled a step backwards - but not much more than that mere step. Her head craned up, the bone still being chewed on between her sharp teeth. There was no terror present in Sanzu's red eyes, but rather bewilderment. This person was so fluffy! The bone was dropped from her jaws and she began bouncing in an ever playful mannerism. "I'mmsa Sanzu!" She happily stated upon the other's statement of her name. She was affirming that yes, that was her name, and a nod of her head followed her words. Small wings flapped rapidly back and forth. "Pe'sona? Does th' mean birdie? Big birdie! Big birdie!" Happy chatters came from the little dragon's maw. Her body lowered and wriggled, snatching up the bone in her jaws to try and scrape more sustenance from. By no means was her jaws powerful enough to snap through bone. Hunger prompted her to try nonetheless. Large ears remained perked, tail swinging behind her in a manner that added to her childish yet playful stance. Sanzu was not scared by someone being so much bigger than her. If anything, her childish claims of 'big birdie' cemented her thoughts of the persona that had approached her.

Sanzu's ears swiveled to take note of Rin's approach. The bone again fell from her jaws, and her wings aided a sudden bounce forward towards the Magna. "I'unno what 'n Octyob'r 's but maybe tha's right." Sanzy answered after a brief thought. Dates were not able to be understood by such a young child. The concept went right over her head. Hearing three months seemed to answer it for her - although it was debatable if Sanzu really understood what a 'three' was. Her long tail lowered and swung absently behind her. Her attention again perked when food and water was offered. "Pyease, pyease!" She chattered. Sanzu swiftly bounded closer to the Magna's side, and probably would have continued bouncing around if hunger didn't again remind her of her stance in nutrition with a ferocious growl. A small giggle sounded, and her wide red eyes looked up at the other. "I'mmsa good t' walk! I c'n walk real good!" The green dragon insisted. Her wings flapped a few times before again coming to a rest by her sides, settled from stretching out. Sleeping for so long had crafted many dull aches. Bouncing around like Sanzu was currently was a sure fire way to stretch after three long months of hibernation. The young dragon was as happy as ever, a grin on her maw as she awaited to follow Run to where food and water would be.

today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19:

Re: float upon the air - return - candorosa - 01-03-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Lemy was the third to approach the trio, lifeless blue eyes focused on the dragon. This was obviously a child. Why was no one concerned that a child had been sleeping in a cave for three months? Was there something he wasn't understanding? Hibernation or not that didn't seem very safe—

Lemy switched his train of thoughts before they could get away from him. Well, she seemed fine at the very least. He watched her for a few moments, observing her mannerisms with a slight tilt of his head. "Nice to meet ya, Sanzu! Name's Lemy. Did ya sleep well?" He asked, lightly bouncing on the heels of his paws. Lemy fell silent for a few moments, thoughts churning in his head.

"Hey, Nem, can't ya use your fancy persona powers to bring Sanzie here some food or water?" Lemy asked the fenghuang with a grin, blue eyes sliding towards the persona for a second. "Could probably save Rinny and Sanzu some trouble," he finished offhandedly, tail flicking to the side.

...Though, even if Nemhain listened to him it would still be smart to show Sanzu where she could get food for herself in case no one was around. "What's your favorite food?" He asked the plant-like dragon, beginning to walk toward the freshkill pile. Rin could lead the way; she had offered, after all. She could feed Sanzu, he would rather not touch any raw meat.

/retro ferryman

Re: float upon the air - return - nemhain. - 01-03-2020

Sanzu was... amusing. Yes, amusing was the word that the large fenghuang would use for the child that clumsily stumbled towards her, a huge grin split across her beaklike mouth. Nem simply cocked her head to one side at Sanzu's excited ramblings, but eventually she just spoke softly, no hint of anger in her voice – she had no real reason to be, "Persona does not mean a big bird. But I am a big bird. I am known as a fenghuang." Sure, perhaps Nemhain was not built for these quiet moments, shoved in between the blood pumping battles and exciting awakenings, but that didn't mean she couldn't try, at the very least. The approach of Rin putting Nem even further at ease, and she glanced at the Magna for a moment before blinking at the words that left the female's mouth. Food, and water, for the strange funny child. Yes, she supposed that made sense. The poor thing was so... small. Vulnerable, really. She needed fattening up, as well as taking care of. Nemhain could do that. And even though Rin hadn't technically ordered her too, she was already up and in the air, half flying and half trotting over to where ghe large pile of fresh kill was.

As Nem came to a landing near the pile, she heard Lemy's soft and faintly joking voice, and her head snapped up, blinking slowly at him. Her gaze narrowed for a moment, evidently not overwhelmingly pleased with being order around by someone who wasn't Rin, but not mentioning it. After all, Rin would probably be displeased if Nem snapped and lashed out at a fellow Elysite, and Nemhain had no desire to see her lady angry. So, instead of yelling or grumbling, Nem just shifted a little, mumbling softly, "'Fancy persona powers' are mostly offensive. Persona abilities are not generally created with the intent for peaceful moments." She then turned back to Sanzu, lowering herself in a similar manner to before as she echoed Lemy's sentiment, "I can, however, retrieve Sanzu food from the pile. So yes, what is your favorite food... little one?" The affectionate little naming convention was new, and felt wrong on her tongue, but she thought perhaps it would be comforting, even if it didn't seem as though Sanzu was too unnerved by her presence.

Re: float upon the air - return - fulzanin - 01-03-2020

Sanzu was a very easily distracted youth. Such made sense. She was young, and her attention was all over the place. It wasn't helped by the fact that she had been hibernating for three months straight. Despite being hungry, she was restless. The young dragon wanted to sprint around the territory a few times to stretch out her limbs. Her claws kneaded into the ground, ears perked to listen to the newest one to approach. Did she know him? No. Did that really matter to her? Such was also a no. "I'mmsa Sanzu!" She happily declared her name again, even though the other already knew her name - and had even changed it's pronunciation into a nickname. A question was asked of her, about how she'd slept. Sanzu's face scrunched up, as if having to dedicate a lot of thought into her response. "Uh. Good! I slep' pre'y good! Didn' wake up once. Kinda chilly though. An' hungry! I'mmsa very very very very hungry!" A rapid session of nodding her head followed suit. Her stomach rumbled and complained that photosynthesis wasn't happening fast enough. Of course it wasn't - water was needed for photosynthesis to truly happen, and the little dragon had not drank in the better part of three entire months.

Sanzu had begun to toddle off after Lemy, but Nemhain was moving a whole lot quicker. "Fen...fenh...c'n I jus' say big birdie? I c'n't say that super duper big word," Sanzu then said. Her ears briefly lowered, seeming disdained by her own words. She had tried, really, to say the species. It didn't curl easily from the youth's maw, but she had tried nonetheless. Her expression swiftly rose when again she was asked what her favorite food was. "I really really like cookies! 'N fish! Cookie and fish and cookie and fish, they're the bestest bests!" Sanzu's attitude swiftly lifted back to joy, and she was bouncing along again. Her ears were raised up high again, delight glimmering in her vibrant eyes. Her attention rapidly flickered between the three that had come to greet here upon awaking from her hibernation. "C'n I plyease please have cookie an' fish! I'mmsa very very hungry!" The young dragon had enough manners to say please, at least. Her claws were kneading at the ground again, wings again going sprawling from her sides with little control.

today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19:

Re: float upon the air - return - Warringkingdoms - 01-03-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Sanzu referring to Nemhain as a "big birdie" almost made Rin chuckle- almost. It was amusing, to be sure, but it had been a long while since she had laughed out of sincere amusement. When Sanzu confirmed she was alright with walking, Rin nodded in acknowledgement and started heading towards the freshkill pile.

  Lemy announced his approach with both a greeting and a request for Nemhain to use her "fancy persona powers." Rin could sense a sudden itch of irritation coming from Nemhain, although she wasn't sure how. Perhaps that was simply the way personas worked; she really ought to start studying their bond, to determine their abilities and limits.

  If that was the case, it probably worked the other way as well. Glancing over at Nemhain, Rin attempted to project to her, He's just making a suggestion, not an order. Even if you could do that, you don't have to. They probably ought to determine a priority list of which orders Nemhain should follow in case Rin wasn't there- most of them basic things like "keep the other Elysites out of mortal danger" and "don't start wars"- but that could wait until later.

  Taking note of the fact that Nemhain's powers were primarily offensive in nature, Rin went with the others over to the freshkill pile. Sanzu wanted cookies and fish, and while cookies would probably be easier to find in the town, fish could be found here with little difficulty. "Valerian might still have cookies left," she commented, peering into the freshkill pile and searching for the telltale scales. "I could ask him the next time I see him."

  Finding a fish that she vaguely recalled as a carp of some kind, she passed it over to Sanzu. "If you're still hungry after this we can find more, but start with this," she said, twitching her ears.


Re: float upon the air - return - nemhain. - 01-03-2020

Nemhain, very obviously, could not read Sanzu's mind. After all, Nemhain was tapped into and connected to the mind of Rin, not anybody else, and she didn't really have any desire to peek inside the minds of others. However, Nemhain really didn't need to be connected with Sanzu's mind to tell that the child wanted to move. Much like Nem's restlessness after she had finally awakened from within Rin, Sanzu was restless after waking up from being asleep for so long, and it made Nem feel a sort of kinship to the much smaller little creature. If Sanzu ever wanted to get around more quickly than her tiny legs could ever currently carry her, Nem would be more than happy to let the child rest between her shoulder blades as she sped through the sky as fast as her huge form could move. Sanzu would probably have to hold on pretty damn tightly, of course, but Nem would make sure that she didn't get hurt. After all, the child seemed to like her, and Nemhain also doubted that Rin would be overly pleased if the fenghuang let Sanzu plummet down and get injured, so she would be careful. She had never really needed to be careful before, but... she could learn.

As the fenghuang settled alongside the fresh kill pile, she heard Sanzu's poor attempts to replicate the name of her species, and it was almost enough to make the female laugh. Not in a mocking way, but just at the way that children were so... different. They seemed so odd to Nemhain, who had never really had a childhood to speak of, since she was born from personality and desires, rather than like a normal bird. Slowly nodding her head, Nemhain said simply with a shift of her large wings in something akin to a shrug, "I... do not have any qualms about you simply saying... 'big birdie.' Although you can simple call me Nem, if that is easier for you, lady Sanzu." She then listened closely when the child provided the information on her favorite foods, the large avian's scrunching up a bit in confusion at the first part. Cookies...? She knew what cookies were, and could remember them from Rin's memories, but... such an odd thing to have as a favorite food. Nem then lifted her head, stiffening a bit when she heard Rin's voice inside of her head. Even for the persona, it would take some... time. To get used to being awake, and actually being able to communicate with Rin. Dipping her head a but, Nem sent back through their connection, shifting on her talons, Very well, lady Rin. She then said softly, glancing at the fish that Rin had gotten for Sanzu, "While you enjoy that... I will obtain you some water, as well." Nemhain then cocked her head to one side for a moment, watching Sanzu's reaction, before she launched herself back up into the sky, flapping off to go get the child a bucket of water.

Re: float upon the air - return - fulzanin - 01-03-2020

Sanzu’s pace was pretty quick for someone who had been sleeping for three months. It was a deep need being fulfilled, to hop about and stretch her limbs that had not been used for an extended period of time. Her wings occasionally shot out from her sides and began rapidly flapping. They didn’t generate much lift. The limbs of question were still too small in order to allow her to actually lift off the ground. Stretching was what the rapid movements actually accomplished. Her tail swung rapidly behind her as she followed behind Rin and Lemy and Nemhain. Small talons struggled to keep up, but the young dragon was not deterred in the slightest. “Who’s Valerian? They like cookies? W should bake all th’ cookies! When c’n we make cookies?” Sanzu then asked. She had gone three entire months without any interaction due to hibernation. People had come and gone. Sanzu, sadly, was not aware of such due to her childish nature.

When a carp was set before the small dragon, Sanzu had to take a moment to fully grasp the size of the sustenance being provided to her. Her claws curled around the fish and she tugged it closer to her. “Why a qyualm?” She briefly asked. As usual, her awkward pronunciations got in the way, but her question most managed to make sense nonetheless. Nem worked too. It as a lot shorter than ‘big birder’ was. She nodded her head, agreeing with the name that she decided to use. When Nemhain left the little dragon finally sunk her teeth into the fish that she had been provided. Enough distractions! She was absolutely starving, and couldn’t stand to stare at the food and not eat for a moment longer! Her red eyes widened and hastily she began to rip into the fish with frenzy. Any person with as much hunger as the youth was experiencing would likely do the same. Talons curled around the fish as if afraid someone would try to take it from her - or to simply hold it still. Sanzu made swift work of the fish.

Slowly she slumped down upon practically reducing the kill to mere bones. “Isss good fish,” Sanzu mumbled, seeming content with the food that had been provided to her. The fluffy end of her tail absently swung behind her. Her scales had been pale due to the lack of energy poured into them and the lack of photosynthesis occurring over the course of three months. They certainly did begin to brighten up slowly as energy was reclaimed from the fish. Her head perked up a little after a few seconds of rest - undoubtedly facing brief exhaustion from munching down a large meal so swiftly. “Where’s Nine? ‘N Player? ‘N Kanga? ‘N eve’yone else?” The young dragon asked, red eyes flickering towards the Magna. A brief glance had been given to Lemy prior, and a toothy grin. She did want to know where her somewhat parental figures had gone, after all. Her innocent expression spoke for her, that she had no idea that there had been a raid, that people had left or died. Absently her claws fumbled with one of the carp’s bones.

today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19: