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valkyries || open, joining - Printable Version

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valkyries || open, joining - Sympathy - 05-02-2018

kratos — male — snowbound — hard
Three years of uninterrupted snowfall and countless warfare-- enough to end all life on the planet. Following this would be the start of Ragnarök. Such a harsh weather change had been named Fimbulwinter. Kratos knew deep down that the heavy snowfall he was now facing through his trek across the land was not such an event-- not when he could still see green just beyond the horizon. But there was always a chance. The heavy set smilodon had been traveling on his own for what felt like ages, constantly on the move and never having a destination in mind. Why he was here-- well something in his gut lead him to this frozen waste and since he no longer had a reason to stay in his old home, he had left. He could nearly blend in with the backdrop, his once sandy spotted coat now a stark ashy white-- a punishment of crimes long ago. what stood out however, were the rich red markings swirling his shoulder and chest, and the narrowed cold gaze that stared straight ahead. He only stopped when a new scent took over the cool frigid air. Many scents, from many people. The God felt his shoulders tense as he slowly approached what he assumed where the borders, spanning out miles across the snowy terrain. Borders and yet there wasn't a single soul in sight to guard them. It was laughable and foolish. What if he had been hellbent on murdering everyone here? What then? All he had to do was waltz right on in. And while he wasn't currently interested in killing anyone, he also didn't care much for the borderlines and padded right on over to continue his solo trek through the tundra. Though he would keep his guard up and ready just in case those who lived here decided to try anything.

this is really lame bc im like half asleep rn but at least he's here so whatever//

Re: valkyries || open, joining - london r. - 05-02-2018

It was quite a lovely day in London's opinion, though any day would be described the same by the girl as any day in this beautiful tundra was lovely in comparison to the days she had spent her previous home after it's glory days had ended. And on this such lovely day the youthful albino could be found lounging in the tree tops, taking a nap. It was only natural, clouded leopards were known to be more on the nocturnal side of the spectrum, although anytime of day was magnificent in it's own way to the girl. For she had a love for everything, that pure, naive desire to befriend everyone and conquer everything that became scarce in today's society.

The girl's nap was interrupted by some sunlight filtering through the leaves of her chosen tree, and with a yawn, London would slide over the side of the branch, hanging upside down out of the tree. She'd done this many times before, finding it rather easy as her hind ankles had the ability to rotate quite a bit farther than it was for most other species. It was quite an interesting adaptation, though the girl had never really thought much of it as she had previously only known other clouded leopards except for that short period of time in which she had stayed with a pack. However she had never been comfortable enough around them to do something so casual as hanging upside down out of a tree.

Blinking her tired eyes, the girl soon grew aware that she had company, a stranger strolling through her tundra. Well, not really her's it was Snowbound's territory, however she felt at home here, so in some way one might be able to consider it her's. Not that it mattered much anyhow. A smile soon formed upon her maw, once again being oblivious to the fact that this stranger may be a threat. "Hello there Mister, welcome to Snowbound. How may I help you sir?" she would inquire, radiating pleasant vibes within her British accented voice and general demeanor. She stayed there as she was a moment longer dangling off the tree, before realizing that it might seem rude to this stranger. With speed and grace, the girl would release her back paws from the bark, spinning in the air so she landed on all fours. Quite a simple task that she had done a plethora of times before, but it was still a rather interesting display of skills usually hidden by her clumsiness.

Re: valkyries || open, joining - pallid-i - 05-03-2018

There were two people he didn't know.. Harrison had to change that. The kitten scampered over and stood by London, staring at Kratos with awe. "Whoa mister! You look really cool!" He squeaked, tail wagging. "I wanna be like you when I grow up!" He meant in terms of structure, seeing how Harrison didn't know what Kratos does.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: valkyries || open, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-03-2018

War. Killua had seen war plenty of times even during his short lifetime. This is probably what he got when it came to living in the clans for a good amount of time. When his family had first stationed himself in the clans, they warned him that a lot of the clans were barbaric for different reasons. The assassin had figured out that they had mostly been right in the way that they constantly fought each other not even getting remotely close to their own goal. Killua had heard tales of war when he was little, some of the time's assassins were hired during the war which meant that his family would end up getting involved sooner or later. Killua didn't really care about the thought of war because while the clans had everything to lose, it meant that he had nothing to worry about because there was nothing for him to lose in the end. He had no connection with other's, but if his family decided to call war to Snowbound entirely, then it would be his problem because he didn't want anyone in Snowbound to be killed by one of his family members as no one deserved that kind of death. Either way, violence had been a huge portion of his life, and he had killed entire groups all just by himself when he was younger. His family had once said that he had the potential to become the best assassin that had ever lived in the world. It was almost funny to think about because now they probably thought he was wasting his potential by being in the clans but he couldn't be happier to be in the clans right now. He was a fighter, and he always would be. The clans could never change that about him, and there was only one creature that knew who he was and what he was capable of. How dangerous he actually was to the rest of the clan if his family did come to try and get him. He probably wouldn't be able to fight them off. Now, he had someone he wanted to protect. Someone that he didn't want to lose either. The assassin had finally made his first friend, one that actually cared about his well being and not the past that stained his paws red. She cared about who he was now, and he was going to protect her for that. Whether she liked it or not because he knew that she wasn't a fighter anyway. Someone had to defend her, while everyone else was sitting around twiddling their thumbs trying to figure out if they should figure out how to fight and be violent or rely on the likes of the Typhoon to fight their battles for them. Snowbound had a large expanse of territory that they did own, and trying to cover that much territory for one animal was a little bit of a task. However, Killua spent a majority of his time looking through the borders to make sure that there wasn't anything bad that was going on.

It made it easier for him when others had no idea he was approaching thanks to his air elementals and how they worked. Air elementals making it so that he didn't give off any sort of scent, and that it muffled his movements so that he didn't make any noise even while he was walking through the snow. The wildcat had no means to be afraid of anything that walked across the border, and when he caught a scent that had crossed the border, his nose wrinkled. At least it wasn't Typhoon scent, but it was still a scent that he didn't recognize from any of the groups. Not like that meant anything. Considering the scent trail, it would mean that he would end up approaching from behind the Smilodon as he tracked him down fairly easily. While he was walking toward the scene, he heard two familiar voices, and this made his pace quicken even the slightest. Then he saw just how big the other was, and the other was at least the size of Stark. Great. London was there though, and that was his major concern. A scowl spread across his facial features as he waited for his friend to be done speaking before speaking himself. "And you're trespassing." The assassin would state in a low growl, hoping to at least catch the other off guard with his presence. The white Smilodon wasn't going to have fun probably dealing with him, and Killua wasn't going to give him any chances to attack London or even Harrison while he was around. The Snowstriker would move from behind the Smilodon to make sure that he was eventually standing in front of London and Harrison. It was obvious that there was no trust in the assassin's eyes as he flexed his metal claws into the ground. His sapphire blue eyes did turn to look at Harrison, before turning back toward the extinct animal. "It's not a great idea to that much faith into a stranger Harrison." Killua would warn the kitten, his voice keeping leveled instead of sounding like he was scolding. One look at the other's eyes and the way he held himself just told Killua that this guy was a killer. A skill that Killua had developed during his training, as he was able to pick out those in a crowd that would be bad news. It wasn't hard to see when someone was practically like him, but he wasn't an assassin anymore. Didn't mean he couldn't use his skills to defend those around him. "Who are you and the hell do you want?" Killua questioned, more like demanded from smilodon. He was still a Snowstriker, and if he wanted to he could kick the bastard out if he tried anything funny. But now the issue was if he could defend two animals that couldn't defend themselves while being on the offensive. This caused him to glance over his shoulders to look at London and Harrison before turning his head back to look up at the larger wildcat. Didn't matter. He was going to have to try if it ended up in a fight.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: valkyries || open, joining - jacob w.c. - 05-03-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob wasn't a fan of any sort of conflict and did his best to avoid anything that involved fighting, which included war. He wouldn't consider himself to have been part of a war but no one could correct him if he tried. While he'd never gone on a real battlefield, the cities had been a deadly place for someone bearing his names and he'd faced more danger than most did throughout the course of their lives. He even had mental and physical scars to prove as much. Jacob would never claim to have been part of a war, though, and he didn't reference his limp or his scars as battle trophies. If anything, he did his best to pretend they didn't exist. He even went as far as to cover them all up and do his best to counteract the damage that'd been done to his legs in the fire. Not only that but he'd seen more fighting and death than he'd ever wanted to. His Babbo had always been careful around him when it came to discussing or showing him such things but he'd been introduced to it eventually. It was just another part of the business, after all.

In any case, Jacob's thoughts wouldn't remain on such a dark topic for long as he heard a group of voices nearby, most of which he recognized. The chief changed direction and made his way towards the group, thankful to setting down for a moment. Killua and London had already spoken so he remained silent for the time being but he knew he'd have to speak up soon. The creature before them was massive and Jacob didn't want to get on his bad side. He cast an uneasy glanced to Killua as he spoke up but he stayed quiet for now. He'd wait to see what the man intended and then he'd make any decisions after that. As with all joiners, it was only fair to give him an opportunity to speak, even if he was a bit more intimidating than their usual inhabitants.

Re: valkyries || open, joining - Sympathy - 05-03-2018

kratos — male — snowbound — hard

If blood were a permanent mark, Kratos would have been stained with red from head to tail. He was a battle-scarred warrior with quite the heavy number of deaths looming over him. Enemies of war, Demigods, Gods; those who had deserved it had been struck down by his own blade. Even innocents had been a part of the slaughter-- casualties of his own actions from previous events; events fueled by his own thirst for vengeance. He had gotten his wish in the end, though he wondered if it had been worth it to even make that deal that had started it all. Kratos had only wanted to win the war for his home, but instead set of a chain reaction that led to a mass bloodshed.

That past he left behind—the main reason for his appearance in a new land, staring at very unfamiliar faces. He radiated power and heat, his hazel eyes burning with quiet ferocity. Four children, just a hair less than a year old by the looks of it. He was quiet as the girl spoke first, and then the excitable child. Be like him, huh? Perhaps it would be best he wasn’t. The spartan was not exactly the most ideal role model. Then there was Killua, to which he turned his body a bit to watch the young male slink from behind him and to his friends, his eyes narrowed and alert. The bear stared at Jacob as he approached. Was he going to speak? After a few heartbeats, it seemed naught, so he would turn his gaze back to the other three, staring at Killua intently. “As do many others.” He grunted as he was accused of trespassing, flicking his gaze upon the ground, the snow littered with marks of all sorts. He was not the first to trespass, and he would most certainly not be the last. If they wanted to keep people out, they would station guards around the perimeter. “That is none of your concern, boy. My affairs are my own.” He had a right to not tell them a thing, and unless he proved to be a threat, they had no right to chase him out. Though he would give them his name at least. Word of his actions in Greece spread fast, but surely not fast enough to foreign lands such as this. He was merely another stranger here. “Kratos.” He answered simply, hot breath coming out in foggy wisps.


Re: valkyries || open, joining - jacob w.c. - 05-03-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob listened to the bear, a frown coming to his face. He glanced to the others but then realized what needed to be done. He had to speak up and try to order someone to do something. Wonderful. "Uh, well, it is our business, actually. See, ya' came on our territory so we need ta' make sure ya' ain't comin' ta' hurt Snowbound. The group's well bein' is the most important thing ta' all ah' us so ya' ain't goin' past unless ya' got peaceful business 'ere," he tried to keep his voice steady, although his heart pounded wildly in his chest as he looked at the much larger creature. He wasn't really sure what his plan was if the man refused but he would probably think of something. "M' name's Jacob n' I'm the Chief 'ere," he soon added in hopes that maybe pulling rank would allow them to at least get a promise of peace from Kratos. Just looking at the bear, he wasn't sure peace was really an option with someone like this around, especially with some of the other members of the clan, but as long as he wasn't here to intentionally hurt someone, Jacob couldn't do much about the situation.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: valkyries || open, joining - pallid-i - 05-04-2018

Killua always managed to change the child's mind.. Maybe it was because Harrison liked him so much and even thought of him as some kind of family member. The kit's fur bristled and he flattened his ears to his head, growling. "My pa's tough, mister! You should listen to him unless you want your butt kicked!!" He squeaked. He had never actually seen his father in action, and he didn't actually know if Jacob was tough or not, but the kitten just assumed because.. well, his dad was big compared to him, and big people had to be tough right?
i couldn't even keep you

Re: valkyries || open, joining - melantha - 05-04-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt;"]Bears. Melantha hates bears. Almost as much as she hates humans. Always bullying others. Pushing people around and stealing their food. She spent many hungry nights alone because some grizzly male decided to snatch the deer carcass she spent so much time and energy bringing down. Perhaps it is wrong that Melantha allows her previous experiences to shape how she approaches strangers, but she doesn’t care. Almost every prior interaction with the bear species has led her to expect the worst from them. She’s not so dense as to believe her feelings are right, but, thus far, the bear named Kratos has yet to give her reason to believe that he is any different.

A cold expression decorates Melantha’s plain visage as she approaches, quietly stepping through the melting snow to join Killua near the front. Sagacious green eyes regard Kratos with a mixture of hostility and interest. She’s curious as to why he is here, but it is clear that she does not trust him at all. The people of Snowbound (with the exception of Killua, Cry, and herself) are unbelievably trusting and kind people and there is no reason why the newcomer should treat them this way. Not unless he thinks he is better than everyone, or something. ”Shh, Harrison,” she says softly, giving him a look that says “now is not the time.” The kid means well, but Kratos does not come across who is forgiving to anyone, even children. Best not to piss him off. ”We need to know your reasons for being here because it is pertinent to the safety of everyone who lives here,” she says dryly, choosing not to beat around the bush and state the simple facts. Not to say that Jacob can’t handle himself, but he is nice. Melantha is not. It’s the least she can do to support him and show that the people of Snowbound are not to be pushed around.

She narrows her eyes, giving the male another once over. It seems that he is not just any bear, but a mixture between two species. Scars litter his pelt, marring every open space of his body. Was he a warrior of some sort? Perhaps fighting was his profession—that would explain his bad attitude. ”Well, Kratos, my name is Melantha.” No last name, no rank. Those things are all superficial anyways. Her name is the only title that truly matters.

Re: valkyries || open, joining - Sympathy - 05-04-2018

kratos — male — snowbound — hard
Unlike the inhabitants here, Kratos is not a very kind man. He is cold and very blunt. He stops at nothing to achieve his goals, even if he must be rude or do harm to another person. They are right to be wary, especially now that they are merely protecting their home from a potential threat. He sets his burning gaze to Melantha, who speaks only truth. She does not like him, as do many others. The God looks to Harrison, who speaks for his father- the Chief of these parts it seemed. But... he was quite tiny, wasn't he? A child leading a small society. As peculiar as it was, the notion of fighting was brought up, and his mind trailed to the new subject. Kratos met Jacob's gaze, steady and almost questioning. He would not back down from a fight if it came to it, but until Jacob wished to try anything, the bear would not strike. Not until he saw them as threats would he do so. "Traveling home, wherever that may be." he finally answered with a heavy grunt. He had no destination. All he had been planning was to walk until he found somewhere suitable to settle.