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...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - Printable Version

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...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - Blazic - 12-23-2019

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - arcy - 12-23-2019

//mobile ... short (pensive emoji)
Somehow. Crowley isn't surprised that the first thing they do after waking up is get into trouble.
What is surprising was that it was fire. Crowley'd handled it a few times, and they liked the warmth and the smell, but couldn't help thinking about .. well, hell.
Crowley, however, is very decidedly not Actually thinking about this. Or much of anything in fact. They're out of the loop, and, honestly. Crowley doesn't care yet. They're tired, and if they spend the week being bothered by Feza and entertaining Snarl, so be it.
"D'ya think we're lookin to scare people a bit?" Crowley grins, wicked. They're not looking forward to sharing their alcohol with, well -- anyone besides Snarl. It's top shelf stuff. Crowley is a serval of culture, thank you very much, and it's hard to get these days. "Get the feelin' most people would announce this sorta thing before, y'know, making a giant fire," They lay their head on their paws, willing their eye not to slide shut. They're not tired. They want to sleep. They aren't going to. They've wasted weeks, anyways. Their tail curls around themselves as they yawn lazily. Even if nobody turns up and sticks around -- well. Crowley still isn't sure if they appreciate the fire part or not, but they're not opposed to the companionship. They like Snarl, somehoe.

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - THEM - 12-24-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He isn't one to stray this far from town so late into the evening, especially without an accompanying patrol - Kaz wouldn't risk getting caught alone if something were to go south, should he happen to wander into the wrong place at the wrong time. But the scent of smoke that drifts through the crisp air makes his ears flatten and his interest pique, distant but constant enough that he recognizes it as more than just the remnants of a fireplace burning in the village. He squints, suspicious, when he spots the glint of orange light dancing on the horizon. Of course, his mind screams arson, an attack, but he figures his tendency towards overreaction is coming into play when he remembers that a number of clans are too preoccupied with winter festivities - or the martial law imparted by takeover - to attempt a move so brash.

He forces the stiffness out of his shoulders, remembers where he is, who he's with. Things aren't as precarious here - he's safer between these borders, as far as he's ever been concerned. Still. He just wants to be certain.

When Kaz is close enough, paws cold and expression soured by the icy wind, he recognizes Snarl attending to a tall flame. Immediately, he relaxes; he recognizes the hyena from his previous training session, as well as the serval at her side. The looming barn casts a shadow over the little clearing, and as he trots between the ruts in the dirt path where truck tires once carved muddy valleys, Kazuhira tips his chin in greeting. He's still reserved, polite in that stilted manner that he'd come to embody in his past few weeks here, but the sight of drinks and friendly faces (whom, he should note, did well to impress him during his surprise drill) takes the edge away from his normally hard expression.

(He doesn't mean to be so harsh. Really, he'd like to think himself nicer than that, but when the work called for it - and Tanglewood, so far, was a mountain of work he'd yet to tackle - he forced himself to differentiate from the friendly face he projected in a more intimate setting.)

(In the grand scheme of earned respect, though, he likes what he's seeing from these two so far. So, he smiles.)

"Hell of a campfire," Kazuhira hums, not waiting for an invitation before he reaches for the bottle in Snarl's paws. In the dim evening light he'd allowed his shades to slip down the length of his muzzle, but the sharp contrast of the firelight against the shadows makes him subconsciously adjust the sunglasses on his nose. A sip from the bottle, and he winces. It's strong - good. "S'Nice to see you two. It's a good night for this sort of thing, hm?"

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - wormwood. - 12-24-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Tanglewood was not the kind of group where you would get too horrendously in trouble for organizing some kind of event without consulting anyone. Hell, organizing events without consulting people had been part of the reason that Aurum had been promoted, much to his own surprise. Still, to organize an event where you were making a giant fucking fire and not tell anyone? Well, that did leave a bit of a bad taste in the lion's mouth. The moment the first coils of the scent of smoke reached his nose, he felt himself tensing up. It wasn't as if using fire as a weapon was unheard of around here, and Aurum wasn't too keen on the entire swamp going up in flames. He had come to love this place, despite its many flaws, and he didn't particularly want to have to go bolting through the territory to make sure that everyone made it out alright... constantly petrified that he had missed someone. Anyways, needless to say, the sight of smoke bursting up in large curling clouds above the trees did not exactly put Aurum at ease, and the lion found himself up and in the air before he knew it, his own flame colored wings carrying him above the tree tops. The wind blew strong through his fur as he soared above the swamp towards the source of the smoke, eventually coming upon the bonfire that Snarl had constructed. He frowned slightly when he spotted the tiny form of Crowley down below, but opted to ignore the demon's presence, instead focusing on the far more urgent matter of the fire. It didn't look to be a threat or anything besides a random fire constructed by one of the members of Tanglewood, but that still didn't exactly make him happy, and he wished Snarl had at least mentioned to someone what the fuck she was going to do.

As he descended down towards the ground, Aurum faintly wondered why exactly Snarl had decided to set up some kind of giant bonfire. If it was Feza, he probably would've been able to understand, since she was constantly putting together events that were vaguely disruptive, although she had been getting better at that as of late. Still, the excuse of boredom probably would've never crossed his mind in a million years. Perhaps it was just because of his position, or perhaps because he had a family, or had been here for longer than Snarl had, but Aurum never really found himself to be bored. He was constantly always patrolling somewhere, doing something, taking care of something, or even just reading something. It felt like his time was constantly full, and he probably would've relished in the feeling of boredom for a while. However, even where he did get a bit of downtime, it was often just spent on sleeping for hours at the request of Roy, so he hardly had time to just feel bored then either. This wasn't entirely a complaint, really. Aurum loved his life, and he loved having things to do that could benefit Tanglewood, so it was really a win win. But he just didn't really feel like he could ever relate to the feeling of just setting something on fire just for the hell of it. He would've said he was ashamed of Crowley for participating in such a thing, but he honestly wasn't all that surprised by it. Crowley liked heat, and was usually too much of a pushover to refuse a plan, so why wouldn't he go along with what Snarl had constructed? The presence of Miller surprised him somewhat, simply thanks to the fact that he would've figured the other wouldn't be particularly fond of such a meaningless extra activity that wasn't meant to be honing anyone's skills, or really benefiting Tanglewood at all, save perhaps for morale.

Aurum firmly shook off his slightly cruel thoughts as he came to a landing nearby, padding closer and making a soft noise as the warmth of the flames soaked into his golden fur. It did feel a bit nice, but Aurum was prone to overheating thanks to his thick fur, so he found himself skirting the edge of the fire as he ignored Crowley, moving over to where Snarl was. Eying the flames in front of him, the angel rumbled softly, looking at the hyena with the hint of a frown, "Hardly a campfire... it's a bonfire. You better be careful not to get anything else on fire. I'd prefer if our nice big forest didn't go up in flames." He was trying not to be a buzzkill, and his tone wasn't even particularly demanding or irritated, but he just wanted to make sure they were being watchful. No offense meant, but Snarl didnt particularly seem the type to go over every safety precaution in her head.
template by orion

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - Blazic - 12-24-2019

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - fulzanin - 12-29-2019

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fire contradicted Feza's icy dragon body. The snow leopard preferred the cold to the warmth. Her dense pelt meant that being hot was common, and overheating was a massive danger. She now possessed a small, scaly body that would allow for her to easily escape the issues of being an endothermic creature with a thick pelt by her entire body being changed to a different species in it's entirety. Feza wasn't skilled with fire. She wanted sparklers, yes, for a future party plan. It was going to be a great day - and her mind derailed into questioning if sparklers could even be comparable to the bonfire that she was trotting up on. Smoke had attracted her, and the sight of the blazing light as well. Ever the person to love to attend a congregation, a smile was on her vibrant face as she approached. "This is a super cool fire! It's like a super big, a really big campfire. Ah, I should have, I could have brought some s'mores if I'd, if I'd have known we were gonna have an, uh, an awesome fire today."

Feza of course rambled. It was her way of speaking, heavily engraved into nearly every aspect of her being. Unable to sit still, bouncing on her paws. The ever happy tone to her words. Had she met this hyena before? Feza didn't think so. There'd been another hyena here before, but Feza hadn't really ever interacted with that person either. Her ears raised, and attention briefly shifted away from the one who had created the fire to the flames themselves. "So you're, you're a fire expert? That's really cool. Except not, because fire's hot, not, it's not actually cool." The vibrant feline rambled, making some vague gesture with a paw to the massive flames that were present and still burning. She could never hope to create such a massive fire. It was a spectacle in it's own right, and Feza's eyes were wide with sheer wonder and awe.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - wormwood. - 12-29-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Boredom. In all honesty, Aurum considered boredom to be a luxury that he didn't often have. In fact, he could barely remember the last time he had been honestly and truly bored, rather than utterly caught up in something he desperately needed to help with. That wasn't exactly really a complaint, after all, he loved everything he did in and for Tanglewood, but that didn't mean that occasionally he didn't wish he couldn't just be bored for a little while. To just... allow himself to relax, and stare off into the distance without a thought in his mind. Snarl might've thought of that as a curse, or something to desperately stave off with things like this bonfire, but honestly Aurum could definitely see it as a blessing. Still, he knew more often than not the one who was heaping work upon his shoulders was not anybody else, but rather himself, so he supposed that he didn't have too much room to complain. Snarl, meanwhile... well, he didn't know her extraordinarily well yet, but she certainly seemed like the type to do stupid things in order to entertain herself – somewhat along the lines of Feza, although Feza strove to entertain other people – and he guessed that she'd rather be throwing some potentially dangerous bonfire rather than doing something more mundane but useful, like helping out the older members of the group or helping to snow proof everything, even if Tanglewood rarely got too much snow.

Still, Aurum saw no reason to raise his voice or cause too much of a fuss at this point, especially since the others that were coming around seemed pretty pleased with the bonfire themselves. So, he just kept a single shining blue eye on the flames as Snarl responded to the others, ready to use his fire elementals to shut the situation down should it get out of control. Looking up when the hyena addressed him, Aurum tilted his head to one side and listened to her before rumbling softly, "I know you're not a child, but anybody can be surprised by a sudden fire flare up or something like that. I'll just stick around to make sure things don't get too out of hand. After all, I've got my fire elementals to patch everything up if something does go wrong." His tone was genuine, and didn't sound as mocking as his words could've been coming from someone else. Really, he just sounded like a sort of concerned father or uncle, which made sense considering how he had been focusing more on his little family and Tanglewood lately... speaking of, he very much hoped that Roy wouldn't come by, knowing just how much the boy hated fire. Upon hearing Feza and watching as she scrambled her way over, Aurum just let put a soft snort and turned to observe the flames, far too used to Feza's antics to think too much of her rambling. Although... honestly it was fairly amusing just to witness how Feza chose to introduce herself to someone new. As far as the lion was aware, the group party thrower and Snarl hadn't met yet, yet Feza hadn't even bothered making an attempt to introduce herself or her name, instead moving straight into her frantic rambling from subject to subject, starting with s'mores and ending in discussion about the fire itself. Normally, Aurum would've considered that rude for someone to do, and he still sort of did think it wasn't the most polite thing in the world, but he didn't feel to reprimand her. After all, she was trying her hardest, even if her hardest tended to be awkward and out of the ordinary.
template by orion

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - Blazic - 12-31-2019

SNARL[size=24pt]  [align=center]

Snarl didn't stop her work to talk, or listen. Carefully slid another branch on the pile, only singed her paws a tad. It was about as therapeutic as she got. Flicked her ear, glanced towards reptile that pranced down towards her, rambling and stuttering up a storm.
"S'a real big fire, yer right. Gonna keep gettin' bigger. Hopefully gonna keep it goin' for a good fuckin' while." Slid in another branch, another. Didn't much matter to her, that she didn't know Feza personally - she'd heard of her, vaguely, and even if she didn't, she smelled of Tanglewood. Knew, vaguely, of her new form, had scented it in relation to Feza. Snarl didn't much care who came to her fires - the turnout was sized well enough for her to be happy with so far, but she'd been to much larger. Enough fire to go around, surely, and if hers got so big as she planned, it'd be right hard to quell it.

Let Aurum speak. He's soft. Worried, as always. Constantly concerned, a mother hen. Caught a dark cross over his eyes, before they glinted back. Doesn't think she can keep her fire. Her first response was mostly joking, but she felt the annoyance flare in her chest at his further prodding. Tilted her voice down, didn't give him the grace of a glance.
"Dunno whose watched your fires, bud. Like I said, m'better than a kid. Dealt with flare-ups. Know what 'm doing. Won't get outta hand less I want it to get outta hand, yeah? Don't take kindly t'people snuffin out my flames." Snarl wasn't quite fixing for a fight yet - She was still entertained enough with her fire. Couple more bottles, couple more hours, and maybe that'd be some fun she'd be up for. Could still have some fun now, though. Turned and reached under a pile of branches, filled her face with a toothy grin.
"Like Feza said," Seemed to find what she was looking for, yanking it out. "'M a fire expert, yeah?" A bottle of beer she'd scrounged from the junkyard. Just cheap stuff - Better than nothing, before she'd learned of the serval's stash. Now, though, it was good for party tricks.
"Know what'm doin." Flashed that toothy grin wider for just a moment, stared at Aurum, flames reflecting off her eyes. Smashed the bottle into the base of the fire, which flared and licked happily at the alcohol. No one was in the burn zone, but it was on their side - Though Snarl didn't move, if anyone was surprised, it may have been too close to comfortably stay in place.
The hyena just grinned, for a minute, let the alcohol burn off, before taking her designated Prodding Stick and gently fishing out the shattered pieces of glass into plain dirt - it hadn't had much time to heat up, but the label was embers enough that she kicked some dirt over it. Went back to her firekeeping without a word.

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Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - THEM - 12-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He's gone by his surname for so long that it only comes naturally to introduce himself as such. He figures it's because of formality, or maybe because anyone can share a last name and still be little more than a face in a crowd. Anonymity was a virtue when the world was out to get you. But, in Tanglewood, the need to stay hidden, stay secret, is something that didn't seem quite so necessary when they had such strength in numbers. Now he only shares his surname out of habit.

The drink thrumming in his veins probably isn't all that strong as much as it just burns, but he's already starting to feel a little bolder, a little friendlier. His smile relaxes into something more natural. Maybe Snarl was already climbing the friendship ladder, or he just didn't care enough about old regulations to play tough around the little crowd they'd garnered. "Yeah. Kaz is alright, too." He trusts her not to abuse the power - he'd already heard that Elysium fellow calling him Millie and Mil-Mil, and he isn't sure how many more demeaning nicknames he can take. Kazuhira leans over, prods a stray stick at the base of the fire just to see it spark and smolder.

"Captain, ah, Proxy," Kaz pulls the stick out and brandishes it in Aurum's direction as he approaches, gesticulating with the glowing end. (He was, although he was loathe to admit his lightweight nature, already slipping. Of course it was more fun to lose his inhibitions, though.) "I think we've got it under control." As if to punctuate, Snarl throws a bottle into the fire. He jerks back instinctively at the flare of light, but still laughs, a high and sharp sound that centralizes just behind his teeth. Kaz pushes his burning branch back into the fire, watches the embers re-alight with a crackling, orange glow. "See?"

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - Vathmos - 12-31-2019

Vathmos wasn't sure about her fellow hyenas. To an extent, some sniveling part of her felt like Aurum had replaced her.
She didn't want to think of him that way, so she had staved it off. Aurum didn't hate her leaving. The lion didn't have a bad bone in him. The companionship of other Hyenas was one of the reason she had left. She received no results from her venture, but she wanted to associate with others like her. Other hyenas could understand where Vathmos was coming from and how she felt. They could understand her problems. A hyena could understand her insatiable hunger and fascination for bones. They could understand how she felt about relationships- friend or lover, everyone was just food in the end. If not your food, food for the ground. It should be your food.
That being said, food was plentiful enough in Tanglewood that they did not need to eat their friends. It was strange to Vathmos, but she already had sized up everyone who was edible to her the moment she returned.

This other hyena was certainly edible, but also strange to her. This hyena smelled of smoke and ash, and the bonfire covered any other possible scents in the area. They didn't look like her- they had a longer mohawk and stripes instead of spots. Snarl? That couldn't be their real name. If it was, it was basic. Vathmos' tribemates had different names, like Ozz and Baaznarr. Snarl just sounded strange to her.
She wondered if she would be able to get along with this hyena. Part of her certainly hoped so. The other part... wanted to fight her. Vathmos was the strongest hyena and she needed to prove that. Perhaps later.
She finally came out of her hiding from the underbrush, dirty fur warmed by the fire and Vathmos' face lit up by orange. She was drooling, mouth hung open and panting to combat the heat. Her eyes wandered over everyone there, seeing a few faces she didn't recognize, and a few she did. Her customary hyena laugh leaked out of her mouth, a chortle with high pitches. She wandered from her spot, coming to rest by Aurum and sitting down, continuing to pant as her mind devised an introduction.