Beasts of Beyond
and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - Printable Version

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and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - ✧ alcor ✧ - 05-01-2018

It was going to be a night like any other. The stars were twinkling in the sky, the crickets were chirping, lots of people were sleeping. There was a soft breeze, the sound of leaves rustling in the cool air heard consistently. Nothing seemed amiss.

A faint noise could be heard building up; if one were to look at the sky, they would be able to see.. Something, glittering and getting closer. Fire wrapped around them as they fell, almost appearing to be a shooting star. In fact, one could've made a wish and then called it a night, but they kept falling, directly for the Ascendant's territory.

It didn't take very long. They crashed into the ground with a loud boom, dust and smoke flying up in a cloud around them. A few coughs could be heard from inside the cloud. Whatever had fallen had created a small crater in the ground, and the grass around it was burnt up. For a few minutes, there was no movement. It almost appeared as nothing was alive in the crater.

A small black paw moved out of the cloud, and soon following it came the little body of a young darkly colored tom. A faint glow hung around him, lighting up the area around the crater. A dusting of bright freckles rested on his cheeks, and directly above them lay two sets of eyes. Slowly, one by one, the eyes opened. The cat appeared to wince a bit as he looked around the land they had landed at.

He didn't quite understand why they were here. Had they not been resting up in space mere moments ago? Why had they fallen? His eyebrows furrowed slightly and his tailtip flicked. The unearthly tom cleared his throat and called out, "Hello?! Is anybody out here?"

His voice sounded a little bit panicked. A pit was forming in his stomach; what if they were stranded on an uninhabited planet?

second half of this joining will be responding 2morrow i am just starting it now


Re: and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - sirius - 05-02-2018

  Mizar fell after her brother. Despite being the "older" of the two, she tumbled later. The tiny cat let out a loud yelp as she came crashing down, much less majestic than her brother. She simply face planted into the ground, a small crater around her. She stood with her back arched up for a few short moments before she fell flat against the pull of gravity. The brighter of the two's ear twitched, a moan catching in her throat. She put a paw in front of her head. A second one. And pushed up. She pulled her head out of the dirt, blinking at the world around them.

  Her eyes shined of stardust, their reflection dancing in her eyes. Mizar tilted her head, pushing herself up into a sitting position. She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand before turning her head to scan her surroundings. Well. This was... different. The young cat cooed, slowly standing up. She was shaky on her new legs, wobbling and tumbling before she finally learned her balance. The light blue cat giggled and snorted. Gravity was silly!

  She eventually spotted her twin, who she bounded up to, a bright smile on her face. How could he be upset this place was amazing! Mizar forced herself up onto her hind legs, twirling and reaching up to the heavens above before falling back into the grass. Her bright white eyes sighed as she stared up into space. Is that what they looked like to mortals? It was so pretty... she could even spot their colony from here!
Let's go to see the stars and the moon

Re: and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - BASTILLEPAW - 05-02-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille barely slept, recently. At times he would suddenly crash in the middle of the day and retreat back into his room to thankfully, blessedly, get some sleep -- but otherwise, he was running low on it and often could not fall asleep at night. There was too much energy pent up in his veins, too much anger and tension, not to mention the goddamn headaches that had been plaguing him for a month or so now. So, he usually defaulted to patrolling at night, idly wandering the border for lack of ability to just sit in his damn room all night. Sometimes he read, but it was difficult for him to sit still these days. He was convinced that he could only be entirely content when he was moving, and that didn't even really mean much.

So, he was out patrolling when the stars fell. He didn't really pay them close attention -- he was not the type to wish upon a star and hope his life suddenly stopped sucking. Bastille didn't really have beliefs in higher existence, or luck, or wishes. What did catch his attention, however, were the sudden auras that appeared on their border, seemingly out of no where. Scowling slightly, the bengal headed in their direction, his gaze sweeping over the twins as he arrived. Glittery, these two. Their auras were... interesting. Old, somehow, and brighter than usual. Bast squinted slightly at them, and drawled idly, "Uh, you're on Ascendants territory. Did you need something, or...?"

Re: and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - Character Graveyard. - 05-02-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
A pair of siblings, a brother and a sister. How nice to see, if Luna hadn't been longing to feel the presence of her elder brother beside her once more.

The female found herself taking a seat right next to her apprentice, whom she gave a quick smile before she had turned her attention to the two young siblings. "Would both of you mind telling us your names?"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - Suiteheart - 05-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart fell in line beside Lunafreya. The voices had caught her ears, and as it seemed like the conversation were questions directed at newcomers, she wanted to see just who was joining. What her eyes were greeted with was somewhat of a surprise.

The polar bear looked upon the twins with sadness in her heart, for they reminded her of the souls. She hoped that, wherever the triplets were, they were okay. Maybe they would have each other, just like these two did.

The large creature remained silent, dismissing the flash of grief on her face. This was no time to trouble others. No. Instead, she would offer the pair a gentle grin. No need to scare off possible joiners, was there?

Re: and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - ✧ alcor ✧ - 05-03-2018

Alcor couldn't help smiling at his sisters' wonder; leave it to her to make the best possible of a situation. "It is pretty nice, I agree, but what if it's dangerous? How will we get back home?" He shook his head slowly and decided he'd deal with it later. For now, they could scope out their surroundings.

When the grey cat approached, Alcor turned all four eyes towards him, head tilting slightly. "Ascendants? Who is that? Are you Ascendants? We're very sorry, we don't know where we are. You see, we just got here, and this place is very different from what we're used to."

When the white one came up and sat next to the grey one, he supposed perhaps they had both been going around this territory together. Alcor didn't really think it was proper manners to ask for someones name without introducing yourself, but he guessed down here it might be a bit different. "I'm Alcor, and this is my older sister Mizar."

When the polar bear approached, Alcor really started debating to himself whether or not all the animals here had some ability to sense others nearby. Three people approaching them mere minutes after they had fallen? It was.. Confusing. He stared up at it, eyes blinking one by one. It was huge. The grin it gave them was a bit scary; all sharp teeth. He couldn't judge, for he also had primarily sharp teeth. "Hi.. Can you all introduce yourselves now? You know our names."


Re: and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - ★ HAZEL - 05-03-2018

Most members of The Ascendants probably did have the uncanny ability to sense newcomers on their border, spare a few like Bastille, who was weird and patrolled the borders constantly; Suite, who was big enough to see over a mountain in Hazel’s opinion and could probably easily spot the border; Hazel, who spent a good portion of her time either riding, training, or chasing after her colt.

It was in this case that she actually happened to be riding him, trying to get him used to the pull of reins against his mouth. Most of it was just her trying to convince him that she wasn’t intentionally attempting to hurt him.

Luckily, their lesson had ended for the day, and Hazel had draped herself comfortably between Arion’s fuzzy ears. Then he had raised his head, and taken off at a brisk trot, clearly headed for the border. Hazel had no choice but to follow along, which she did without much complaint. Upon arrival, her ears perked up at the sight of an unfamiliar pair of felines on the border. Tipping herself further forward on her colt’s head until he was forced to lower her to the ground, she hopped off and turned to shoo him off. “Go find something to eat,” Hazel told him, her tone fond.

Turning back to the siblings, Hazel managed to make her way next to Suiteheart, probably looking like a speck of dirt next to the polar bear. She curled her tail over her paws, catching the tail end of Alcor’s questions.

“Us,” She piped up, waiting for him to finish speaking. “we’re The Ascendants. It references us as a group, since there’s a - y’know, group of us. We live over in the big dome building -” Listen, she hated the word observatory, okay? “- towards the north west of the peninsula. It’s nice.” Hazel smiled, gaze flickering to the ground for a minute. “All the people here are nice, too. Friendly.”

Hazel dragged her lip gently under her teeth for a moment. “And I’m Hazel.” She tacked on with a small grin. Then she flushed, a bit embarrassed for what she wanted to say next: “I like your names. They’re very pretty.”
— hazel — "speech" — six months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - sirius - 05-03-2018

  There we so many people! It was crazy! The silvery blue cat smiled, tilting her head. For the most part, Alcor seemed to have everything covered. He was always the more chatty between the two anyways. Mizar resorted to smiling at the others. She was a quiet but kind soul. Speaking without reason was a waste of breath. Oxygen was a wonderful thing. No need to waste it.

  The star-cat hummed under her breath, eyes and head absentmindedly turning and observing her surroundings. There was so much to see. Mountains, trees, plants, and... a giant building? How strange. She stared at the observatory for a few moments before her ears perked up to Hazel's words. It was their home? That giant place? But mortals were so tiny! Why such a big home? Mizar hummed, confused. They were weird.

  Miss Hazel liked their names too. Mizar liked her name. It was hers anyways. No one elses. No one was allowed to have her name cuz she liked it very much and thus planned to keep it.
Let's go to see the stars and the moon

Re: and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - Suiteheart - 05-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The polar bear listened as Alcor spoke, but she only half heard. The girl was too busy thinking on a memory. Alcor's many eyes had brought it up: Margaery used to have six eyes, back when her name was Muffet. That had been... almost two years ago? It was wild to think about.

Suiteheart smiled softly at Hazel, dragging herself from her thoughts. She did turn her attention back to the twin felines, however. "My name is Suiteheart, but Suite works just fine. Anyhow, Alcor, Mizar, what're you here for? Are you looking to join?" She hated to cut straight to the point, but she was not much one for dawdling. Not these days anyhow. [color=#73B1B7][b]"And Hazel's right; we've got good friends here. You're more than welcome to stay here, if ya want."

Re: and they fell from the heavens // joining, open - ✧ alcor ✧ - 05-04-2018

Alcor's gaze turned to Hazel and he listened closely as she spoke. A big dome building? That was interesting, the star was fairly certain he and some of his colony had seen a building such as that before. Of course, they had been looking down at the people staring at them from a domed building, and now Alcor supposed they'd be the ones looking up at the stars. "Hello, Hazel, it's very kind of you to say that."

He let out a little laugh as he felt his sister filter through several emotions within seconds; it was always fun to see how quickly her feelings could change. He frowned momentarily as he thought on Suite's question; were they going to join? He guessed it'd be best to, as they were new to this whole environment and joining meant safety. He pondered over it and glanced to his sister. After a few moments of looking towards her, he shrugged.

"Yes, we would like to join, if you're sure it's alright. Mizar seems to think only good things of this place so far, so I think we will stay." At least until they could find a way back to their colony, he thought to himself. They couldn't stay here forever, could they? Their friends had to be worried for them. He didn't think he wanted to abandon his life up in the heavens for some place full of mortals.