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unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - Printable Version

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unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - fulzanin - 12-29-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
The dinosaur's body was a little easier to control than her wyvern one. It was a little bit odd. This body that she had been in for a shorter amount of time was more comfortable to her than the one she'd been stuck in for the longer period of time. This body didn't even wings like she was mostly used to. Wings that were her saving grace for her balance, just as her tail was. Now her tail was odd, too, and had a heavy weight at the end. She had yet to realize that it was dense like a smacking club. Instead she just assumed it was due to the sheer amount of fluff that plumed and hid the dense, bony ending of her skeleton. Perhaps when she finally realized it's use it would be of more use to her. For now, it was an annoyance. Aslisk did not do well when her mind was plagued by annoyances. It turned her already hostile attitude into a ferocious, snarling mess. It was a trait of hers that was deeply intertwined with her being. This body had removed some of the most prominent memories that caused that behavior, but it remained somewhat nonetheless due to other memories that had not been removed - the youngest and earliest of her memories.

Those memories were harsh. Those memories were painful. Her earliest days were far from pleasant. Those were the days where she was treated as a tool, and item. A means to an end. A thing who's entire reason for existing was to sink teeth and claw into other's and end their lives with absolutely no regard for the fragility of life. Aslisk had broken free from such a trend. How, she didn't know. Aslisk assumed it was from spite. Her mother wanted her to kill, and so she had refused. Then, when she had been forced to do so no matter how hard she resisted, she had barely done enough to meet the requirements. Yes, when her wife had died she had gone off the rails. Who could blame her? The one person that had ever brought her happiness and had not treated her as a tool had died. Who would not go off the rails for such a horrific incident? If she could not be happy, if she had to be treated as the means to an end, why and how could anyone else be different. Lashing out in fury, it had become the norm for her. Aslisk had her wife back now. It didn't mean that the habit died. It didn't mean that she had fully abandoned her vicious tendencies. It still appeared now and again. When she had threatened Redvox's life, or when she had snarled threats when she had been told to return her hoarded bowls to their owners, or when she had furiously lashed out in her room time and time again.

Aslisk's talons curled tightly against a small stick that she had been somewhat gnawing on. She doubted she would ever get used to having more than three teeth. It was even foreign in her wyvern body - but it was far more prevailing in this newer form. There was a restless feeling that had settled onto her today. A need to do something. She needed to get something done right now, or she was going to explode. Gnawing on the branch had been her brief attempt to fix the issue, but it did not settle the energy that coursed through her newest form. Aslisk had finally, after many days of fighting and arguing, decided to rest and heal up her burn wounds. She had wound up shifting forms when laying there with her burn wounds had annoyed her beyond toleration. Her tail slammed against the ground as she heaved herself into a stand. Aslisk surveyed her room, looking for anything to do. Sort the bowl pile was out the window, because that would be for her children to have fun doing whenever she brought the bowls to them. Frustration and a restless energy never go well together - especially not in Aslisk's case. Her teeth clench together, and snap the stick in half. Hissing she exhales a small flame, incinerating the poor stick into a sad pile in a moments notice. She'd deal with the small ashes later.

The sinotyrannus paced around her room for a few moments more, before finally grasping an idea. Something that could possibly be beneficial, something that would help expel this energy, and it could even incorporate a little bit of violence. That thought brought a sick smile to her face. Aslisk still wasn't certain how well the stairs could handle this form. She didn't want to risk breaking them, and so she used her teleportation abilities instead. Getting outside, she used her flaming abilities to easily clear away a patch of snow some distance from the residency. Nitis forbid she earn a rant from the leader about using her fire 'resistance' when she was being careful and only using small, mostly controlled flames. "Alright people, I've noticed a whole lot of lusluing slack around here!" Aslisk barked, her tone filled with vicious intent. "I know it's the holidays or whatever the hask the actual term is, but that is no excuse to stand around and be a bunch of lazy Xiogipa! If you're fit for sparring - and I mean as in your guts aren't out of your body in which case you are lucky that I deem that severe enough to warrant pity - I want you here lusluing now!" She stalked around in small circles, flames splitting forth from her maw. Her feet slammed against the ground, fury unbridled in each and every step. "Pick a partner and spar with them. If you don't want a partner because you don't know anyone and think you're above consequences, you'll be sparring against me. I'm going to be watching, so try and not sputter around like a hatchling with no eyes." Aslisk's long tail swung behind her, red eyes narrowed in a manner most ferocious. "I don't want any blood spilled, but I don't want you going easy on each other because 'oh this is my friend they'd never hurt me'. Spar for your lusluing well being and for the rights to say you can protect your hasking friends, then." Her harsh rant ended with a puff of flames coming from her, and her talons twitched with absolute anticipation.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - redvox. - 12-31-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Sparring. Sparring had never been something that Vox had ever been a particularly big fan of, even when he had been a feline instead of his current awkward hybrid form that made it difficult to fight. He just... he didn't enjoy injuring others, and even if the point of sparring ultimately wasn't actually to injure your opponent, he had seen far too many accidents happen in the past to truly feel safe about participating in it. That was one of the main reasons that he had never attempted to have a groupwide sparring session for the Halls, even if it might have been beneficial to get a read on the skills that everyone possessed. It just... didn't feel right to him. He much preferred only using his claws when it came to a real battle, and even then he wasn't particularly good at fighting. As mentioned before, his current hybrid form of goat and bat was awkward enough just to move around in – although he had become very used to it over time – so the thought of fighting with it? He had attempted to train in such things before, but it had never really happened right. He was never able to get that sort of familiarity that came with using your body in the correct way to fight, and he wasn't sure if that was the fault of inexperience, or just a side effect of being... well, him. Still, he had little idea how to use his wings and hooves in combat, even with the sharp talons that sat on the edge of his wings along with the razor like fangs that lined the inside of his mouth. He knew he had the tools necessary to potentially be a very intimidating creature, even with his relatively small size – well, small compared to some of the other creatures that lingered in the wilds – but he had no idea how to use those tools to the fullest. Hadley had attempted to teach him how to, once or twice, when she had still been around, but even then, that had been back when he was a feline, and the same motions she had taught him didn't work anymore. No longer could he reach out with soft paws that hid many tiny daggers in order to sink them down into someone's flesh. Now all he had was one large and sharp claw at the end of his wing that could still sink down into flesh, but usually ended up hooked, and couldn't be yanked away as easily so that he could escape from the oncoming onslaught of attacks.

Overall, Vinny had really been hoping that he wouldn't ever have to worry about fighting that much. After all, the Halls wasn't meant to be an antagonistic group, and they only really engaged in combat if it was fully and truly necessary, but... it seemed as though his hopes were going to be quickly dashed. Although the Halls had only been around for a few months, already their little dance invitations had caused issues with others, and it was to the point where he wasn't sure if they could avoid becoming enemies with Tanglewood... he wholeheartedly hoped that tensions could die down and things could be resolved peacefully and sensibly, but that was the entire reason why he planned on holding a group discussion soon. This wasn't only his decision to make, and if others felt as though Tanglewood was acting unjustly and needed to be brought down to enemy status... well, it could lead to fighting in the future, as much as Vin desperately wanted to avoid such a possibility. Still, if things did end up coming to blows in the future... Tanglewood had quite a few powerful fighters. Hell, he had even seen several of them when he had gone to give them their invitation. They would need to be primed and ready to take on more and possibly stronger enemies, even if they hadn't originally been planning to. Of course, this was all hypothetical, and he was unsure in anyone would even be for Tanglewood being knocked down a slot, but if they were, there would probably be problems with needing to fight. He knew a few members of the Halls were pretty good fighters, or at least decent, but he also knew plenty who were too small to fight effectively, or weren't experienced in fighting, or just simply were against fighting in general, like Kamara. All he could really do was hope and pray that they would be able to withstand an attack if it came, even if it meant having to turn to allies, something that they would hopefully have very soon. Jesus, just the thought of the coming discussions and possible challenges was enough to make Vin's head spin, and he almost didn't want to get up when he finally processed Aslisk's words, echoing throughout the air and up to the building she was down in front of. Once again, the exhausted Harbinger considered just staying in bed, but once again he found his wings and his hooves betraying him, carrying him downward to where Aslisk was.

Soon enough the male was down at the ground floor of the building, and he took a deep breath before climbing out one of the windows in the front, wincing when the bitter bite of the cold invaded his bones. He took a deep breath before moving over to where Aslisk was, glancing around for a moment before settling in a spot where there was little snow, glad that she had used her powers productively for once. There was no one else truly there yet, although he could see a few npcs milling about nearby and a few peeking out from the fortress curiously, some weighing their options of whether they wanted to participate or not. Focusing his attention on the "teacher" of this little exercise, Vox allowed himself to stretch until his muscles popped pleasantly, everything relaxing in anticipation for a fight that would need him to be limber and ready to pounce. Once he felt like he was prepared, Vinny suggested softly, his head tilting to one side so that his horns were faintly glowing in the midday light, "Aslisk? Ya mind maybe sparrin' with me? It's been a helluva long time since I've actually done anythin' like this, 'n' even then, I'm not too great with fightin'. Perhaps ya could show me a few things." Alright, perhaps he was laying it on a little thick to make Aslisk feel useful, but he did genuinely mean his words. After all, he needed a bit more guidance with fighting, and who better to do so than the wyvern – now dinosaur, he supposed – who constantly seemed as though she was ready for a fight?

Re: unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - candorosa - 01-02-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Fighting. It was a foreign concept to his scrambled memories, as he had no recollection of ever participating in combat. Despite that, Marlon could say with certainty that he did know how to fight if ever prompted. He found that it was like stretching an old muscle after a period of disuse or returning to a hobby one had taken a break on. Uncomfortably familiar.

When Marlon heard the call for a sparring session, he promptly changed his course to the source of the call. Aslisk's comments did send a brief jolt of shame running through him. He had to admit that he had been slacking off. After all, he had practically evaporated right after joining. He had his reasons but he had a feeling his audience might not care for them.

Marlon arrived just in time to hear Redvox asking Aslisk if they could partner up. And there was no one else around. Damn. He couldn't just stand around fiddling with his paws though. He bit the inside of his cheek as he cast his azure eyes out, hoping to see another Halls member approaching so he could snag them up as his partner.

After a moment or two of nervously flicking his tail, he turned toward Aslisk. "I don't have a partner at the moment. Would you prefer a three-way fight? Or...would you like me to wait?" He better make sure. Marlon was fine with either; if no one showed up he supposed he could just jog the perimeter. Get some some stretches? Ugh, that sounded stupid.

Re: unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - fulzanin - 01-02-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Her red gaze glared down at NPC's that looked as if they thought they had a choice on whether or not they should attend. She'd made her point about them attending. Aslisk's sharp gaze etched their faces into her memory - she'd track them down later and make them realize what a horrific error that had been. Slowly her gaze moved away from tentative persons and instead to the Harbringer. Her claws flexed in an absent manner, and a soft hum parted her jaws. Spar with the leader? It was such a deep desire now that it had come to mind. Fighting was how respect was earned no matter where she had lived - prior to here, of course. You fought to earn your place, and that was how it was, and there was no room for debate. It was lighter than 'your respect is only considered by how many lives you've claimed' but was violent, nonetheless. "Hm. Sure." The sinotyrannus shrugged, and stepped a few paces away. Small, tiny flames rippled where her feathers and fur brushed together - Aslisk still had yet to get those powers under control. They were lessened in their devastation now that they weren't sputtering from several different limbs all at the same time, but dangerous nonetheless.

Her horned head turned to Marlon, pupils slitting down in size to the size of a turned paper. Slowly her tail swung behind her, brushing away snow and frost. Having a heavy and plush coat of fluff kept her warm, which was certainly nice. "Well, I would have thought more people would have shown up. Guess I've got to hunt them down later and give them as equally a personal lesson. How about whoever wins this spar gets to be your sparring buddy? Sounds fair?" The purple beast's head tilted to the side, nearing a genuine question - as if for once she was actually managing to care about something that wasn't her nonsense of the norm. Slowly Aslisk's attention returned to Redvox, and her sharp teeth parted. "You may start, if you would like." She said. Her legs slightly bend, her talons digging into the ground behind her. A threatening snap of the dense end of her tail in the dirt behind her followed, and a grin of sheer delight sprung onto her face.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - breena - 01-02-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #7b66a8; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 3.3px;"][b]I will try to be the brightest
Well.  She may have been a little reluctant and slow to approach at the call for a sparring session, but Breena popped up nevertheless.  Her dark hues lingered curiously on Aslisk and Redvox, as though uncertain of the match-up.  Aslisk was massive now after all, but... Well.  One could fight smarter, not harder, against a larger opponent.  They'd be fine.

"I'll spar with you," she offered Marlon softly.  Fight the winner was fair, but now she was here and she wasn't interested in doing nothing either.

Breena wasn't much of a fighter.  She could fight, for the most part.  If she had to, she knew she'd hold her own fairly well against an attacker.  She had just never been in such a situation where she had to.  The benefits of a relatively peaceful life, followed up by joining a so-far peaceful group.

Given that, the petite badger glanced warily at her fore-claws.  Terribly long and sharp.  Great tools, but she didn't want to hurt anyone on accident.  Worse, she couldn't sheath them either.

The druid didn't have her shifting powers quite down.  She didn't want to waste time attempting, when it might not work or she finds herself as something she wasn't truly aiming to be.

"If you want, I mean," she added sheepishly.  "You can start too... If you like.Stars.  Well, she could be careful.  And honestly she lacked the honing that came with the practice.

Re: unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - redvox. - 01-02-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Perhaps this... wasn't the best idea. Actually, Vox was fairly sure that this was an absolutely horrible idea. The only power he had to his name was his teleportation, not to mention the fact that Aslisk was so many more feet taller than him now. Before he was fairly sure that Aslisk would win a fight between the two of them if it ever came to that, but he thought that at the very least he'd be able to give her an actual fight. In this new form, however? Well, he wasn't so sure. Still, he had to at least attempt to give it the old college try, and Aslisk now seemed quite intent on going through with this – not to mention the fact that he was pretty sure if he tried to back out now, she would absolutely have his head, given the way she was glaring daggers at the npcs who chose not to participate. Taking a deep breath, the hybrid nodded a little as he heard Aslisk's words, allowing the claws on his wings to sink a bit into the dirt underneath him as he mulled over what the fuck to do now. While he was thinking, Breena came trotting over as well, offering to be the sparring part to Marlon. This put Vin at ease a little bit, his shoulders relaxing slightly as he realized that meant there probably wouldn't be a secondary fight. When Aslisk inevitably won, he didn't really wanna see Marlon get crushed as well. With that dealt with, he turned his attention back to Aslisk, his eyes trailing down over her new form, attempting to figure out where any potential weak point he could exploit might be. He didn't see anything especially glaring, but perhaps her underbelly could be one... all he knew was that he didnt want to be near that tail. Taking a deep breath, Redvox finally moved, rushing forwards towards Aslisk. He attempted to dive underneath her front legs, his muzzle shooting out as he tried to sink his razor sharp teeth into her stomach and tug. Whether or not his attack hit, he would then release and teleport a little bit away to the side of her, not particularly keen on being potentially crushed. He knew he would have to play fast and defensively with this, since if Aslisk got a big hit off on him, he was done.

Re: unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - fulzanin - 01-03-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Slowly Aslisk shifted her weight back and forth. Anticipation flooded her veins, a desire for battle and for conflict to finally be achieved. It was thrilling. It made her heart race, and it was such a wonderful feeling. Sparring, she didn't do often. She was made for the purpose of killing rather than fighting. Her constant episodes of thrashing her body around in what could be deemed tantrums had only provided her with the knowledge for how her body worked. If she wanted for one movement to occur, she now knew how to do so. Aslisk could almost feel the momentary regret that came from the Harbringer. Good, her mind swiftly decided. This would be the best way for her to finally, finally be able to establish some form of respect around here. Battle was how respect was proven in her mind. A spar was close enough for her, and fit the criteria well enough. Red eyes watched the other charge at her, and had begun racing forward to meet him halfway. He dived, though, and her underbelly was tugged at. Thick fur protected her mostly, but skin was tugged at as well. Her feet lifted to stomp, but the other had already teleported. Fury exploded through her, for it reminded her far too well of previous fights that she had engaged in. The other moved off to the side of her, red eyes swiftly taking note of his presence. In an instant she turned, and her jaws opened wide to snag one of the other's horns. A swift jerk of her head downwards followed, trying to slam the Gat into the dirt. Aslisk's body, meanwhile, was moving sideways, and her clubbed tail was raised due to her head being lowered - equally as prepared to swing down on one of the Gat's legs upon releasing her toothy hold. Her arms were rather small, after all. Strong jaws and jagged teeth provided her with an equally as efficient means to slam and grab. She had grown used to using her jaws after her wyvern body, with no arms present on that body in the slightest. It had become common practice to Aslisk, and so she swiftly came to use that adapted behavior.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - redvox. - 01-03-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, one really heartfelt fuck. The beginning of the fight... well, it was okay. It was going well, sort of. He had gotten an actual hit off on Aslisk, and that felt nice, but it didn't really seem as though it had done much. Sure, his razor like teeth had dug into something, but it mostly just felt as if he was getting a mouthful of fur, and even when he tugged downwards, he wasn't rewarded with much except for a grunt from above. His breath was coming out in quick pants as he teleported away, his heart already beating so fast he could hear it in his ears, but he wasn't given much time to dwell on that, since one of his large horns was already being grabbed. Strong jaws snagged down on one of his thick curved horns, and he was being slammed downward into the ground, a wheeze leaving him as all of the air seemed to be knocked out of his lungs. His head was spinning from the impact when she began to move her tail, and immediately a sense of panic began to fill him. He knew he couldn't let her hit him with that tail. If he did, then it was all over, and he wasn't even sure he'd be able to walk if she brought it down on his leg. Still faintly breathless, the gat yanked his legs up just in time to avoid having one of them crushed, scrambling back up to his wings and hooves. The world was still spinning violently in his vision, but he was already running again, speeding along her side. He knew she was faster than him, but he intended on using the one power he actually had to utilize to the fullest. Taking a deep breath, the hybrid leaped up at Aslisk's side, attempting to teleport on top of the huge dinosaur creature's back. If successful, he would clumsily scramble forward, trying to dig his fangs into the back of her neck, the claws on his wings trying to scratch at her shoulders. He had no idea if it would work at all, and he doubted he had a chance in hell at winning, but at least he was putting up a bit of a fight. If he had just rolled over and shown his stomach, he doubted Aslisk's already low level of respect for him would've exactly benefited.

Re: unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - fulzanin - 01-04-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
The thrill of battle was something Aslisk heavily enjoyed. It burned her blood like fire - and honestly the purple beast wasn’t fully certain that her blood’s contests were not flames. She had become irritated to have fallen for such a simple play when the other had dived beneath her. She was a large creature, but she was horrifyingly fast as well. Energy was in every single movement, pent up and ready to explode in a way that mimicked Aslisk’s common rage. Satisfaction flooded her when she slammed the Gat into the ground. Her jaws had to release him in order to pivot enough to try and whack him with her tail. Alas, Redvox had gotten up, and the clubbed end of her tail hit the dirt instead. Aslisk had turned again to charge at him, but he had a head start with his momentum. He was gone, suddenly, which briefly confused her. Thick fur was was great for defensive purposes. It was hard to bite through thick mouthfuls of fluff and feathers. Realizing that someone had teleported on top of you? Less so. When she felt claws scrape at her shoulders and teeth again try and bite through her immense mess of feathers and fluff, she felt a sick grin form on her face. The pain from her shoulders being clawed at stung. The fur there was thinner than the rest of her body to allow her arms to easily move. It stung, and crafted fury - but the grin formed upon her face nonetheless. Aslisk, no matter the body she was in, had long horns that curled forward from the back of her head. Their one purpose? It fit this exact situation: something biting her on her neck. She had been made and crafted for the sole purpose of killing. If she could not defend herself from a bite to the neck - an easy way of killing for sure - then what use would she be? Horns could have many different uses depending on their density and structure. The dinosaur’s horns? Their sole purpose was for smacking things away from the back of her neck where she could not reach. Aslisk tipped her head upwards, lowering her horns as a result - yet another counterbalance as her tail was to her head. Then, with a sharp turn, her horns would smack into the Harbringer whom was biting at her neck. This body had caused them to be even longer than usual, and made reaching someone who was on her back far more simple. Small flames briefly came from her parted maw, her center of balance stumbling a little. If her horns smacked into Redvox enough to briefly dislodge him, one of his wings would be found to be attempted to be grabbed. If the initial smacking of her horns had been unsuccessful, she kept on twisting her head, battering repeatedly at the opponent where her arms and jaws could not reach - but at the same time, dense fluff kept her from being harmed more than brief tugs. The arms of the Sinotyrannus were somewhat long. Aslisk tried to grab one of his wings and yank her opponent from her back and throw him forward should the force of the blow from her horns dislodged him. The angle was somewhat downwards, likely again trying to stun him by throwing him harshly into the dirt. If all previous strikes had been successful and she had needed managed to throw him, Aslisk would lower her head and then began charging forward yet again, now with the intent to pin one of the other’s wings beneath a sharply tipped foot.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: unite the children of the bleed - o, spar - redvox. - 01-06-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Bertille, now Redvox remembered why he wasn't a fighter. Why he would never be a fighter. Sure, he could fight if it was utterly needed, but to get some sick thrill from it? He could never relate to that. Even in this exercise, one that ultimately wouldn't end with some kind of death, Vinny could feel a spike of anxiety and panic running through his very being, screaming at him to turn around and run. This anxiety was what caused him to loosen his clawing grip for a moment. This, of course, was a huge mistake. Right as his claws paused in their rapid scratching for a moment, he was hit straight in the side with a large curled horn. For not the first time in this fight, the very air in his lungs was slammed out of him, his small body connecting with the ground with a slam that made his ears ring. Everything sounded so sharp and echoey, and he found himself groaning in pain. He wanted to stop. He wanted to stop so very much now. However, it seemed as though Aslisk wasn't ready to, because one of his wings was suddenly being grabbed. As soon as he felt force on one of his wings, his panic turned up to 11. His wings, despite being his largest and most prominent limbs, were fragile and carefully crafted, made just large enough to allow him to glide and move around, but not strong enough to avoid being ripped or critically injured. Just the thought of such a thing happening nearly sent Vin into hysterics, his breath coming out in harsh pants that were somewhat akin to hyperventilating. He really hadn't wanted to panic in front of Aslisk, but he couldn't help it. Besides, it wasn't as if he would truly be losing that much respect from her. How much respect did she really have for him in the first place? One of the first things she had done upon getting her had been to threaten him.

His thoughts were a jumbled mess as Aslisk grabbed his wing, and he found himself just numbly staring ahead for a moment, no plan popping into his mind to help get him out of this situation. No matter what he did, he didn't have the size, speed, or powers that Aslisk had. Sure, he could use strategy, but that's what he had been trying to do, admit hadn't exactly been going amazingly for him thus far. Aslisk's new form was just too strong for him, who only had his claws and teeth to rely on. Therefore, when Aslisk pinned one of his wings beneath her foot, he had no intention of fighting any further. Desperately struggling against his breath to calm it into something that wasn't just outright panic, the Harbinger spoke up at that moment, "Aslisk... Aslisk, I yield. I fuckin' yield. Get offa me." His voice was commanding in that moment, but it was pretty clear that he was still panicking inside, and he had to resist the urge to pull his wings out from under her him. He knew very well that if he just took that route and tried to yank as hard as he could, it was very possible that his wing could tear, and not only would that put him in some extreme pain, but he also wouldn't be able to do any gliding, and it would make it difficult for him to get around. Really, all he could hope was that Aslisk actually backed down, since if she didn't, he didn't really have any backup plan to speak of. He prayed to Bertille that she did back down, considering this was just supposed to be a simple sparring event, and not something that ended in death or serious injury.